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Who's right here ?

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I don't know but this just sounds like a case of bad judgement.

If you didn't want to have sex, then why did you go back to his apartment?

Did you push him off you? Why did you finish when he asked you? "Because you felt bad". If he was raping you, you should have ran out of there and not "Finished things off".

I feel bad you regret the situation.

You should be careful how much you drink when your out with someone your not too familar with.


The music makes the people come together...


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wel hunn .. i dunno ... he's kissing u all over so u decide to get down to your undies and dance for him ... kinda sounds like an invite ... if u were saying no, then u hould have stuck to that , if he didnt listen then a swift kick to his hard on would stopped him dead in his tracks ....

this guy sounds liek a totaly dick ... if i was with a girl that had to stop because she was bleeding ,, i would never asked to be finished off .. what an asshole /.. god actually i think i would lose my bone for sure ... how could a guy even think liek that ... you girls date some nasty mutha fuckers ... u gotta keep urself out of dangerous situations ... it could turned out like 10 times worse ... .hope ur ok ... fuck that guy .. we can throw him a beatdown if it will make u feel any better ....



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Also its probably not a good idea to strip down to your undies and prance around if you don't want to have sex.

I am NOT saying its your fault, but you need to be more careful. Some men may think you stripping to your undies is a clear indication you want to have fun.

Its not right, but this is not a perfect world.

Be careful! cwm6.gif


The music makes the people come together...


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And one more thing....

This proves to me, undoubtably that you were in no way, shape or form raped. Hell, you weren't even really taken advantage of....

...and I say this why?

Because if you were....if you TRULY were, you wouldn't DARE wish it upon others.

You may regret what you did. You may wish it hadn't of happened. But the only real person you have to blame for their actions is yourself.

Stop playing the victim. You don't do it well.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Originally posted by ooana:

You know....I was trying to be nice to you. Trying to give you some advice as a woman who experienced REAL RAPE. In fact, we even had a brief discussion in PMs which I will not post here because it was private...but you are well aware of said discussion.

Yes, rape IS a strong word. And wishing it upon ANYONE makes you far far sicker than I thought in the first place.

Girl...you shouldn't be dwelling on whatever this dickhead did wrong. But your own damn fucking stupidity and ignorance.

I hope you NEVER EVER EVER experience what rape is. You have NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! You have absolutely NO idea how painful the experience is. And you tell others to go experience that and THEN discuss your ludicrous behavior with you? You need to grow up...

...Get a life, get a clue, get a brain and get a soul.


To everyone else...I appologize. I don't normally get this angry, and this bitch is a stranger so I probably shouldn't be angry at her. But its women like this who make it ten times hard for REAL rape victims to get help, prosicution and education.


You're a stranger too . Bitch

I was referring to all the women who say that - I'm the bad girl here. Oooana it's not your fault that you got brutally raped or is it ? Or were you a bad girl ?

TO BLAME IT 100% on the girls' doing is all wrong. Now that's stupidity and ignorance.

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Originally posted by dolcemimi:


You're a stranger too . Bitch

I was referring to all the women who say that - I'm the bad girl here. Oooana it's not your fault that you got brutally raped or is it ? Or were you a bad girl ?

TO BLAME IT 100% on the girls' doing is all wrong. Now that's stupidity and ignorance.

I have already come to peace with my experience.

Your ability to willingly WISH said experience upon anyone is what makes you immensely troubled. ESPECIALLY if you truly did.

If you don't understand that, then well...I feel very very very sorry for you.


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

[This message has been edited by ooana (edited 02-07-2001).]

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If a girl gets raped or molested - it's never the girl's fault. No girl ever asks a guy - " oooh touch me"

Look at the central park incident- women were wearing skimpy clothes- Does the give the guy to grope them ?

You ignorant girls try to blame me like it's ALL my fault. Wake up .

Last time I checked it's a free country- people are allowed to drink and dance in panites without the fear or rape or murder.

WHat are you all gettning mad at me for ?

All I asked was Who was WRONG/ RIGHT ?

Don't turn this into soem stupid over emotional drama. YOu girls need a life !

SO WHO WAS WRONG or RIGHT HERE ? That's all I asked . SAve the soap opera for your diaries.

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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

TO BLAME IT 100% on the girls' doing is all wrong. Now that's stupidity and ignorance.

dip, i said take responsibility for your own actions. i mean by that, take FULL responsiblity for your OWN actions and NO ONE ELSE'S

about people i don't even know, i don't wish to engage in any negative interaction. but if you want to get personal on this board, we can change the stranger status and meet in person

i'm interested to see if a person can actually be as shallow and stupid as she portrays herself


"real fucking high"

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Originally posted by ooana:

Originally posted by dolcemimi:

I have already come to peace with my experience.

Your ability to willingly WISH said experience upon anyone is what makes you immensely troubled. ESPECIALLY if you truly did.

If you don't understand that, then well...I feel very very very sorry for you.

Now you're wishing me bad. You're a bad girl, OOANA.

Only God knows my true intentions and my heart. And believe it or not - I have one of the purest heart.

I'm sorry if what I said upset you. It wasn't meant for you. I thought how can girls judge me if they don't know where I'm coming from ?

OOANA - Trust me, I know exactly what you're talking about. I've already passed that test. I have NO feelings about that anymore.

My heart is pure.

" Why don't you judge for yourselves what is right" - Luke 13:2 verse 57

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In this situation, its simple, if you said "no" then its rape if not then it isn't. There's no need for sisters to get hostile especially when we need to lean on eachother the most after such painful experiences. Whether or not this particular situation was rape, it is a very sad comment on how we treat ourselves and eachother. So we don't need to compound the sorrowful state by calling eachothers "bitches". We are all brothers and sisters. KUMBAYA!

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Rape is a very strong word. Whether or not you wanted to, you consented to having sex. By saying that you felt like you HAD to, you still gave hime permission. So, rape is not what I would call it. Being in a situation like that sucks, but you put yourself there, i'm sure he didnt drag you by your hair. You need to find someone to have your back when u get drunk, because you obvioulsy cant drink and act responsibly. New friends or no drinks, its that simple.

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Originally posted by jinpak:

In this situation, its simple, if you said "no" then its rape if not then it isn't. There's no need for sisters to get hostile especially when we need to lean on eachother the most after such painful experiences. Whether or not this particular situation was rape, it is a very sad comment on how we treat ourselves and eachother. So we don't need to compound the sorrowful state by calling eachothers "bitches". We are all brothers and sisters. KUMBAYA!

HAHAHAHAHA! who the hell are you, jinpak? an alias for dip? well, dip's definitely not "mah sistah" and there isn't going to be any bullshit shoulder here for her to lean her fucked up head on



"real fucking high"

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OMFG, dolcemimi:

You really are a hypocrite.

I already posted at the beginning but just read the whole thread now. First you come here to ask who was right and describe the story...ppl felt bad for you and tried to say that you need diff friends and shit...everyone agrees that it wasnt rape...oonna shares her personal part in order for you to realize that what you described wasn't rape...

then you basically focus on ooana saying that she has problems?? and you wish other ppl to get raped so that they can relate????

Thats just fucking ridiculus cuz first of all you have a very low self esteem and some serious personal issues that you try to hide to yourself by being in denial (how i got to this?...from all the recent posts by u including this one).

And how the hell can you say this...

"Now you're wishing me bad. You're a bad girl, OOANA"

She wasnt wishing you bad, in fact you were the one that did. You just switched everything around from what ooana and others were tellin you, right back on them. ummmm

Wierd, very wierd, schitsophrenic(sp?)

By your last post you seem to take everything lightly about the whole situation and telling everyone to lighten up?????????????? Umm, OK

Well to your original question: Answer is that YOU WERE NOT RIGHT!






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Originally posted by deanna11:



Ooana: Don't waste another breath on this dooshbagmimi character. Let me do it for ya.

Let's look at the language and dissect it:

Last week-

Had one night stand with soem blind date.

When I got home I really regretted it. I was drunk and the guy pressured me to do it/ I went along with it.

Where exactly did you say no here? I see the words regret, maybe cause you or he was a lousy lay?

You also used the word pressure and YOU WENT ALONG WITH IT. Plain English, this is not the definition of rape.

Definition of rape: 1. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.

Where exactly did he force you from what you said... I don't see it. You are one stupid moron, you went along with it... yeah that's right, you were stupid, assinine, idiotic, a plain fucking ho... but real rape where you can accuse the fella and send his ass to jail? Nope... not even close. Even if some guys are very good at pressuring and bedding them... it's not right, but that ain't rape.

I told the guy- I never wanted to have sex w/ you. Adn that what he did was date rape.

This was stated after the fact since you are using the sentence above in the past tense. Hey, how about you suck my cock and I accuse you of rape. You are getting stupider by the second... uh huh, uh huh... you lying sack of shit no good whoring bitch...

Then he gets all mad and tells me to go fuck myself ? He said he didn't do anything wrong becasue I never told him to stop.

I woulda told you to go fuck yourself too cause this whole story can't be the truth... shit I wouldn't doubt it if none of it was true.

But I told him " No sex". but he dragged me back to his apt. anyways.

This is the only time you actually used the word no... since I have established that you are prolly full of shit and a regretful cunt that is prolly lying to seek attention and sympathy... you prolly said it like this:



No sex.

($50 ho smile washes

across her cowface)

Look- who's right or wrong here ?

You dumb fucking ho, take a guess who's wrong.

FORCE - He kept kissing me all over- I pushed him off but he kept doing it. I went along with it , but because I was drunk I acted ditsy. I stripped down to my undies and pranced around.

You went along with it. You stripped. You pranced around. What you are really pissed at is that he prolly shortchanged your ass and slipped you a five instead of a fifty cause you're such stupid ho...

During sex. I stopped becasue I was bleeding. Then he yelled " Can you finish me off" ? - I felt like I HAD to do it.

You stopped. He let you. Where's the rape? You dumb fucking ho. You bled and you still kept going? Dumb ho. You felt that you had to? Dumb ho. Oops excuse me... even cracked out hos aren't that fucking stupid.

I should've stopped because I was bleeding. Is that mental force ?

Mental force? Let me guess, his name is either Luke Skywalker or Uri Geller.


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 02-07-2001).]

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That's notn what you told me the first time you took me out and forced me to suck your itty bitty dick...but i forgave you charlie poop....you raped me that 1st nite...i let it go.....don't let this happen to someone else...rape is rape...


>Charlie is my BOSS<

>I like little boys<

>Blueangel is the best, the best, the best, did I say that right Charlie?<

>Whenever Charlie gets horny, I bend OVAH<

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this thread is disturbing to me for a number of reasons.....i haven't even read the whole thing. honestly, you should seek some counseling and not from this msg. board, you may need some professional help. you know what happened and how you feel. what other people think isn't important. what's important is that you look out for yourself and talk it out with someone trained to deal with this stuff. i know what i'm talking about in this particular instance but i'd never post the details on this board.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

Last time I checked it's a free country- people are allowed to drink and dance in panites without the fear or rape or murder.

Are you fucking kidding me???????????????? You are truly an idiot..

Ooana - don't waste your time on her anymore.. She's too dumb to even understand what ppl are saying to her.

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