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LASIK surgery

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Originally posted by millele:

i'm really interested in going to get LASIK and am wondering if anyone has gotten it done. where, which doctor, how much, any problems, etc etc. thanks!!

hey girlie how've you been . . .

did you hear the promotion for $499 an eye here in the area . . .

i was considering doing that . . .


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Originally posted by millele:

where, which doctor, how much, any problems, etc etc. thanks!!

Witch doctor? Probably not the best idea...

there is an ad running on the Howard Stern Show here in NY for a doctor running a seminar on Lasik and Flying Spot laser surgery. He does the work over in Jersey, supposed to be very good. 1-800-35NJEYE i believe is the number.

uknjx2 might also have some input on this one...


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this might be kinda a dumb question, but how about clubbing right after lasik (like the nexst day)? i was thinking that maybe it's not a great idea b/c the lights shows, smoke, and such. also, i guess rolling 1-2 weeks beforehand and afterwards is also not a good idea (due to the valium/local anesthesia)?

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Originally posted by filthy_slag:

i think ezdreamer will have something to say about this...

I can't read this thread... somebody say something about Lactaid? Hmmm...

On me... easy was a myth... Murphy's Law came up and bit me in the ass on this one...


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Originally posted by eggmok:

did you hear the promotion for $499 an eye here in the area . . .

$499?? What are they doing? Surgery or poking your eyes out?


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I'm absolutely getting LASIK done this year.... set aside $4000 for it in my cafeteria (flex) plan at work, so I save some money that way (around 20%, or so they tell me).

That being said, the lowest price I can find here in Manhattan is $2000pe, and it goes up to $2750pe. One of the things to ask for is quality equipment -- the VisX Star2, VisX Star3 and B&L Technolas 217 are among the best in the business.

Also, ask how many procedures the doctor who will be operating on your has done. I'm still trying to gauge what an ideal number of procedures is, but here's a nice little yardstick -- LASIK interns generally observe or assist 1500-2000 procedures per year they're in training. So for me, I'd say that having actually _done_ 5000+ procedures is a good thing; that means they've seen 3000-4000 done and have actually done 5000 themselves.

Here's a few links I've gathered -- please, PLEASE share any information you have with me, as I'm probably gonna be getting mine done sometime after June.

http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/health/hosptl/ophtregn.htm#NY (Best of 2000)

http://www.nylvc.com/refractive/contact_main.html (Dr Mandel -- $2450+/pe).

http://www.iconlasik.com/home/ (Price can vary, but they have a special -- $750/pe)

http://www.meei.harvard.edu/shared/ophtho/laser.html (MA-EE -- $2200+/pe)

http://www.nylasik.com/html/faqs.html ($2750/pe)







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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

$499?? What are they doing? Surgery or poking your eyes out?

it was just advertised on the air for $499 an eye from lasik . . .

those nyc prices are huge . . .


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wow, v, it looks like you've been doing your homework! i, too, DEFINITELY plan on getting this done this year. the only info i have to share right now, though, is this link, which is actually a site of people who've had problems w/ Lasik. however, these people are generally not anti-lasik, but rather anti-bad doctors.


i actually live in dc and am checking out the places down here. but i'll definitely let you know more info as i come across it. actually, tlc (www.lzr.com) in virginia is where tiger woods had his eyes done. but it's probably mad expensive to get the same doctor, but we'll see.

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Ayep, I'm pretty sure the guy who did Tiger's eyes operated under the umbrella of TLC -- $2750pe, if I'm not mistaken. I'm trying to avoid shelling out that much.... I really should have had this done in Colorado, since I was a 2min drive from the Icon laser center and it was $1500pe out there. And even that was relatively expensive, since it was over 8mos ago when I got that estimate.... prices nationally have been dropping recently.

Hehehe.... I don't suppose we can get a group of CNYC'er LASIK candidates together and ask for a group discount..... wink.gif



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Damn, dude...... still not better? When are the docs saying you'll be 100% by? Does it still hurt; is it still irritated? I know you were in a pissy mood at America (or maybe somewhere else?) last time I saw you, cuz yer eye was buggin'......



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Originally posted by vejita:

Damn, dude...... still not better? When are the docs saying you'll be 100% by? Does it still hurt; is it still irritated? I know you were in a pissy mood at America (or maybe somewhere else?) last time I saw you, cuz yer eye was buggin'......

Well, yeah, irritated was not the word... It felt like a thousand needles were poking me at the same time... everytime I blinked.

It's all betta, no mo' hurtin'... now all I'm waiting for is for my vision to return... actually each day I get betta... so in a couple of weeks I should actually get my freaking 20/20 on that eye... the other eye... well, the enhancement will have to wait til I get one eye all healed up...

I have very, very sensitive eyes according to the doc... well, it's one of the reasons y I could never wear contacts...

Would I go through this whole shit again? Damn right I would...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by vejita:

Well, good to hear that you're on the track to 20/20, yo. smile.gif Btw, where did you get that one eye done? Here in the tri-state area?

Yup... did all the research, got all the recommendations, interviewed him... got my sis to go too...

The very next day my sis came out with 20/20... no fuss, no muss...

Me on the other hand... sigh... just takes a little time... I'm patient, but this shit happens again, I'm gonna blindside my fucking doc and claim insanity...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Dyu have the contact info for the place handy? If so, I'd really appreciate it if you could either post it or PM it to me. There's at least one other person here in my office who's interested in LASIK, plus CNYC peeps. And I figure there's no such thing as too much (good) information.........



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Just wondering don't you have to be around 26 yrs of age to get it done? I would like to have it done too but I heard since eyesight keeps changing until around that age they won't do it???

I think docs recommend that you come back for a check-ups regardless. Some people need readjustments once or twice in the span of 6 months or so. Even if your eyesight changes a bit, there's no reason you can't get a correction done. This is built into most plans, though I'm not sure how long you're allowed to wait between corrections before it's considered a wholly new procedure. BTW, once you're past 40 or so, most people start to become a little farsighted; your eye never stops developing.

A friend told me that his doctor told him that it had been safe for him to get the procedure since he turned 19. However, this was probably just an optometrist and not a specialized surgeon. If you want to get a professional opinion, opthamologists (sp?) are great at determining the health of your eye, and for about $60 will tell you everything you could ever want to know about it.

Personally, I am sticking with contacts until there is a reversible procedure. I'd rather not have the cells of my eye burned away permanently, even if it's supposed to help my vision. Hell, I never even wore any corrective lenses until six months ago, and I've had -2.25 all my life.

Btw, sup j.

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i got LASIK last summer and i'm perfectly happy with it. (6 months and running.. woohooo)

the only drawback is that my dry-eye problem increased just a little bit, but that can is NOTHING compared to wearing contacts for YEARS.

make sure you have the operation done by someone who has experience in LASIK. it's newly approved here, but i had mine back in Turkey where it's been done for a few years now and my doctor had more experience than 99% of all LASIK surgeons in the world. so i was lucky, i had an 8 minute operation, complication-free. 6 hours later i was watching TV, the next morning i was driving.

make sure you take a 3-4 hour nap after the operation. make sure you don't drive at night for at least a week. make sure you remove your contacts at least a week before the operation.

i had -3.50 by the way..

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Holy shyt.... is that you, Rad?! I thought the nick was a coincidence until I read the last line in your paragraph...... if it is, welcome to the board! You definitely have to come to the next CNYC meetup (Feb 2nd) -- check the thread floating around. I'll be there, just in case you need somebody to help with the intros. smile.gif Oh, and of course you're invited to Super Bowl Sunday at our place this weekend.... shouldn't be anything special, but it'll still be mad-beer-swillin' fun.....

Your eyes are constantly changing, but I think that doctors recommend a certain baseline age (at least 21, probably ~25) before you get it done. All I know is that 2/3 of my sisters and I have needed glasses since we were 6-8 yrs old, respectively, so our eyes have been phucked for a long time anyway. I'm a perfect middle-of-the-road candidate -- eyes aren't that terrible, mild astigmatism, pupils aren't too big or too small.

I'm willing to chance LASIK -- it's improved drastically over the past 2yrs alone. However, I'm now considering getting the eyes done on two different days, just in case...... blindness isn't something I'd like to risk, just for the convenience of being done on a single day.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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