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Hey Im a GLOWstick king over here ... he he

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Not to dis anyone who glowsticks but WTF is this all about? Fuck glowsticking all together. Feb 9th PVD. That's all that matters. I'll be surprised if any of you find the room to glowstick. With all the people packed in like sardines, I'll be looking to dance my ass off let alone watch some dumb ass glowsticking show. Save the glowsticks for a real rave and check that dumb attitude at the door. If I see any of you come up to me wave that shit in my face without askin me, I'm gonna bite your your fingers off.

Much love to the tilt crew and all the other crews that keep it real. Lets party and have a great time.

Who AM I? Look for the tallest Korean guy there who will stomp and dance all over you short muther *uckers!!!!!!! smile.gifsmile.gif : smile.gifsmile.gif

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I am getting really upset with all this talk of battling with glowsticks...

Here is what is going to happen on PvD night this friday...

4:00 a.m. Glowboy, or whatever he calls himself, from Tunnel, is going to get bounced before he cracks his 4 inch pink glowsticks...

4:01 a.m. A member of T.I.L.T. (Most likely not Star) will enter the circle and probably put on a very good show...

4:10 a.m. Another poser tries to break out his strings and start twirling...

4:11 a.m. Twirler gets bounced by Twilo security...

4:12 a.m. The crowd grows restless, waiting to see Star and possibly those two ravers that ripped it up Digweed night at 8 a.m. in the middle of the dance floor...

4:15 a.m. Star makes his initial appearance and does a pretty damn good job pleasing the crowd...

4:30 a.m. Old man from Digweed night goes to compliment him on a job well done, but gets the cold shoulder. Continues to ask him how he throws the glowstick and catches it in his ass, but Star keeps his "secret" moves to himself...

4:35 a.m. Tall black guy from T.I.L.T. comes out and rips it up pretty damn well. His long arms and legs only make his dancing look that much better...

4:50 a.m. The exciting, humble, raving team, that showed me how to execute one of there innovative new moves, is going to come out strong, overwhelming the crowd with their smooth, graceful movements that intermingle with the music perfectly... They impressed me Digweed night because of their sportsmanship and willingness to teach me a new move or two... When asked by security to move to the corner because of the "vibe being messed up" they agreed even to the dismay of the crowd...

7:00 a.m. Star feels the heat and decides to break out his Japanese glowsticks... Again he shows why he is arguably considered one of the best in NyC, but while attempting a throw a glowstick it gets lost in the crowd... The old man laughs as he tucks it away in his hot hairy anus... He offers it back to Star in return for a favor... They wander off towards the bathroom and he is not seen for at least thirty minutes... Let's just say he was able to get his glowstick back...

7:15 a.m. Star's absence wasn't even acknowledged by the crowd of people who were cheering for the humble ravers who came out to enjoy one of the best DJ's in the world, spin on the greatest soundsystem in the world, with the best crowd of people the world has to offer, while enjoying each others company in the beauty of their dance...

8:00 a.m. Everyone looks to pVd and thanks him for making this all possible...

(*I am sorry blueangel. I have nothing against you, your boyfriend, or TILT, but when someone tries his best and is put down or ignored by someone who thinks his shit doesn't stink, it really pisses me OFF... Twilo Friday is the start of the WAR...) cwm28.gif

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"your just highly jealous of me (which i know is true), but in either cases I seem to be the center of your attention, You seem to stress on me alot because I wave around a glowstick and because I don't seem to like you (which is also, by the way TRUE.)So, try not to think too much of me okay? and hopefully you won't get kicked out of Twilo."


Energyfag dicksuctions

"This is what I am talking about everybody...

The cockiness is very apparent, isn't it taixxk...What, you think because you clean up all the water bottles off the floor at the end of the night in Twilo, that you have mad pull? If you want me kicked out of Twilo on Friday, then why don't you do it yourself? Maybe because you are 5 feet tall and less than 100 pounds...Please save the threats for someone who is gonna give a fuck or someone who might be a little scared of you...I am neither, so if you want to show everyone you got balls then why don't you confront me and ask me to leave the club yourself... That is the manly thing to do, oh I forgot you are a little boy who plays with plastic sticks that glow in the dark...

Read this message board on Friday afternoon and i'll let you know what I am wearing so we could meet up and chat..."


BeatStarsAss Productions

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Originally posted by energystar:

This message is for Deanna11:

Tell Eric, I said wassap. How is he doing, did he recover well from his leg injury? How's his basketball thing going? hoepfully i'll see him this friday @ Twilo.

yesh, Eric's coming too!! his ankle healed up fine and he seems to be doing awesome this season. just too bad that his bball keeps him from clubbing. wellz, i'll tell him you asked about him and such. he'll be glad to hear that and to see you on friday

oh, and you don't even know who i am haha, even if you were to ask Eric "who's deanna11?" he wouldn't know. well, possibly we'll meet again. anyway, peas, Star. see ya in PVDland


"real fucking high"

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Well, I think you all are gay. I have seen TILT rave, as I know a member from them. They are good, probaly the best I've seen. Why all this shit talking? What is wrong with you people. You have blueangel popping shit saying how TILT is the best around, and that her boys will own you... and then later on in this thread, she says changes her mood, saying raving should be fun, and no hate involved. Then you have her bf... who in his responses is totally correct in what he says. Then you have ges1ner, who sounds like a dick, and is probaly someone who has nothing better to do, than to talk shit. Then you have tai.. who is also talking mad shit. Then mr. energystar comes in.. also talking mad shit... who is right? NONE OF YOU.. you are all gay.. STFU with all this, it's all nonsense. You won't even have enough room to dance that night anyways.

And if somebody doesn't like what I have to say, or if anybody wants me to say something to their face, or if anybody wants some REAL DRAMA... I gladly will, any time, any place... oh by the way, my name is Steve...

this username is also my aol account if you wana say something... but otherwise... see ya'll friday =)


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Well, I think you all are gay. I have seen TILT rave, as I know a member from them. They are good, probaly the best I've seen. Why all this shit talking? What is wrong with you people. You have blueangel popping shit saying how TILT is the best around, and that her boys will own you... and then later on in this thread, she says changes her mood, saying raving should be fun, and no hate involved. Then you have her bf... who in his responses is totally correct in what he says. Then you have ges1ner, who sounds like a dick, and is probaly someone who has nothing better to do, than to talk shit. Then you have tai.. who is also talking mad shit. Then mr. energystar comes in.. also talking mad shit... who is right? NONE OF YOU.. you are all gay.. STFU with all this, it's all nonsense. You won't even have enough room to dance that night anyways.

And if somebody doesn't like what I have to say, or if anybody wants me to say something to their face, or if anybody wants some REAL DRAMA... I gladly will, any time, any place... oh by the way, my name is Steve...

this username is also my aol account if you wana say something... but otherwise... see ya'll friday =)


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Well, I think you all are gay. I have seen TILT rave, as I know a member from them. They are good, probaly the best I've seen. Why all this shit talking? What is wrong with you people. You have blueangel popping shit saying how TILT is the best around, and that her boys will own you... and then later on in this thread, she says changes her mood, saying raving should be fun, and no hate involved. Then you have her bf... who in his responses is totally correct in what he says. Then you have ges1ner, who sounds like a dick, and is probaly someone who has nothing better to do, than to talk shit. Then you have tai.. who is also talking mad shit. Then mr. energystar comes in.. also talking mad shit... who is right? NONE OF YOU.. you are all gay.. STFU with all this, it's all nonsense. You won't even have enough room to dance that night anyways.

And if somebody doesn't like what I have to say, or if anybody wants me to say something to their face, or if anybody wants some REAL DRAMA... I gladly will, any time, any place... oh by the way, my name is Steve...

this username is also my aol account if you wana say something... but otherwise... see ya'll friday =)


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Well Star, this is exactly the attitude I expected from a person with one's attitude's as yours. With someone as cocky as you, who would get a little pissed, and go along with exactly what I say as I tell my story. As I tell my story it makes me the perfect author of this chapter of this book.

You weren't even at Twilo two weeks ago, raving in the corner, trying to take someone else's headlines, lieing, that wasn't you... why you gonna make up some BS lie? this is exactly the cocky attitude that gives you ignorance and makes you a narrowminded asshole. I guess you've not obviously been exposed to a lot of different dancing and raving around the world, and you might be good in NYC, but you are NOT the best.

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"(YOU READY? I'm going to make you feel REALLY STUPID, Are you ready?? Those 2 kids that you saw, was mitchell(blackraven) and me(star). YOU IDIOT! YES I do work at Twilo but I also dance and have a good time. The reason why the manager stopped us from dancing is NOT because it was giving a bad vibe, it's because THE SIDE pathway was getting clogged from the circle and they wanted us to move to the middle of the twilo dancefloor. So get the story straight and don't talk if you don't know the truth. Stop spreading fake rumors and stop with your nasty remarks about me.) "

This just goes to prove what we are all saying is true... You were not at Digweed two weeks ago... You and Mitchell were not the two dancer's who were asked to stop dancing... You are taking someone else's credit... Stop bullshitting!!!

e* cwm33.gif

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Originally posted by ccms610:


Well, I think you all are gay. I have seen TILT rave, as I know a member from them. They are good, probaly the best I've seen. Why all this shit talking? What is wrong with you people. You have blueangel popping shit saying how TILT is the best around, and that her boys will own you... and then later on in this thread, she says changes her mood, saying raving should be fun, and no hate involved. Then you have her bf... who in his responses is totally correct in what he says. Then you have ges1ner, who sounds like a dick, and is probaly someone who has nothing better to do, than to talk shit. Then you have tai.. who is also talking mad shit. Then mr. energystar comes in.. also talking mad shit... who is right? NONE OF YOU.. you are all gay.. STFU with all this, it's all nonsense. You won't even have enough room to dance that night anyways.

And if somebody doesn't like what I have to say, or if anybody wants me to say something to their face, or if anybody wants some REAL DRAMA... I gladly will, any time, any place... oh by the way, my name is Steve...

this username is also my aol account if you wana say something... but otherwise... see ya'll friday =)


LOL. I was thinking the same thing.



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I'm going to be attending PVD night because I love to listen to my favorite Dj spin and if any of you assholes ruin that for me, I'm not gonna be the only one that will be pissed off and probably stomping on you guys. I have to admit Star is fucken ill and smooth when he raves tho. This comment is to Ges1ner & Taixxk... you guys don't understand how ridiculous you two look because you two are so absorbed in Star's world. You guys know so much about him, yet I bet he never even saw you two. If you two were real ravers or seen ravers, the nice thing to do is give them a pat on their back for a job well done. Then you two come here, talk shit about him and call HIM cocky? WTF? I don't understand how the commen sense works for you two. Also, after he replies saying that raving isn't everything to him you guys say that that was the cockiness that he portrayed? Come on now, anyone would definitely get pissed off when ignorant people start posting shit up. And you two are about to feel REAL stupid... That night that you two said he wasn't there on Sasha & Digweed night...It was him and Mitchell. I was there... in the circle. The bouncer and the manger came to put a stop to it because it was blocking the walkway. Seriously you two should check yourself before you "wreck" yourselvez, puhahahaha! Star, Mitchell & Blueangel...Keep up the good work, rave, dance... do your thingz and don't pay attention to them. And...haha.. you ain't even from NY but want drama? =X

"He who laughs last, last hardest!"

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I'm going to be attending PVD night because I love to listen to my favorite Dj spin and if any of you assholes ruin that for me, I'm not gonna be the only one that will be pissed off and probably stomping on you guys. I have to admit Star is fucken ill and smooth when he raves tho. This comment is to Ges1ner & Taixxk... you guys don't understand how ridiculous you two look because you two are so absorbed in Star's world. You guys know so much about him, yet I bet he never even saw you two. If you two were real ravers or seen ravers, the nice thing to do is give them a pat on their back for a job well done. Then you two come here, talk shit about him and call HIM cocky? WTF? I don't understand how the commen sense works for you two. Also, after he replies saying that raving isn't everything to him you guys say that that was the cockiness that he portrayed? Come on now, anyone would definitely get pissed off when ignorant people start posting shit up. And you two are about to feel REAL stupid... That night that you two said he wasn't there on Sasha & Digweed night...It was him and Mitchell. I was there... in the circle. The bouncer and the manger came to put a stop to it because it was blocking the walkway. Seriously you two should check yourself before you "wreck" yourselvez, puhahahaha! Star, Mitchell & Blueangel...Keep up the good work, rave, dance... do your thingz and don't pay attention to them. And...haha.. you guys aren't from NY but want drama? =X

"He who laughs last, last hardest!"

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