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Hand size / penis size ratio

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well...from personal experience (don't ask, my brother is reading this...)

hand size is a good indicator of glove size, and foot size is a good indicator of shoe size. Beyond that, it's pure speculation.

I've seen guys with big ham sized hands, fingers that wrap around my hands, and they are lucky to have 4.5". I have also seen one boy (18, 5'0", 112# hands like an 11 year old) with a touch over 8.5" of dangling fury.

ichi - XL gloves, hung like a field mouse cwm27.gif


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Originally posted by dszorro:

yo! this message is for tripandtrance64.

You unqestionably have the hottest picture in your signature, or whatever that is.

It brings me to Twilo every fuckin time i see it.

You definitely get Props.

Good job man.


Zorros. The double stacked kind

hey bro, thanks alot.....i took that pic at the last PVD. I lovethat pic and it really brings me back there too....kinda holds me off during the week....takes the Twilo Jones away....LOL....but again...thanks alot bro.



-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me


-----"Please hand me that box of Moose from the glove compartment" a Very stoned Veronica Strata



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Scientifically proven that no body part (hands, feet or nose) can indicate the size of the penis. So just because someone has big hands, feet or nose, doesn't meen he's got a big dick.

**** HOWEVER ****

Studies have shown that larger noses are usually an indication of more testosterone. (both in males & females) And that still doesn't make you more of a man. Some people have high test but not enough receptors...while another guy might have low test yet a lot of receptors so he's utilizing more of his test.

Another study first done on lab rats but then also conducted on a small number of humans showed that the longer your ring finger is to your index finger the higher amounts of test you have. Again...all the boys that have a short ring finger...don't you worry...it doesn't mean anything.

Now before you guys think I have some sort of a complex I'll tell you how I know this. By reading nearly every fitness magazine out there.... testosterone is a very popular subject in weight lifting. One way to boost testosterone naturally? Get some rest...and I think that’s what I should be doing right about now. Good night folks.





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