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Escalator Etiqutte....


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Ok, maybe i'm just a little tried but this winds me up... Isn't there a rule that says you stand on the right hand side of the escalator so that people who are in a rush can walk it on the left? If so, why do so many people just fucking stand on either side blocking the whole thing up?





AIM: mattarrundale1

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Originally posted by matta:

Ok, maybe i'm just a little tried but this winds me up... Isn't there a rule that says you stand on the right hand side of the escalator so that people who are in a rush can walk it on the left? If so, why do so many people just fucking stand on either side blocking the whole thing up?



I just scream at them "Excuse Me!!!"...and give them bad looks smile.gif lol...some people have no clue about these simple things in life...And what about those that stand right by the doors in the train and you can't get in or get out b/c of them....soooooooooooo annoying...and then they get all pissed off when you push them.....hehehee

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that goes hand in hand with drive on the right pass on the left, people now they are supposed to stay right, but they never do...i always get stuck behind some fucker who wants to regulate my speeding...my mother does that, i drives me insane...her reasoning..."he shouldn't be driving that fast"!!! people don't care if you are in a hurry...weather on the road or on the escalator!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Originally posted by iliana:

Cuz a majority of people lack intelligence and curtesy. Of course--Only in nyc.

You never see that shit happen in London.



u should be the last one talkin about how ppl lack intelligence and COURTESY!!!!



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I know what you are talking about. Does anyone out there take the escalator over by the 53rd/Lex Ave station on the E/F? Geesh! Its like a mob going down the escalator, everyone squeezing into that little space trying to rush to go nowhere cwm34.gif ...I mean, where is the fire? cwm3.gif



AIM: ynicholas face50.gif

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Originally posted by jammy:

I know what you are talking about. Does anyone out there take the escalator over by the 53rd/Lex Ave station on the E/F? Geesh! Its like a mob going down the escalator, everyone squeezing into that little space trying to rush to go nowhere cwm34.gif ...I mean, where is the fire? cwm3.gif


Hi JAMMY !!!! Muah !! miss ya...

Did you have a nice weekend??

I take that train.. those people are assholes !! my gymbag hit some lady in the head..damn moron... she got pissed off at me too.. NO ONE told her to attach herself to my ass....shit..and to think *I* apologized...


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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OMG, if anyone here knows about the Short Hills Mall, you know that is the WORST place for that shit!! All the women are to damn rich to walk a step and they all have to stand right next to each other!!



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