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F*&%^*$# NYC cabs and NYPD!!!!!!

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So get this.... Last night after skating at the Roxy till closing, I decide to skate home.

Everythings going hunky-dorey. I'm skating down Bleeker St. and am moving pretty well with traffic, the light at some intersection turns green and I'm moving... When all of a sudden, not 1, but 2 cabs run the red light one after the other. OK I can understand one blowing the light, if he got in the "Oh, I thought the yellow light was longer" mentality, but the second cab. WTF was he thinking?!?!?!?! Needless to say I almost got my ass run over, crahsed, scraped myself up a bit, and got generally pissed off. But you know what got me more pissed?? An NYPD car was 25 ft. away and didn't do shit! I know they saw the whole thing too. What's up with that??????????????? cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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OH MY GOSH!! Are you okay?? cwm24.gif

Yea, the New York cabs are the WORST. I got side swapped by a cab once and i was carrying a load of grocery. Dropped everything and banged up my knee. The horrible part was that he never stopped to see if I was okay. HORRIBLE!! cwm31.gif

By the way, Hugh, check your PM!



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Yeah, it really doesn't surprize me that much... I easily had the one cab dealt with, but it was a kind of blind intersection, so I didn't see the second guy until almost too late...

I'm ok. scraped me left knee (ruined my favorite pair of jeans frown.gif ). Got a pretty nice bruise going on the heel of my hand too. Otherwise, more embarrassed that I crahsed.... cwm6.gif

Rachel: I left the Roxy about 20 minutes before they closed. It was mad fun. The crowd dies down significantly after 12:00. Got some dancing practice in and really got to do some fast laps since there were so few people...

BlueAngel: I did check my PM's (I first typed PJ's heh heh tongue.gif ). I'll give you a call about 12:30??

Nicki/Zippy: Yes you do owe me and email wink.gif

OK enough babbling cwm4.gif




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

Rachel: I left the Roxy about 20 minutes before they closed. It was mad fun. The crowd dies down significantly after 12:00. Got some dancing practice in and really got to do some fast laps since there were so few people...

Damn I wanna practice some new moves too!!!

Took me more then an hour to get home and some jerk-off guys on the train were following me around trying to get my number...

Next time I'll try to stay later.

Hug! smile.gif



"I OWN DJ Mike D'R. NOW"


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This is pretty scary. One of my friend's roomates died due to an incident like this. He actually got run over by a cab. How crazy is that. So be careful (not saying that you were in any way wrong). But you don't have to be wrong to be dead.



Footsteps on the dancefloor remind me baby of you

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Originally posted by sarahkim13:

This is pretty scary. One of my friend's roomates died due to an incident like this. He actually got run over by a cab. How crazy is that. So be careful (not saying that you were in any way wrong). But you don't have to be wrong to be dead.


That's terrible! Did they sue the driver?



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It's almost as if there's some dumbass unwritten traffic law inacted from Stamford to NJ that states the following:

"You must stop at a red traffic light (unless the operator of a motor vehicle directly in front of you elects not to)."

I can't even begin to count the number of times I've seen as many as four cars go bumper to bumper through a red light because the lead car didn't feel like stopping. It's almost as if they're using the old childhood excuse "well...HE's doing it!" I've even had cars behind me honk when I'd stop at a red while the car infront of me ran it.



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I was in traffic court one day and I saw about 5 cabbies (all Arabic/Indian decent) in court for running not 1, but 2 red lights (they run the first one "just making it" and then speed up in order to beat the second..etc.). I think the NYPD is so sick of cabbies running lights, and the cops only give out those tickets (which will go to court anyway because of the points) on one or two days of the month so they only have to go to court one or two days and take care of all the violations then.

It sucks, but that's how NYC works. cwm18.gif




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