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guys with spikey hair......i need your help!

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how you get it to stay like that? and don't say gel b/c i can't find any gel that's that sticky....i've noticed all these guys running around with their hair all spikey and it looks like if you landed on their head you could get impaled on one of the spikes.....it's got to be some syrup, sugar, egg combo or something.....i mean what do punk rockers get their mohawks to stand up with?? i really need help b/c i have to find something to do with this MAD DOG hairdo before friday....thanksverymuch




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I know my friend uses this stuff that looks like a glue stick. Bed Head Hair Wax, I think...his hair wouldn't move in a wind tunnel...short of that I think it might be rubber cement!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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if you're talking about asian guys, their hair is naturally like that, but they all use the same green gel anyway

speaking of which, i'm so mad; my boy just cut his hair back into the asian-clone-fade. used to look so good...

egg white works well for any hair type and almost any length


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i found i don't like gels that make my hair stiff, and my hair isnt always spiked, because i get lazy and let it grow on occasion. i found a wax called DAX, its a wave/hair groom wax. it comes in two styled that you might use for your situation, the blue tin is a softer wax, good for thin hair, with a little spray it will stand. the red tin is heavier, for thick hair which i use. keeps the hair soft and shiny and stays in place very well. you can find it in Harmon or various other pharmacy stores like rite aid and cvs. costs like a dollar and the red tin has lasted me over a year.

be cool


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i use gel...only one that i found that is thick enough though is a green one made by CVS..all the other brands are too watery..and if u want it to try fast, just turn your head upside down and use a blow dryer for a few secs..


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eggmok whites are the best stuff for your hair . . .

also try strong hold hair gel from crew and blow dry it . . .

if those don't work, buckwheat recommends wetting your finger and stick it into an outlet . . .


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I use some gel you can buy @ CVS. It is for people with wavy hair but I have straight hair. You put a LITTLE in your hair, let it dry a bit and then with your hands stick it up.... I have been usin it for almost a year and it makes it FIERCE!

it is called STRAIGHT UP by Lorreal!

Good luck....



"If you have it really banging and then, suddenly, these amazing chord changes are coming up, it’s sort of like this deep chord breath, sort of like [exhales] ahhh! It’s just like a great feeling, you know? There’s no formula for it, though. You just have to feel it, and then like it." -PVD

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When my hair was really short I would use Eveda-there is a stick (I can't remember the name) It's really thick and will get your hair standing up for sure. Only problem is its a bitch to wash out. cwm1.gif


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I get lucky..... when my hair is just the right length, it gets naturally spikey, which is how I like it. And right now, it's in the middle of such a phase -- somebody recently told me I look like Sickboy from "Trainspotting".



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If you really want it to be wacky,but it doesn'y wash out easy ,use Bees-Wax,it comes in a tin for 2 bucks. I use crude-clay from Sebastan,little more expensive $16,it washes out and you can style it any way you like.Good luck hun..



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My friend uses the bedhead stuff that comes in a small jar, looks kind of like klingon blood (bright blue). It sticks up like NOBODY's BUSINESS and he is always saying that you can reactivate the stuff my running your hands through your hair.



Originally posted by cmb1975:

I know my friend uses this stuff that looks like a glue stick. Bed Head Hair Wax, I think...his hair wouldn't move in a wind tunnel...short of that I think it might be rubber cement!!!


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I use KMS hair paste. It works really good and it doesn't leave your hair really shiny. I don't like that. Its kinda expensive though. Like $14.


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