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What is the funniest shit that ever happened to you

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ok, i don't know if anyone will find this funny but i laughed so hard over it and so did the person i was with.....we went to the movies and we were sitting on the very end of the row, i was in the last seat on the aisle. in front of us was a big space where a wheelchair would go should someone have one, so that row was shorter than ours. this dude comes along (and it's dark in there of course) and procedes to plant himself right on my lap!! i guess he didn't see me but i shrieked then started to cackle hysterically!! he was very embarrassed and prob. more so b/c me and my date were laughing the whole way through the movie and it wasn't even a comedy. i guess it was funnier in person..... cwm2.gifcwm2.gif


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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at the billy joel concert about seven years ago at nassau we were there kinda early.

this fat guinea bastard was there with a hot girl.

it totally looked like he wanted to impress this girl and she looked like she went with him just for the show.

anyways he asked her if she wants anything from the concsession stand and she says to get her whateever he was getting (not really specific.

he comes back with about $60 worth of shit on a small trey. he is slowly walking up the stairs and boom he trips up the stairs and sodas, beers, hot dogs, and popcorn explode everywhere.

he gets up like nothing happened and sits next to the girl.

she gets up and starts cleaning the soda and stuff while this fat, ugly, ponch was sitting there beat red embarrared as balls that he fucked up the whole night.

typical guinea bastard.

me and my friends were howling for three hours.

nothing that happened to me but a knee slapper for sure

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