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Yet Another song Jp played for 45 minutes!

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Originally posted by highmay:

He can probably stay awake for 2 days straight like Navy SEALS do.



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"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

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Originally posted by Unbound:

they need a second back up DJ to help him out in those times... or at least like a bouncer to give him bitch laps to wake him up when he gets stuck


i agree smile.gif

i just think its *way* to long to be playing one song



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Hehehehehe wink.gif We do have exactly the same opinions on a lot of things wink.gif Kinda funny! Are you going on Sat?

i will not miss it for the WORLD!








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GOD, I cannot stand songs played like that!!

All DJs have OFF days....what separates the men from the boyz is:

1. How often the OFF days hit. Mediocre DJs (I'm sorry this is MY opinion so I shall voice it - eg, JP) have more OFF days than super DJs. I have not once gone to Twilo and said "oh I think S&D had an off day today".

2. How they deal with and recover from their OFF days.

I know I'll get flamed for this, but, hey, its a public messageboard and I'm free to voice my opinion.

And of course, I know one of the responses I'll get is "if you don't like it, don't go". I don't go, but still I should be free to voice my opinions.

Mysteriousss and LikmyLipz...I'm really really sorry if I hurt your feelings.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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raver_mania - you didn't hurt my feelings, I just don't think there is any point in writing what you wrote.. Don't like JP, don't go, go to S&D who are always perfect.. End of discussion. I just don't see why all ppl who don't like JP have to always make sure to say that they don't like him in every single post about SF.. And it's always the same ppl too..

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

raver_mania - you didn't hurt my feelings, I just don't think there is any point in writing what you wrote.. Don't like JP, don't go, go to S&D who are always perfect.. End of discussion. I just don't see why all ppl who don't like JP have to always make sure to say that they don't like him in every single post about SF.. And it's always the same ppl too..

Guess I'm just venting at not liking long drawn out vocal songs played at a club... frown.gif


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Guess I'm just venting at not liking long drawn out vocal songs played at a club... frown.gif

Well.. I'm not saying that you SHOULD like them coz everyone likes different things.. I'm just saying that it's funny how all the same ppl keep replying to posts about JP/SF even though they hate JP/SF and time after time again and again say how he sucks.. What's the point of that?

About long drawn out vocals.. He doesn't only play vocals for 20-40 mins, he plays a lot of the hard shit that long too. I described why I like it when he does that if you are interested in knowing why anyone would like it, read what I wrote above. The way he plays a song for that long is not just by looping it from start to finish 3 times. He picks out the best parts, loops them, then goes back to the beginning, throws a piece of the acapella in, stops it letting everyone start screaming for the song to come back, then he throws it in again either very softly, or just slams it in.. He's the dj that fucks with you and if you pay close attention to what he actually does with each piece and how he takes a song and makes it into what it sounds like in the club, IMO it's amazing. Hearing the original mix compared to the club version is a totally different experience all together.. But if you don't appreciate this sort of playing around with music, nothing wrong with that, just don't bash it. Coz djing is an artform just like painting for example. If you look at one painting and you just don't get what the artist is trying to communicate, doesn't mean that you're stupid or you have bad taste, it just means that something else appeals to you and this particular piece doesn't do much for you.. But in no way does it mean that the artist sucks or the ppl who like it are idiots..

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  • 4 years later...

Mysterious, That is why JP sometimes is off if you want to call it that. Sometimes its almost as if he tries to do a little too much with songs and messes up. Its hard to remix songs on the fly like he does and he is one of the best in the business at doing it. Jp works tracks like no one else. Some people dont like his style, some dont like his track selection, like you said and i say all the time, dont go if you dont like it, but dont hate. If someone hates a tv show what do they do? they dont watch it, they dont go around hating on it. Same should go for dj's..some djs have trouble keeping my attention and keeping the energy up....in my opinion JP always keeps my attention and his sets are full of energy. One mans garbage is another mans treasure so deal with it people. I will be at roxy this sunday in the middle of the dancefloor all night and all morning long.

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Mysterious, That is why JP sometimes is off if you want to call it that. Sometimes its almost as if he tries to do a little too much with songs and messes up. Its hard to remix songs on the fly like he does and he is one of the best in the business at doing it. Jp works tracks like no one else. Some people dont like his style, some dont like his track selection, like you said and i say all the time, dont go if you dont like it, but dont hate. If someone hates a tv show what do they do? they dont watch it, they dont go around hating on it. Same should go for dj's..some djs have trouble keeping my attention and keeping the energy up....in my opinion JP always keeps my attention and his sets are full of energy. One mans garbage is another mans treasure so deal with it people. I will be at roxy this sunday in the middle of the dancefloor all night and all morning long.

mysteriousss 01-26-2001, 04:14 AM

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Mysterious, That is why JP sometimes is off if you want to call it that. Sometimes its almost as if he tries to do a little too much with songs and messes up. Its hard to remix songs on the fly like he does and he is one of the best in the business at doing it. Jp works tracks like no one else. Some people dont like his style, some dont like his track selection, like you said and i say all the time, dont go if you dont like it, but dont hate. If someone hates a tv show what do they do? they dont watch it, they dont go around hating on it. Same should go for dj's..some djs have trouble keeping my attention and keeping the energy up....in my opinion JP always keeps my attention and his sets are full of energy. One mans garbage is another mans treasure so deal with it people. I will be at roxy this sunday in the middle of the dancefloor all night and all morning long.

I'm not sure Mysterious will read your reply. Maybe you should PM her ;)

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lol like the live preformance of more then life,, she did it, then he played it for like half hour after..

When "i never knew" came out, he use to play that for like 45 minutes...

i kinda miss those days though..







i remember back then i used to be so lost in there taht i swear those 45 min mixes of songs actually sounded hot cuase somehow he really worked the song that god dam long.

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Mysterious, That is why JP sometimes is off if you want to call it that. Sometimes its almost as if he tries to do a little too much with songs and messes up. Its hard to remix songs on the fly like he does and he is one of the best in the business at doing it. Jp works tracks like no one else. Some people dont like his style, some dont like his track selection, like you said and i say all the time, dont go if you dont like it, but dont hate. If someone hates a tv show what do they do? they dont watch it, they dont go around hating on it. Same should go for dj's..some djs have trouble keeping my attention and keeping the energy up....in my opinion JP always keeps my attention and his sets are full of energy. One mans garbage is another mans treasure so deal with it people. I will be at roxy this sunday in the middle of the dancefloor all night and all morning long.

yea when u work a track too much u start to mess up. Too much of anything is not good.

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