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PVD was off the hook, but....

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Originally posted by karch:

Aight.. damn you guys are soooo big, bring all your buds and gang up one person.

Ezdreamer and Myrlin, you guys are sounding stupid. Your using phrases that little 12 year kids use. Grow up!!! What allnight23 said from his FIRST POST was not racist at all!!! Maybe if you people weren't so ignorant you could see that. Allnight23, Foxyroxy, rad_Z and a few others had some opinions with reasons to back them up. Obviously you don't. Your just posting stupid ass comments.

yes mom.

Btw, would you like to read the racist asian private messages allnight has sent to people on the board? Perhaps then, you can make an educated guess at what he is about.

Thx for Your support

And I dont wanna grow up, Im a Toys R US Kid



"The light, the glimmering light of her eyes, the shining exuberance of hope, the sparkling smile, Thats Life"


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

wow such intelligence coming from u.. what r u in 1st grade??? oh wait i give u too much credit ...grow up...

Grow up and be like you? No thanx...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

wow such intelligence coming from u.. what r u in 1st grade??? oh wait i give u too much credit ...grow up...

no...you should go back to first grade and get hooked on phonics for calling me a racist just because of some stupid term as B&T (bridge & tunnel)...I live in jersey so that makes me one too...am I offended? Hell no...

you grow up...immature brat...calling me a racist...very first grade of you...


i don't want it...i just need it...to feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive...


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

no...you should go back to first grade and get hooked on phonics for calling me a racist just because of some stupid term as B&T (bridge & tunnel)...I live in jersey so that makes me one too...am I offended? Hell no...

you grow up...immature brat...calling me a racist...very first grade of you...

You know i am not immature here, I just stated my opinion, and then u guys broke on me, this will be my last reply, i have better things to do than waste my time with useless posts like these, I was being mature, but just cause my opinion is different u broke on me, and we all know that the b&t term is used to diss clubs like , exit, sf, etc..so dont give me the excuse about u r from jersey, so ur b&t too. many times ppl say , "twilo doesnt have the b&t crowd", what do u think they mean?? give me a break already...anyways i am giving up, next time i want to post my own opinion, i'll make sure i check with u for ur approval and then post it..... cwm5.gif


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by allnight23:

By the way ez-dreamer has a personal grauge with me and can't get over it. What can I say...he has a problem

I have a problem with idiots such as yourself as you have proven over and over again on the board...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Guest blckraven

First of all I don't even know where to begin. 1) A big Fuck you to the entire Twilo Staff minus Randy,Annie and the lady who does the bag check. ( a sweetheart). The rest of the staff , especially the bouncers are all a bunch of racist assholes.

I had the worst time at Twilo this past Friday. To whomever is wondering as to why the asian kids did not look so happy, did it ever occure to you that there is a lot of sketchy shit going on in that club.

For instance, Twilo has a new policy now of grabbing asian kids at random and 86 them. meaning for no reason, you get kicked out.

I should know, a couple of friends of mine one who so happen to work there also got kicked out. No they did not have any substances nor were they doing anything.Their only crime was being asian.

The constant harrasment from the bouncers is one main reason as to why a lot of kids did not look happy.

Personally, I find the Asian crowd in Twilo to be the friendliest and most beautiful bunch of people. I may not be asian but I was and Am still welcome with arms wide open.

I love all my friends at Twilo, I go in with the plur mentality. So I suggest you all do the same, do not judge someone based on their looks, take the time to get to know someone, be friendly and caring.

In case you were all wondering, This was my last time at Twilo. I refuse to go to a place where my friends are getting treated like shit. Like they don't even matter. Once again to the Twilo staff, kiss my ass.


Live and embrace life to the fullest ! Love like you never have, dance and become one with light

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wow, this whole shit sounds pretty crazy, yea iwas pushed around friday, and yea some people brought me down, but it wasnt a specific group or culture, for me it was the tourists, the ones who come for the name pvd, and not the music, as long as i was around peeps from the board i was fine, it was those trips to the bathroom, and for water that got to me, but all i thought about was that soon i would be back with my friends, enjoying my first pvd, having one of the greatest nights of my life. peace love unity and respect for all....laterz y'all



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Guest blckraven

Quote from mikepntbrsh

" pvd was off the hook.where was eddie toma?.........seriously though i think a serious problem that needs to be addressed is the growing number of orientials that show up and pollute such a great vibe....I mean seriously..i meet people of all races and nationalities at twilo and i always have a good time but please do you have to be so banged out and rude that you can't move when people are trying to get by...where was eddie toma by the way?....anyway just a suggestion.how about you all liqudate some of your fruit and veggie stores, some laundromats, and a few carvels and baskin robbins......and maybe a few of you could put off hookin up your 3 cylinder cars with ripp modified for a while, put all that money together and buy your own club so you can all get as banged outas you want to...sit all over the place and generally be rude to one another.. "

This is the type of shit that gets on my nerves. Whoever you are, all I can tell you is GO FUCK YOURSELF !!!

Racism is so ugly


Live and embrace life to the fullest ! Love like you never have, dance and become one with light

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Please allow me to start by calling ezdreamer and shadowchaser the invincible duo of ignorant closed minded, stuck-ups. People who cannot make one posting without spitting in ones face - bravo, you have shown us your true colors.

Myrlyn you are full of shit.

"would you like to read the racist asian private messages allnight has sent to people on the board?"

Yes I would

If you are so anxious to dig up dirt why don't you ask Keshiki what she called me, in her PM's Things like Faggot, gay etc.- WAIT is that politically correct? To call somone faggot in a derrogatory way. Is that not being Racist?

Here is the def you have posted:

Racism - the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, which results in the other races being treated unfairly ***

Has anyone here suggested in any way that they are better than Asians, - hell no! That Asians are inferior to us - hell no!

Yes I have had an argument with Keshiki, but it wasn't racialy charged, merly I teased her and than I offered an apology, to which she had replyed by calling me names. So keshiki don't bring up half of the truth to this board. Cause half truth is a full lie.

And also we had an agreement that you not gonna respond to my posts, so I guess your word is worth shit.

It finally became clear who is who on this board. Ez, Shadow, and Myrlin you have lost so much validity. Putting people down, insulting them, telling them they cannot see the truth. Why don't you tell us what the truth is. The all knowing, all entertaining,never mistaken, always to the point TRIO. What are you some kind of prodigy for this board, please, come down from the cloud9 and start walking the ground.

As a final comment I believe that word Racist is misused in this country in so many ways. The whole subject of racism became such a big issue that it actually draws people apart. There are many different cultures that meet here in America. Cultures that differ from each other in many ways. It is a responsibility of each minority to help others understand their ways, rather than expect those differences to be accepted, respected or forced upon others, or resolved by law. There are always those who'll refuse to accept the differences, Those you have to respect, too (as long as they do not harm others)

People have to realize that this country has a big blessing and a big problem - it is a melting pot. Things will always get hot from time to time. But before we start acusing others of being racist, before we start pointing fingers, we should try explaining, first. Try to make people understand, about our cultur's ways. That is what K_car and black raven did on this message board. And still people have a right not to agree with the way one's culture is, and it is fine as long as it is done in the respectful manner. We all should realize that in a way we are trying to push utopia here. For ages people lived separated in their own groups/cultures, Only recently different groups have met on the common ground, we surly cannot expect the cultural differences to disapear within few years, It will take time. Also, this whole racism b.s. is very nicely propelled by the media which makes it such a sensitive subject, and actually causes more mayheim than good. Look at some of the European countries there are different cultures present there, and sometimes there are racial tensions visible, but it is not so aparant, so sensitized, people don't talk about it so much, but most of all people of minorities call themselves French, English, Italian, etc. regardless of their skin color. Maybe we should start doing that here ,too

I am not racist, Being here for all those years I have had my share of shit from different paople. I love my ethnicity I will always defend it, but I also know the flaws of my culture and I am not afraid to talk about them. Yes it hurts when someone points them out, BUT IT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE THEM UNDERSTAND WHY THE THINGS ARE THE WAY THEY ARE RATHER THAN GET OFFENDED AND CALL THEM RACIST (unless of course their intent is clearly to insult me, or my culture - and I don't thik I have done that with the initial posting). And if they choose not to accept me or undersaynd my ways, well...I cannot force it upon them.

So let's stop acusing each others, I think we could talk things out without insulting each other.

[This message has been edited by allnight23 (edited 02-12-2001).]

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yo, allnight speaks truth... im asian, i wasnt offended by anything he said.. i mean.. of u ARE asian like i am, we ALL know that some, not all, but SOME asians have certain staring problems..and thats probably what he encountered friday night/saturday morning... we all know that many a fight has been started becuase of an harmless stare... so lets just leave it at that because basically... allnight is makin u guys look like immature fools who cant come up with a mature decision without berating someone on a personal level... so lets all chillz... CARL COX AND DANNY T SUNDAY~~!!~!~!~!!

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WOW, allnight: that whole statement that you just put up was "artistically" written. I actually think that everyone on this board should read it (especially the last section) just to get the perspective of where your coming from and how u see things.

You should make that post as a new thread because since this has 100+ posts, most ppl will not read the end (because it takes too long). Im totally serious about this.





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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

You know all u ppl kill me, ur such ignorant and racists, i mean its okay for everyone on the board to laugh at B&T ppl (the way u call white ppl)and saying "Guidos" saying "juiceheads", "Bang bang wearing , etc... and its okay for u guys to say that, but if someone says something about minorities, doenst even have to be a racist remark, it could just be an observation, like Allnight23, u jump down their throat, u ppl make me sick, i mean u guys say ur not raicsts, but its okay to make fun of the white crowd, but not minoriites, whatever man...U should read the posts better b4 u guys respond, u tend to get offensive for no reason, when its an observation...whatever..but u guys could laugh about guidos, whats with the term B&T, give me a damn break, i am sick of it already, GROW UP cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

as usual, you make comments without knowing what the hell you are talking about...

1) B&T = bridge and tunnel... people who do not live in manhattan... you can be of ANY race to be B&T... i'm B&T and i'm not white.

2) yes, the term guido can be considered racist (but usually refers to "juiceheads" in a club context), but noone mentioned the word guido in this thread... until you did.

3) what does "bang bang dressing" have anythin to do with race???

where is the racist comment??? stop stirring up shit without knowing what the heck you are talking about... cwm23.gif it's so you to ramble on about nothing... cwm25.gif




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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Originally posted by Rad_Z:

Oh great, there goes another several posts by ezdreamer and his buds (myrlin and shadowchaser) What is it about you guys?

You need 3 ppl to gang up on one just because he or she is stating their own opinion?

If they dont like twilo or think the vibe is shitty compared to other clubs, thats their business and thats it. Obviously they have some sort of a basis for their opinions: maybe past expereinces?

Fuck man all i ever see is about 50 fucking posts about twilo being " the shit" " the best club", "every other club sux ass" and crap like that. Its like if anyone has any hint of negativity in their message about twilo, there is a bunch of lamers jumping down their face, like they just insulted your "church" or something.

And stop ganging up on ppl for no apparent reason like you always do.

Rad_ cwm23.gif


with all due respect, i don't think they are making a twilo/exit debate (although that's the stance roxy is taking)... they are commenting on her stupidity regarding B&T and its connotations to racism (there is none). the fact that she doesn't, nor did she ever know what the fuck she is talking about...

ps - both clubs have something to offer for different crowds... i like them both but twilo. IMO is much better.

that is all... please, don't take this offensively... none meant to you





"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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Originally posted by allnight23:

1)If you are so anxious to dig up dirt why don't you ask Keshiki what she called me, in her PM's Things like Faggot, gay etc.- WAIT is that politically correct? To call somone faggot in a derrogatory way. Is that not being Racist?

2) Ez, Shadow, and Myrlin you have lost so much validity. Putting people down, insulting them, telling them they cannot see the truth.

1) So someone calling you names is the justification for you to write such flagrant words as chinese slut and asian pig? Ah ok, I see the validity there.

2) Hardly. Hehe, you just dont get it do you? LoL. I suppose one day we will explain it all......rofl

Hey Everyone wink.gif



"The light, the glimmering light of her eyes, the shining exuberance of hope, the sparkling smile, Thats Life"


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this thread is pretty sad. everyone went to PVD (i think) to have fun and listen to music they like to some degree, so why the need to bash each other?

the original comment is somewhat true- twilo asians tend to keep to themselves and are a lot less friendly (in general) than other twilo-ers. i'm asian, so i guess that qualifies my remark as somewhat non-racist and objective.

ezdreamer or whatever his name is and deanna seem to be the type that i'm talking about- what's the big deal if someone comes up and talks to you? if you guys don't like the

"friendliness" at twilo, maybe you should go somewhere that suits you more. the bulk of twilo people shouldn't change to suit you- you should just find a new place.

ezdreamer, you must be the most intelligent person in the universe to proclaim everyone else an idiot, stupid, or a moron. i don't think you've done much to clear up people's impressions of asians with your knee-jerk flaming. good job.

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Originally posted by allnight23:

Myrlyn Get your facts straight and stop misquoting. You do not know what the argument with Keshiki was about so, please don't use cheap shots to discredit me.

1) Did you or did you not use Asian slurs directed at her?

2) I think you need to talk to some people before going with drama. As I tell everyon else, show up, guarantee you wont keep posting drama when you know peeps



"The light, the glimmering light of her eyes, the shining exuberance of hope, the sparkling smile, Thats Life"


[This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 02-12-2001).]

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Guest blckraven

Why is this post so long.

When will you all get it ? TWILO fucking SUX !!!

Bunch of racist ass bouncers. Fuck you to all who ruined my night! and FUCK YOU to all you racist assholes on this board !!


Live and embrace life to the fullest ! Love like you never have, dance and become one with light

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wow... i cant believe this is still going on.. its obvious to me that no matter what each respective side says, the other is going to reply wid a comeback and this is never gonna end...y not just let everyones OPINION be... no one ever said anything was a fact, but merely and opinion.. and last time i checked... everyone was still entitled to that in this country... if allnight is wrong.. then so be it.. let him think what he wants to think and sooner or later he'll reliaze he was wrong... if hes right... same thing.. sooner or later everyone else will realize he was right...just let it go everyone... im assumin everyone went to twilo to have a good time, so lets leave it at that. Besides, whats the point of talking shit on a messagebaord? if u guys REALLY feel THAT passionately about ur position, meet up in person and throw down... but if u dont have the courage to do even that, then just let it go and stop talking shit on a messagebaord and give everyone else some peace... and i know what ur thinking... if i want some peace or dont wanna deal with this shit, i shouldnt logon and read.. but hey.. im a member and a clubber thus have every reason to logon and read...but regardless... no point in battling over opinions...everyone knows both sides now so let everyone think what they wanna think and the truth WILL come out later... as for now.. lets ALL look fwd to the 18th. Hope to see u all there, anyone lookin for a nice light show, come my way..

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dude, i can't believe people are still posting about this. i can't believe i'm still posting about this. what the hell...

to whoever said something to the effect of me being unfriendly or cliquey, well, i'm sorry i sound like that to you. i would like to think that most of the people who have met me don't think i'm like that in person. when i wrote of people who annoyed me, these were some pretty persistent persons who i think took advantage of my initial politeness and friendliness. people like them make me reconsider more and more if i should ever bother being nice. but then i know i'd also miss out on meeting some great people

i think everyone should be chill and friendly, but also aware that there needs to be some decorum practiced on both sides


"real fucking high"

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Originally posted by k_car:

as usual, you make comments without knowing what the hell you are talking about...

1) B&T = bridge and tunnel... people who do not live in manhattan... you can be of ANY race to be B&T... i'm B&T and i'm not white.

2) yes, the term guido can be considered racist (but usually refers to "juiceheads" in a club context), but noone mentioned the word guido in this thread... until you did.

3) what does "bang bang dressing" have anythin to do with race???

where is the racist comment??? stop stirring up shit without knowing what the heck you are talking about... cwm23.gif it's so you to ramble on about nothing... cwm25.gif

u think i give a fuck what u think of me??? please i got a right to my opinion just like u have a right too. and i know what the fuck i am talking about, i am not the only one whos sees it on this board, so stfu....next time comments r said about what i stated above i'll show u what i am talking about, since u wanna be ignorant and act like i dont know shit....


aim: amafrk1


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This is fucked up.

Ok the Twilo incedents may not have been racial. They could just have been over crowding. But at the end of the day TWILO caused all this shit by treating people unfairly.

They don't give a shit, that much IS clear. They couldn't give a shit if you have paid, they couldn't care less if your dying on what were legal drugs at the time.

What they do care about is your MONEY.

This isn't what this scene is supposed to be about. IMHO



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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geez... this post is OUT OF CONTROL.. i'm new so i don't know.. does this happen often? so much HOSTILITY...

everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

i think everyone needs to have more sex and chill the fuq out.

so this one's for everyone:



***********Live with Heart...Play with Heart***********


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