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PVD was off the hook, but....

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hey allnighter, no offense taken man, i wasn't reffereing to you at all there, i wasn't refering to anyone in general, believe me the only arguing i like to do is when the other person and i aren't actually fighting, like a "friendly argument" but there are people who do attack the asians, actually who attack all races, i was just saying that its not the race of the people its just that kind of person they are you know, some are rude some are cool, i dont' think it goes by race at all.....i didn't mean to point fingers and i apologize if i offended you! actually if it wasn't for the asians, i would have never found out wat the writing on my shirt means....finally! i had that shirt i wore on for like 4 years and finally found out what it means!!


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

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This is totally hilarious.

I actually signed up for this board few weeks ago, but was lurking for some time now.

All i have to say is that

alf of you guys are all fucking assholes and ignorant dolts.

Few of the people on this board state their own opinions, and it turns out that all the hypocrites that dont even know what the hell is going on, follow the crowd and bash those posters who have some valid points.

This board is so clique'ish thats its not even funny. cwm23.gif

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first of all, all i have to say is that PVD was off the hook (although not nearly as good as last nov.).

everyone please listen!!! here is my HUMPBLE OPINION on pvd nights and some rudeness involved...

basically, it's all the people who usually DO NOT go to Twilo that KILL the vibe. they just go there b/c they have heard of the greatness of PVD, yet they lack PLUR mentality and party/fun atmosphere at twilo. my experience at PVD nights have been great, yet i typically notice a higher share of rude people... these are the wanna be's. in fact, i saw my first ever fight at twilo this friday near the pyramid stairs in the back corner (by the cushy chairs right of the dj boooth). they were obviously not regulurs... they were juicers who typically frequent other types of clubs but they were in full effect for PVD. a fight at twilo??? i couldn't believe it!!!

anyway, the bottom line is that the negative vibe is not associated with any one type of race, culture etc. it's all the fuckin' "invaders" as i would call them (of course some of them are cool) and not "asians" or "polish' or any other specific race that kill the vibe.

btw - i had a great time with my crew anyway... my ALL asian crowd mingled nicely with people of all races... even when other guys tried to hit on our girls, we just made friends, not fights... either that, or our girls politely declined the guy... that's what it is about.... RESPECT... although i admit, our girls got a little annoyed (as did i) when the guys kept on pestering our girls cwm35.gif

just my $0.02




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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You know all u ppl kill me, ur such ignorant and racists, i mean its okay for everyone on the board to laugh at B&T ppl (the way u call white ppl)and saying "Guidos" saying "juiceheads", "Bang bang wearing , etc... and its okay for u guys to say that, but if someone says something about minorities, doenst even have to be a racist remark, it could just be an observation, like Allnight23, u jump down their throat, u ppl make me sick, i mean u guys say ur not raicsts, but its okay to make fun of the white crowd, but not minoriites, whatever man...U should read the posts better b4 u guys respond, u tend to get offensive for no reason, when its an observation...whatever..but u guys could laugh about guidos, whats with the term B&T, give me a damn break, i am sick of it already, GROW UP cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by djfabioc:

TWILO SUCKS cwm10.gif



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

You know all u ppl kill me, ur such ignorant and racists, i mean its okay for everyone on the board to laugh at B&T ppl (the way u call white ppl)and saying "Guidos" saying "juiceheads", "Bang bang wearing , etc... and its okay for u guys to say that, but if someone says something about minorities, doenst even have to be a racist remark, it could just be an observation, like Allnight23, u jump down their throat, u ppl make me sick, i mean u guys say ur not raicsts, but its okay to make fun of the white crowd, but not minoriites, whatever man...U should read the posts better b4 u guys respond, u tend to get offensive for no reason, when its an observation...whatever..but u guys could laugh about guidos, whats with the term B&T, give me a damn break, i am sick of it already, GROW UP cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Finally Allnight23. Someone sees what I see!!!! Everyone says the vibe at other places such as Exit sucks. The vibe at Twilo sucks. Everyone is in there own little group. What's this stuff I hear about the Twilo vibe being like one big happy family???? When I was there I got pushed around more and got more dirty looks then any other club I've been to.

About the Asian thing. I think there is some truth to the critism of them. Why do asians stay in there own group? Almost seperating themselves from everyone in the club. Is that a friendly vibe?

And plllleeeeease don't say Asians get discrimated against. All because your asian and bouncer isn't nice to you, doesn't mean your being discrimated against. Bouncers act like tough guys to EVERYONE!!!!

PS. If there was no B&T crowd, there would be no clubs in NYC. They would all shut-down due to the lack of money they would be making.



*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

You know all u ppl kill me, ur such ignorant and racists, i mean its okay for everyone on the board to laugh at B&T ppl (the way u call white ppl)and saying "Guidos" saying "juiceheads", "Bang bang wearing , etc... and its okay for u guys to say that, but if someone says something about minorities, doenst even have to be a racist remark, it could just be an observation, like Allnight23, u jump down their throat, u ppl make me sick, i mean u guys say ur not raicsts, but its okay to make fun of the white crowd, but not minoriites, whatever man...U should read the posts better b4 u guys respond, u tend to get offensive for no reason, when its an observation...whatever..but u guys could laugh about guidos, whats with the term B&T, give me a damn break, i am sick of it already, GROW UP cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif


sounds good cwm7.gif


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by allnight23:


Why? should I be hitting on you?, , I've never seen you before,Are you hot? smile.gif

Relax, I am from Europe we are like that, Straight forward and romantic smile.gif

Anyway you are making such a big secret out of your birthplace that I am prone to assume you are from a different galaxy - Galaxy girl?

...But if I was hitting on you than what? what would you do?, Dude

no, you should not be hitting on me. that would be kinda pitiful, i'd think

my birth place is not a big secret as much as it simply isn't important enough for you or any other random asshole to know

if you were hitting on me, dude, i'd tell you to fuck off


"real fucking high"

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karch, stfu. you've told me what you go to exit for, and what you expect there. so don't be talking about vibes and shit. don't even try to compare twilo and exit

and if you think there is no racism, you're one blind batboy


"real fucking high"

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Originally posted by karch:

And plllleeeeease don't say Asians get discrimated against. All because your asian and bouncer isn't nice to you, doesn't mean your being discrimated against. Bouncers act like tough guys to EVERYONE!!!!

You're a bigger fucking idiot than allnight if that's possible...

ONE TRUE FUCKING IDIOT. Asians don't get discriminated? You are the biggest fucking retard yet cause you actually believe that.


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by deanna11:

karch, stfu. you've told me what you go to exit for, and what you expect there. so don't be talking about vibes and shit. don't even try to compare twilo and exit

and if you think there is no racism, you're one blind batboy

I just talk the truth. I talk the truth about Exit, I talk the truth about Twilo. I don't think people should talk shit about Exit. Look at Twilo for yourself. Tell me the stuff I said isn't true what I said about Twilo and give me reasons why they're not. I just talk the truth. I ain't ignorant like many people on this board.

Also give me reasons why that shit I said about asians not being discriminated in clubs isn't true either.

For all you people that love Twilo and knock down Exit's vibe. Twilo's vibe is much worse. Just my opinion!!!!!! So STFU!!!!!



*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

You know all u ppl kill me, ur such ignorant and racists, i mean its okay for everyone on the board to laugh at B&T ppl (the way u call white ppl)and saying "Guidos" saying "juiceheads", "Bang bang wearing , etc... and its okay for u guys to say that, but if someone says something about minorities, doenst even have to be a racist remark, it could just be an observation, like Allnight23, u jump down their throat, u ppl make me sick, i mean u guys say ur not raicsts, but its okay to make fun of the white crowd, but not minoriites, whatever man...U should read the posts better b4 u guys respond, u tend to get offensive for no reason, when its an observation...whatever..but u guys could laugh about guidos, whats with the term B&T, give me a damn break, i am sick of it already, GROW UP cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

you are such a B&T, Bang Bang, wearing chick...need to relax and smoke a phatty...


i don't want it...i just need it...to feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive...


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Originally posted by karch:

I just talk the truth. I talk the truth about Exit, I talk the truth about Twilo. I don't think people should talk shit about Exit. Look at Twilo for yourself. Tell me the stuff I said isn't true what I said about Twilo and give me reasons why they're not. I just talk the truth. I ain't ignorant like many people on this board.

Also give me reasons why that shit I said about asians not being discriminated in clubs isn't true either.

For all you people that love Twilo and knock down Exit's vibe. Twilo's vibe is much worse. Just my opinion!!!!!! So STFU!!!!!


Exit is a fucking strip joint and jersey club wrapped into one which makes it the perfect dwelling for the shittiest vibes in all of NYC...

Don't even get on a comparision on Twilo and Exit...don't even go...you will get buried...


i don't want it...i just need it...to feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive...


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

you are such a B&T, Bang Bang, wearing chick...need to relax and smoke a phatty...

u dont fuckin know me, and please define the term B&T for me??? Yes I am white, sooooo, watch what u say...cause know ur the racist fuck, by ur comments to me....and no thanks i dont do drugs, i'll leave them for u...

its ppl like u that kill me, i mean u call someone racist so quickly, but u can make racist remarks, like the above u made to me???? whatever man....


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by karch:

I just talk the truth. I talk the truth about Exit, I talk the truth about Twilo.

Hey, idiot... you wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit you in the fucking brain... which apparently you don't seem to have any...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

u dont fuckin know me, and please define the term B for me???

B&T = Bridge and Tunnel...

Now how is that calling someone racist?

I'm B&T... live in Queens... yeah, I'm a B&Ter too...

So stfu before you wind up looking stupider...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Exit is a fucking strip joint and jersey club wrapped into one which makes it the perfect dwelling for the shittiest vibes in all of NYC...

Don't even get on a comparision on Twilo and Exit...don't even go...you will get buried...

Please twilo is the stupidest club i've been to , corny and no vibe at all, dont even go there with exit, u dont knwo what a vibe is...and yes i am gonna get 2000 posts about how twilo is the best, best soundsyste, greatest dj's, etc...whatever i dont wanna hear it

TWILO SUCKS.. u wanna diss my club EXIT, i'll diss urs...



aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

u dont fuckin know me, and please define the term B&T for me??? Yes I am white, sooooo, watch what u say...cause know ur the racist fuck, by ur comments to me....and no thanks i dont do drugs, i'll leave them for u...

its ppl like u that kill me, i mean u call someone racist so quickly, but u can make racist remarks, like the above u made to me???? whatever man....

Uhm, there isnt a racist remark in there.........**grins**



"The light, the glimmering light of her eyes, the shining exuberance of hope, the sparkling smile, Thats Life"


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Originally posted by allnight23:

Kirin - First read what else I have written, before you comment

Second, don't get offended, please. I do not reserve any rights to say who should or shouldn't be a part of Twilo scene. All I ment is that if you come to a club you should bring in a good vibe, be open to others, that is what clubbing is about. When I go to a club I don't want to see sad faces, I want to give and get good vibe, if you cannot handle it don't spoil it for others.

And this is not only my observation, I've read posts from two weeks ago when somone got busted at the Exit with drugs, and they were complaining about being profiled becouse of their Oriental ethnic origin. And somone made a similar observation to mine - read it, you'll see what I am talking about

My best friend is Asian, I had a Japanese girlfriend, my father traveled to orient so believe me I know a thing or two about Oriental culture. And I have much respect for it. So it is not about the culture, it is about people who live in America - melting pot of different cultures - and choose not to become a part of this experience. All I am saying is OPEN UP.

At last, don't make assumptions about my involvment in the club scene - you just might be wrong.

But most of all I don't even want to get into this childish competition who is a bigger club-head, I go to clubs to have fun, meet people, and HAVE FUN, simple. I do not make it to be my lifes-quest it is my hobby.

[This message has been edited by allnight23 (edited 02-11-2001).]

bullshit you racist! You refer to me constantly as an "asian slut" and a "chinese slut" etc. so stop lying!


B L O W G O A T S !!!!

Coming Soon....

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

Please twilo is the stupidest club i've been to , corny and no vibe at all, dont even go there with exit, u dont knwo what a vibe is...

You must have had a brain fart to come up with all that...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

B&T = Bridge and Tunnel...

Now how is that calling someone racist?

I'm B&T... live in Queens... yeah, I'm a B&Ter too...

So stfu before you wind up looking stupider...

ur the one whos looking stupid, ur asshole, yeah but we all know that ppl use the term b&t, theyre talking about white ppl, guidos,etc , so give me a break and yes it is racist what was said to me , alright, Oh yeah hold up i forgot....its only racist when its remarks about minoriites...my bad...


aim: amafrk1


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