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Anyone to Exit this Friday?

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I would love to see Digger's solo set, but I have some friends coming in town who really aren't into the scene. They want to go out big, but I know they wouldn't appreicate Twilo for the mecca it is.

Is Exit worth hitting on Friday night, I hear its hit or miss with whoever is spinning? I've been there for mainstream Sat and it was cool. Let me know...

Thanks in advance.


"Some people are fortunately enough to have a vacation every 5 days...luckily I am one of them."

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i have to say that even though exit plays some cheesy trance and stuff like taht - it's definitely worth going becuase the people are really chill...lot of room to dance and rave...unlike twilo

but if you can't listen to that kinda music, i would warn you to stay away...

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Originally posted by bwags:

Is Exit worth hitting on Friday night, I hear its hit or miss with whoever is spinning? I've been there for mainstream Sat and it was cool. Let me know...

Thanks in advance.

Hey, if your friends like Louie Devito's NYC's Underground Party 3, then they'll like exit fridays AND saturdays.



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Exit SUCKS. . .don't waste yer time. . .come out to Sound Factory. . .if u need a list call me 201-909-4029. . .my list is STRENGTH. . .trust SF will b so much better. . .MikeMc


Sound Factory Fridays are BACK~!. . .Level 4 is open, New 300 speaker digital system on the main floor. . .STRENGTH GUEST LIST FOR REDUCED ADMISSON. . .for info call Mike at 201-883-4242 or 201-488-5305

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