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Funniest thing that happend to me all day:

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I'm listing to DJ Fresco's mix "Detications" on Real Player and this vocal is playing (don't know the name of the song, but this chick says "There tracking us) REALLY loud in my office, IN walks in one of my 60+ year old bosses - and as I turn to lower it down, he tells me: I like that music, what is that?

I just sit there and stare at him gaping...

Is the older generation finally catching up?

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I'm not that surprised. Let's face it, some techno sounds suspiciously similar to elevator music with a beat...sometimes I'd catch myself riding an elevator grooving to the melody, thinking "hmm...this is damn catchy...didn't I hear Diggers spin that at Twilo?"



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Funny, I've been to S&D and have times thought "hey haven't I heard this track in the frozen food isle?"

- Pete


Originally posted by translucent:

I'm not that surprised. Let's face it, some techno sounds suspiciously similar to elevator music with a beat...sometimes I'd catch myself riding an elevator grooving to the melody, thinking "hmm...this is damn catchy...didn't I hear Diggers spin that at Twilo?"




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Originally posted by schwingep:

Funny, I've been to S&D and have times thought "hey haven't I heard this track in the frozen food isle?"

- Pete


All kidding aside, I really have heard "Expeditions" in a hotel elevator...and it wasn't even a trendy hotel like the Hudson. I bet it never even occured to most passengers that they were actually listening to that "groovy new music that all the kids are into these days."



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i had a similar moment with my grandpa. I was saying I was going clubbing and he's like "Are they singles clubs? Well do you ask the fellas to dance, or do you gals wait for them.." And I'm realizing that he's imagining that I go foxtrotting at a USO club..so I try to explain, but he just can't imagine..but I had just rented Human Traffic and there is a great bit of the kids just going off their heads when they get into the club- so I play it for him and he goes "Wow, so they all just do whatever they like? That looks really FUN! Now wonder your always tired." If his hip was still good, who knows, maybe he'd be the old, OLD guy at Twilo(82!)

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i heard Oakenfold in kmart the other day. was just walking along, getting febreeze and glade for my roommate's natural essence, and realized i was bouncing to a song on the havana set

"all i want is all i need

you gotta take me and fly up high away

i mean for all eternity

my love i feel for you

i want to tell you why

you make my sun shine

brighter than a silver screen"


"real fucking high"

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I don't know if you'll believe this or not but my dog loves this kind of music. He goes nuts, running all over the house. It's pretty funny. cwm4.gif


**Grass hopper who likes big shoes is bound to get squashed** Anthony Portilla

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