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So what's the deal with SF's new soundsystem??

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Is it good or does it sux like some people are saying in another board??

My take:

Exit's: loud--needs better tuning

Twilo's: overall the best--not the most powerful though that's Exit

Vynil: nice bass

Tunnel: good overall--could use some upgrading of front speakers over the bar

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The sytem is an improvement over it's previous setup. Nevertheless, it has one glaring design flaw: acoustics on the main floor under the balcony. The bass is a bit loud and fuzzy. It gets trapped under the balcony and resonates enough to make your ears bleed. I'm convinced that I probably lost some more of my diminishing hearing ability from beeing all cracked out there a few weekends ago. I spent just enough time under the balcony to get from one side of the floor to the other. Unfortunately, that's all it took to make my ear drums feel as if they had Ricky Ricardo playing Babaloo on them.



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I DJ there once a month downstairs, and generally spend some time upstairs...

#1. more speakers does not equal better sound...

#2. there is not enough space for air movement for all the bass which is being pounded into that confined area, which means the signals cut each other out in some cases.

#3. The highs are so loud that you cannot hear for 2 days, it's more like torture than enjoyment, and the only way you could possibly put up with it is if you were cracked out...unless your idea of fun on a saturday night is making your ears bleed.

#4. The system installation was supposed to be completed dec. 15th, supposedly totaling 225,000 watts for the main floor. The system is by GSA.

my ears still hurt from saturday.



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong




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Originally posted by translucent:

Unfortunately, that's all it took to make my ear drums feel as if they had Ricky Ricardo playing Babaloo on them.


Whatever it is, new or old, its loud as hell!! You can't even hear yourself think when your down on the main dancefloor. I don't have a problem with loud music in general and it's ok for the deep dark beats that JP spins, but when there are vocals, it sounds terrible and all muffled.

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well i'm not yearning to have my ears ringing for days afterward, that is what some people consider good system??



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True.. some vocals don't sound as clear as they should, the bass def overpowers them.. I've said it a lot of times myself frown.gif The acapellas sound amazing, and some vocals sound good too. I think it depends on the actual vocal and what sounds it uses for the bass and the voice of the singer..

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