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Originally posted by carabee:

Yo James...don 't be forgetten the Upstate Gals....Cara and Tanya (Carabee and Pulsedriver) We'll definitely be getting crazy again soon!

Did I hear "Rochester"?? I went to college there and had some crazy club times (from what I remember) Do y'all go to school up there?


AIM: Spragga25

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"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

[This message has been edited by ooana (edited 02-06-2001).]

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Originally posted by spragga25:

Did I hear "Rochester"?? I went to college there and had some crazy club times (from what I remember) Do y'all go to school up there?

Not me!!!


Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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Originally posted by spragga25:

Did I hear "Rochester"?? I went to college there and had some crazy club times (from what I remember) Do y'all go to school up there?

Not me


Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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James, it was great meetin' you too.

Budha, I can't believe how cracked out I was on Fri. After I got up Sat evening, I remembered meetin you at the Roxy and another time.

Oo and Ichi - Thanks, I had a great time. Great seeing you again biggrin.gif



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Korzo... did I meet you? I'm really not sure.

I'll be at PvD wearing a shirt that says:

"Never Trust a Hippie" and "Blunt" on the back... the irony kills me.

So, please say hi to me and tell me you're on the board.

SGBrooklyn... PLEEEEEZE come to PvD. I haven't seen your face in so long it's... it's... umm, well, it's not good. cwm22.gif


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Originally posted by korzo-:

Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

KONZO! you didnt meet me. but we will soon!

I wannnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaa goooooo outtttttttt.................!!!!!!!!! its been sooo long since I have been to Twilo!!!

Studying my stupid ass off... I will be out for carl cox and DANNY T..

I just keep singing I want to break free! I want to break free!

DIVA!!!!!! I cant find your number anywhere.. once this blizzzard blows over I'll me u for the you know what for you know when! That sounded bad! I was going to the meet up but couldnt go last minute.. I dont even know if you were there or not! smile.gif

Love ya hun, Sinem

Sg- we'll definitely meet up sometime, somewhere (sorry you won't make it for CC DT).

Nope I'll be there!



I love everyone today!

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Originally posted by petrol:

Korzo... did I meet you? I'm really not sure.

I'll be at PvD wearing a shirt that says:

"Never Trust a Hippie" and "Blunt" on the back... the irony kills me.

So, please say hi to me and tell me you're on the board.

SGBrooklyn... PLEEEEEZE come to PvD. I haven't seen your face in so long it's... it's... umm, well, it's not good. cwm22.gif

Petroleum!!!!!!!!!!! JELLLLYYYYY!!!!

how are you? I know it has been soo long too long! I have not gone out.. Today on the way home from work suedeNYC and I were listening to music and I zoned out for a good 20 minutes of our train ride.. and I wanted to cry the little hairs on my arms stood up and I felt a sudden breeze.. I felt like dancing.. its been soo long since my legs have hurt I tell you I miss it.. anyway I can go on and on and on about this... but this post is about someone else.. (hahah)

anyway.. petrol you better be at Twilo for DT and Carl Coxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!

love ya, Sineminem



I love everyone today!

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Originally posted by pulsedriver:

Hello hello!!

It was great meeting you! We'll have to go out and go crazy again sometime! Alcohol rules!! cwm12.gif

Pulse- anytime, anytime!


Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

KONZO! you didnt meet me. but we will soon!

I wannnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaa goooooo outtttttttt.................!!!!!!!!! its been sooo long since I have been to Twilo!!!

Studying my stupid ass off... I will be out for carl cox and DANNY T..

I just keep singing I want to break free! I want to break free!

DIVA!!!!!! I cant find your number anywhere.. once this blizzzard blows over I'll me u for the you know what for you know when! That sounded bad! I was going to the meet up but couldnt go last minute.. I dont even know if you were there or not! smile.gif

Love ya hun, Sinem

Sg- we'll definitely meet up sometime, somewhere (sorry you won't make it for CC DT).


Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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