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All you fucking drug addicts will burn in hell..

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I think drugs are a wonderful expansion of my unquenchable search for the weird and unknown. If you don't like them, don't use them! In fact, because of your judgemental attitude towards us, you're not allowed to use them. SO THERE!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

I may not be here but I'll always be there.

AIM: crackorn71

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I hope once we get to Hell bungee there will be a messageboard like this.

Since you're christian, do have any inside info on what kinda shit they got available there? Zorros, stacks, Ferraris? Damn, I bet you they got some good shit down underground! Cant wait, see you all there kids!



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is your mommy not putting out anymore cause she sucked me dry(twice) cwm27.gifcwm27.gifcwm27.gif


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by bungee:

All you drug pushers, users, whatever will burn in hell so it has been said. You think getting caught with a pill or two is all that will happen? You are all slated for damnation you hear? There are fucking laws against that shit, you should all be prisoned. Guliani will get every single last ass that is on this Board that abuses drugs. Personally I don't give a fuck if yous all Overdosed and lay Spasming on the ground to death, but the fact is drugs are the reason why society is so fucked up and children are influenced at a young age. You should all be fucking ashamed.

hmm...thanks for the tip! cwm7.gif

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Originally posted by bungee:

All you drug pushers, users, whatever will burn in hell...

Been there, done that. You know what HELL is? It's being in SoBe for NYE2k and realizing that all the E you brought with you is fake. Purgatory is right before you come to that realization...when you pop the first pill, wait an hour without feeling anything,...pop another, wait some more,...pop another and wait an hour more while delusionally hoping that the X will eventually kick in. That's Purgatory!



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some of the nicest and most christain ppl i know are pot heads, loving god and loving nature...

christ made wine...

the original roman-catholic church and its predecessors incorporated alcohol into all of their most important rituals...

however, christ did emphasize the importance of obeying the law. this post therefore actually has some merit as a topic starter for a theological debate. prob theres a better board on the net than CP for such discussion!


i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 01-30-2001).]

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The reason why this society is so fucked up is becouse this society is fed the bulshit by those who are in power, and by the media

This society does not have a fuckin' clue what is happening elswhere in the world - that is why it is fucked up.

Drugs are one of the tools of natural selection,

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Originally posted by allnight23:

Drugs are one of the tools of natural selection,

Yeah, but that contradicts your argument (if yourargument is that Governments don't know what they are on about regarding drugs).

They are but in a bad way, look at all the intelligent, open minded people on this board, who may not have kids or may not have as many... Look at Da Vinche, Freud and all the other Genius's that have been compromised by drugs.

Look at the loss to music in fact all the arts.

So by your argument (using natural selection it's not looking good for us druggies), and if the 'addictive personality' Dopamine connection, turns out to be true natural selection would be taking us down the route of 0% addiction (eventually)

But intelligent and creative people always do turn to something, and there are more powerful forces effecting natural selection.

That will teach you to get me on to evolution.. I just can't help myself wink.gif

Anyway Bungee is just trying to get at people ... he isn't this stupid (from what I can tell).. he is probably going to come back with something like 'Your all ganging up on me.. look at you 10 on 1' or something equally as untrue and irrelevant as that.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Sounds like someone who has never even tried.

thats why he is so angry!

whats up, anger managment

personally i think he just a little jealous that he has yet to see the world from our perspective! being fucked up allows you to see things in a way you never have before.

he needs drugs, ridilin, prozack, some shit to calm him down!!!!!


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How do u know they R so bad if u have never done them before? Society wuz fukt up before there were drugz, many take them to alleviate the problemz caused by the stressful environment that we live. u like to condemn people obviously? Iz ur life so unfullfilled that u feel the need to lash-out on others? Oh and by the way there could be children reading ur curses. Do u think that will positively affect kidz that may read them. U R A hypocrite. Don't try to front like ur shit don't stink hard-ass. peace-out sun

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Originally posted by bungee:

All you drug pushers, users, whatever will burn in hell so it has been said. You think getting caught with a pill or two is all that will happen? You are all slated for damnation you hear? There are fucking laws against that shit, you should all be prisoned. Guliani will get every single last ass that is on this Board that abuses drugs. Personally I don't give a fuck if yous all Overdosed and lay Spasming on the ground to death, but the fact is drugs are the reason why society is so fucked up and children are influenced at a young age. You should all be fucking ashamed.


DORK! Moderation is key!


Trancessed!- Me

[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 01-30-2001).]

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Back2Basics Thanx for the reply:

I general I believe any type of addictive substance is bad for you. Than again some are addicted to food, some to sex. Basically our civilization is driven by the technological race with which we, humans cannot keep up. We have problem with swift adjustment to technological changes, and some of us loose in that race. And drugs are part of that technological revolution,

On the other hand at this point of time we have so much awarness about drugs that we are able to make conscious choices about using, trying, quiting etc. It is like this:

If I know that heroin is very addictive yet I still choose to do it, (try it) than maybe I am not equiped with enough intelligence or I lack basic survival insticts to cope with this world. Living in todays world is ever so hard and it requires surviving skills different from those our ancestors possesed bagk in a day. So that is why I sad drugs serve as a tool for selecting strong from weak. Maybe it is not a strong argument but there is something to it.

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Originally posted by allnight23:

Back2Basics Thanx for the reply:

I general I believe any type of addictive substance is bad for you. Than again some are addicted to food, some to sex. Basically our civilization is driven by the technological race with which we, humans cannot keep up. We have problem with swift adjustment to technological changes, and some of us loose in that race. And drugs are part of that technological revolution,

On the other hand at this point of time we have so much awarness about drugs that we are able to make conscious choices about using, trying, quiting etc. It is like this:

If I know that heroin is very addictive yet I still choose to do it, (try it) than maybe I am not equiped with enough intelligence or I lack basic survival insticts to cope with this world. Living in todays world is ever so hard and it requires surviving skills different from those our ancestors possesed bagk in a day. So that is why I sad drugs serve as a tool for selecting strong from weak. Maybe it is not a strong argument but there is something to it.

I don't understand that at all dude.

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Don't bother... clueless...

clueless? i wuz being sarcastic really, but i wouldn't mind knowing where the fuk he wuz goin with that 1 sun. what u wanna start callin eachother namez. i'll go down to ur level. U KNOW DEEP DOWN INSIDE UR JUST PUSSI LIKE UR OLD MAN. so go blow out ur ass u fuken klown.

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