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Back 2 mine stories...

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Originally posted by dirtyslapper:

my neighbour generously called me the other morning to let me know that one of my 'backtomine' guests was pissing gallons in the hallway. took a wrong turn at the front door I guess. now awaiting my eviction notice.....

and then there was the time when the cat ate all the coke...

LOL, cat ate all the Coke... shit that i would love to see, cat's are arogant enough smile.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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ok, so i'll tell b/c you guys embarrassed yourselves just as bad as i did, i'm still feeling kind've dumb about the whole thing!! this weekend after twilo friday, joe (j303j), andy (aztec), mikey (tyco) and i went back to rob's (roby's) for some more festivites. they decided to drink screwdrivers but i wanted a mimosa b/c i'd brought a bottle of bubbly over....thing is i'd put it in the freezer to make it cold quickly and forgotten to take it out before we went out. so i'm sitting on the couch and take off the wire thingy and the bottle errupts all over the place.......oh god, there was champagne and ice EVERYWHERE, it just wouldn't stop....... i'm talking it covered his whole apt......i can't even describe it! thank god it didn't stain or damage anything.......

well as dumb as i feel, no-one tried to stop me....i think we were all co'd.......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

ok, so i'll tell b/c you guys embarrassed yourselves just as bad as i did, i'm still feeling kind've dumb about the whole thing!! this weekend after twilo friday, joe (j303j), andy (aztec), mikey (tyco) and i went back to rob's (roby's) for some more festivites. they decided to drink screwdrivers but i wanted a mimosa b/c i'd brought a bottle of bubbly over....thing is i'd put it in the freezer to make it cold quickly and forgotten to take it out before we went out. so i'm sitting on the couch and take off the wire thingy and the bottle errupts all over the place.......oh god, there was champagne and ice EVERYWHERE, it just wouldn't stop....... i'm talking it covered his whole apt......i can't even describe it! thank god it didn't stain or damage anything.......

well as dumb as i feel, no-one tried to stop me....i think we were all co'd.......

LOL, that's not all that bad.

What about going for a swim in your very straight friends (who you have known for a week) fountain (outside there apartment), nearly getting beaten up by their door people and walking about a mile through Chicago AND buying champagne while dripping everywhere smile.gif

Or being so pissed that trying to spit on people for a 40th floor apartment sound like a good idea.. but actually talking everybody else in to thinking it was a good idea as well.

Hey on that note, same apartment... a friend put some astro turf on her balcony to spruce it up. In the summer ladybirds congregate on her balcony and breed all over it. There must have been 200 bonking lady bird on there one night... at it for hours, I am telling you lady birds have STAMINA... some of them were at it for hours.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

LOL, that's not all that bad.

What about going for a swim in your very straight friends (who you have known for a week) fountain (outside there apartment), nearly getting beaten up by their door people and walking about a mile through Chicago AND buying champagne while dripping everywhere smile.gif

Or being so pissed that trying to spit on people for a 40th floor apartment sound like a good idea.. but actually talking everybody else in to thinking it was a good idea as well.

Hey on that note, same apartment... a friend put some astro turf on her balcony to spruce it up. In the summer ladybirds congregate on her balcony and breed all over it. There must have been 200 bonking lady bird on there one night... at it for hours, I am telling you lady birds have STAMINA... some of them were at it for hours.

well maybe it wasn't that bad but rob wasn't laughing (at first) and andy made fun of me for the rest of the morning but oh well.....i've done worse but i'm not telling on this board!! speaking of bonking ladybirds - one summer down the jersey shore there was an influx of them, don't know why but they were everywhere......swarms of them. just so happened i had on a bikini with different colored ladybirds all over it and i guess the real ones were digging it. i had to go home and change b/c they were ALL over me....trying to boff my bathing suit, maybe.... ick


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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well w/ all these peeing stories, gotta add one, though it wasn't me

friend of mine had a big party at his house, can't remember the cause, but it was a strictly drinking affair for me and a few close friends while the others did whatever else, and for us means start as soon as you wake up and don't stop all day nite til u can' see and collapse.. so we had our first casuality around 3 am i think and he passed out on the couch. we kept going and weren't really paying attention to him.. a short time later he got up and was still of his face and went to go take a pee but apparently couldnt' make it to the bathroom and decided to pee out the window.. opened up the window and started peeing.. only problem was he forgot to open the screen.. pee'ed right through it and the house stunk when we all finally woke up the next day



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[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Lets talk about the crack head that I bored $3 to get a pack of smokes.

We were walking back to the after hours party to meet everyone. It was about 5 blocks. I told him I would give him the money when I got there and saw my friend who had my bag. On the way back he must have asked me 10 times about the $3.

I flipped when I got to the party this guy drove me nuts.

I shut off the music and said "Excuse me we need to stop the party so I can give this guy his 3 friggin dollars. Then I grabbed my girlfriend gave him the money and ran out of that party.

I can't hang with freaks like that!




The music makes the people come together...

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down the shore this summer, my best friend and I went out for the night with some of his family and family friends that were all staying down the shore too, we all got relatively hammered and went back to our respective sleeping places...well next morning, we went back to my friend's family's house to find out that one person imparticular was really, really smashed...so smashed that at some point in the night, he got up, walked into where the mother was sleeping, took off his pants and proceeded to pee on her, thinking that she was the toilet...then he got himself tangled in the curtains...

needless to say, he was the first person up and out the next morning!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Ok last one from me (not me this time)

After a big night, a group of afters guys decided to go to a Brothel for some paid fun.

SO they go to a place they have herd about, press a button and ask (a little worse for wear) 'erm.. is this a... a... house of ill repute', 'Come on up' comes the answer. After picking what they wanted from the menu, they are escorted in to a room with a shower. So my ferind thinks the he is surposed to have a shower first and hops in. A few minutes later there is one of the freinds screaming that they 'had to go, now'. This guy had already paid, thinking he wan't something for his money he picks up the first things he finds.

So they go back home, not wanting the group back at the house to know what has happend. In the morning his mum calls him 'what are a tub of vaseline and a toilet brush doing in the living room?'


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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sooooo many stories........

xmas eve 97 carl cox played sydney, we had recovery xmas day @ our house spontaneously, had a dj, even some security guys......which came in useful, we invited a couple of people we knew and like a dozen peeps we didn't, and one guy was trying to pick up ALL of the girls, so I got one of the security guys to kick him out......about lunch time I went to xmas lunch with mum and god parents, then back to the party......prob the best xmas ever thinking about it.....

lots more to come but I am @ work!


hapfac01.gif ...............saying farewell to Summer Jan 26....you have been warned! ---------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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after a night of some really good acid, my neighbors woke to the sunrise, pearl jam blasting, and to me atop the roof of our four story house (with a pitched roof - four apartments)

i'm standing at the point of the roof (almost straddling) screaming the lyrics to 'Alive' (on repeat on the stereo as it was and is my favorite song) launching heffenreffer pints (about a 12 pack) at the 4 star hotel two doors down

i forget the name of the hotel, but it's on mill street in newport, ri

then the sounds of 'booowp booowp' made me feel not so alive...


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Ok, you know after clubs you must have invited or been invited back to a Random person/DJ's place for some afters fun..

Lets here some stories, I have loads. So many I won't do it any more, here's one to kick things off.

Ok we went back to a Hotel where most of the DJ's stayed in my home town (most people had been banned from the normal clubs this place was a little better and didn't ask you to check out before 12). Typical group of people, Semi-pro DJ, drug casualties and lots of ladies.

So the DJ and mates are concentrating on two girls one friend is having non of it the other is being rather more receptive. During all this time random drug bloke is jabbering on about nothing. Two girls disappear with DJ into bed room. Everybody is coming down now, and this is the time I hate most at these things. Most people don't know each other and some people just loose their mind, trying to understand people is not easy. Random people decide to empty the mini-bar.

Anyway all hell break loose in the bed room. One of the girls is screaming, just as everybody is looking round at each other trying to fathom out what to do, the door flies open and the unreceptive girl is half naked spraying the DJ with a fire extinguisher.. everything in the bedroom is covered.

At this point we left, I would love to know what happened, but didn't stick around to find out.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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I could go on all day about this... got a great one about the Manumission Motel... but i wana here other people's first smile.gif

'hee hee, this reminds me of an occurrence this weekend' - Care to elaborate?


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Awwhhh shit... Nice on Dave.

Ummm, let me see. I like you, have hundreds of these back to gurn stories. Let's take it back to FL where my friend took me out with some friends as a farewell and good luck in NY type of thing.

Well, things got a bit out of hand. Normality for me. We started necking pills all nigth long. We were at this cheezy club in Boca Raton, I was so fucked that I was dancing to 'music sounds better with you'-starscape

We closed out the club and headed back to one of his mate's pad. Very nice house might I add. We hit a quickstop for some brew and made a few calls for more supplies. lol!

We get to his place and we decide to drop some more E and take a swim in the guy's olympic size pool. I couldn't even manage to get my pants off. After that point I had a bad case of amnesia. I was acting a fool there. Running around the house in my underwear and shit. The funniest thing was that I went to chill in the spare bedroom while the others were swimming. An hour or 2 later my friends opened the bedroom door only to find me trying to take a leek in the closet!!! I swear I thought I saw a fucking toilet in there... That went down in the history books my friends... The guy who lived there never invited me back. I can see why!

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Originally posted by Nolimit:

Awwhhh shit... Nice on Dave.

Ummm, let me see. I like you, have hundreds of these back to gurn stories. Let's take it back to FL where my friend took me out with some friends as a farewell and good luck in NY type of thing.

Well, things got a bit out of hand. Normality for me. We started necking pills all nigth long. We were at this cheezy club in Boca Raton, I was so fucked that I was dancing to 'music sounds better with you'-starscape

We closed out the club and headed back to one of his mate's pad. Very nice house might I add. We hit a quickstop for some brew and made a few calls for more supplies. lol!

We get to his place and we decide to drop some more E and take a swim in the guy's olympic size pool. I couldn't even manage to get my pants off. After that point I had a bad case of amnesia. I was acting a fool there. Running around the house in my underwear and shit. The funniest thing was that I went to chill in the spare bedroom while the others were swimming. An hour or 2 later my friends opened the bedroom door only to find me trying to take a leek in the closet!!! I swear I thought I saw a fucking toilet in there... That went down in the history books my friends... The guy who lived there never invited me back. I can see why!

LMFA®O, Deigo that was a brave one!! Top marks for going for an embarassing one.

Just for that...

I did a similar thing, went back to a girls room at a club / hotel. On a Friday & Saturday night Tall Trees is a 5 star hotel, but everybody there is clubbing at one of the 2 clubs. So after a wild night of excess and passion, I wake up a little thirsty and needing a pee. So I go to the on suite bathroom... problem is the door I went through wasn't the on suit bathroom it was the door to the bloody room...

It wouldn't have been so bad but because it's all clubbers and the corridors were full of people... what can you do, I covered my parts, held my head high and walked back to my room.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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my neighbour generously called me the other morning to let me know that one of my 'backtomine' guests was pissing gallons in the hallway. took a wrong turn at the front door I guess. now awaiting my eviction notice.....

and then there was the time when the cat ate all the coke...

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Well there are a couple of stories...let me think. One night me and my friend went to a kind of rave (you would probably call it here...well in the UK you've got a lot of private organized club-events) and while we were dancing the organizer and his best friend seemed to "attached to us". Anyway, the night finished and they were like "well, would you be interested in some after party...we've got a jacuzzi and charly..." I was laughing my head off...no not really at least not a 4-people thing. Anyway, those guys were keen and so they invited everyone else who was standing around. Probably 25 people ended up in their hotelroom and it was crazy. Pills were flying around for free, all girls ended up getting in the jacuzzi and the night went on for a long time. I usually crack up on the fact that everyone get's really enstranged as soon as they are coming down (reference: Human Traffic)...and then they act all embarrassed and shy. This just gives me the giggles...



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Originally posted by dirtyslapper:

they don't call me a dirty slapper for nothing, but I'm not sharing the one about the socks & business card.

Come on now, i KNOW you must have some good ones. Tell you what give me a good one, and i will tell you a pretty embarasing one.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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