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Ok so there has been some issues recently, and i just wanted to quickly post something that i have been thinking about.

You all know i love OUR music, i love the scene and everything it stands for. This isn't about dissing anybody or anything it's about a positive issue or so i think.

Remember Disco, over here it got elitist and cool, people lost track of why people got in to it in the fist place. I see that happening now by certain sectors. I belive that the reason House & Electronica will stay in England is because it is tha main stream and cool and money goes out of the window.. because everybody likes it.

But recently not just the New York shit, but stuff in Chicago as well (check the Chicago board for SOME info, but being here i see it every time i go out), i see the elitism taking over.

There are MANY people on this board who i KNOW feel pasionatly about not just the music but the ideologies that it preaches, not just PLUR, not just headonism but a coming together as a group of people who share the same passion.

Some people seem to have lost track of that. It's easy for me to sometime laugh at the rave scene but at the end of the day these people (not the eople who just go out to get f?cked up) all share a single love.. which we need. Previous generations have had war and hardship to bring them together.. society NEEDS something to bring US together.. we are all different and have different values, but when we can forget those values and all enjoy eachother company and THEN learn where we are all coming from the that is a positive thing.

Listen i hope we can all get over this because at then end of the day, i may not agree with you (and belive me you will know when i dont) but we are here for the same thing.

I love EVERYBODY who post here because we have something in common that i can relate to MUSIC.

(Yes Bastardino & Illian that also means you)



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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wow, yeah, i think sometimes we do lose sight of what it is that brings us all together. all i know is that if i didn't feel some sort of passion for the music i would've never met so many awesome people in such a short span of time....well you just made me think, anyway.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Back2Basics.....you made a *wonderful* point.

Amen to it.

I hope people really read that and hear it.



I am NOT a fag hag. I'm a fairy princess.

"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

wow, yeah, i think sometimes we do lose sight of what it is that brings us all together. all i know is that if i didn't feel some sort of passion for the music i would've never met so many awesome people in such a short span of time....well you just made me think, anyway.....


I am SO looking forward to meeting you... so much i even said SO.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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I want to add something to what you've said...

I think one of the reasons its so easy for fevers to get high on this board is *because* the scene/music mean so much to so many people.

Often, that can lead to short tempers and emotions flairing. Especially since via text, its hard to tell what people are really saying. We don't hear the tone or intonation/refelection in people's words.

The anonominity provided by the net also makes people feel much less insecure and/or sensitive about what they type. They can forget that a real person is actually sitting at their desk reading what's being written here.

I worked for 4 years as a game designer, remotely from home. The game was an online RPG and none of us almost ever saw eachother. Customers and fellow designers would often forget just how careful we have to be in terms of how we express ourselves when you can't see a person's eyes or hear the tone in their voice.

I've seen lots of people argue lately that what's said here doesn't matter. That people take things too seriously. Perhaps we do.

But if we didn't take eachother seriously or care about what the other had to say...what the hell would any of this really matter? Its a double edged sword. How much we really care is what leads to so many of us become close friends (which still amazes me how quickly I've come to call so many of you friends, this is very very unusual for me). But how much we care is also what can lead to the anger, frustration and harsh words flung all over this board lately.

So, three things have brought many of us together. The scene, the music and as silly as it may sound...this board.

Lets show respect for all of them. Be kind to oneanother. And remember, not to sweat the stuff that doesn't matter much. :-)



I am NOT a fag hag. I'm a fairy princess.

"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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ooana, thanks i think you have just *completed* the puzzle it's VERY important point you made. It's has answered a few questions i couldn't get my head arround but i can relate to various situations. THANK YOU.

Regina, hmm now you have me wondering... you better mail me and let me know. Grrr. smile.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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