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Take me to The TOP--->The TUNNEL

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Hey, we all agree that Tunnel is coming back once again and that we WANT it to be a great party like it used to---so here's what to do:

spread good word of mouth, tell people, invite your friends---whatever you can do and I guarantee you by summer it'll be one of the hottest parties around. Just do it, whatever you can--even if you can't go.

I used to go there when it was off the hook

so now Im doing my part to bring it back!!!!. cwm12.gifcwm20.gif

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Hate to break it to you babe, but you're WRONG. It's totally on it's way back. Everybody going is having fun. The music absolutely KICKS ASS. Don't be so skeptical. The party is all about the music and the people, and good people follow good music. Be there hon, or you're going to be left behind.

cwm38.gif - Ness - cwm38.gif

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The Tunnel is back kids. While the other clubs are busy trying to make kids interested in their club by putting candles here and there and waterfalls and anything else you can name, the Tunnel has and forever will be about one thing: The Music. With guys like Anthony Nero and DJ Renegade. Kids like DJ Elevate and DJ Kleva...how can you knock the place? The music is hot as hell and the Tunel's got a Fresh Crowd behind it. The crowds hot, the music's hot and the Club is hot. Tunnel is once again coming back to the forefront of all the NYC clubs. Anybody on this board that went to Tunnel back in the day knows where I'm coming from. For all you kids out there who've been to Exit about 4 times and nowhere else: Come out to Tunnel. Take the hint that it aint all about Chandaliers and Palm Trees. Tunnel is back. You don't wanna lose out because of an opinion someone shoved down your throat.


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I think the music is defenitely off the hook, but the crowd is pitiful, I have never seen so many ugly people in one place since last saturday, a BIG gay presence, which I dont mind. but I did go into the fuzzy room lookin for my girlfriend cause her friend is cool w/ all the gays, an I was tapped, groped an guys were hittin on me which I wasn't feeling. . .but besides all that I had a really good time, DJ Nero should spun all nite instead of Renegade, Renegade was spinnin this CD I have called "elements of ecstacy" an that is just straight up bull shit. . .


Sound Factory Fridays are BACK~!. . .Level 4 is open, New 300 speaker digital system on the main floor. . .STRENGTH GUEST LIST FOR REDUCED ADMISSON. . .for info call Mike at 201-883-4242 or 201-488-5305

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that place iz az dead az dog shit. it friggen stinkz now. if u went there back in the dizay, then u would not go back there your right mind. trust me i've been 2 that place more than any other place by far. this bullshit that itz comin back haz been being heard for like a year straight or something like that. thatz a promoterz favorite line. if they could get some good lookin chix like they used 2 have it would be so much better than it iz now. itz no more than some shitty rave now. fuk u that place and yo momma

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so let's do it...forget about how it's right now, Im interested in what we can make it to be,,,the hotttest party around by summer

we've got the music now,,,,let's bring the crowd--spread good word of mouth---TELL everyone, and Tunnel will be HOT by summer

Im serious...Let's do this. cwm20.gifcwm12.gifcwm38.gif

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I think the music is defenitely off the hook, but the crowd is pitiful, I have never seen so many ugly people in one place since last saturday, a BIG gay presence, which I dont mind. but I did go into the fuzzy room lookin for my girlfriend cause her friend is cool w/ all the gays, an I was tapped, groped an guys were hittin on me which I wasn't feeling. . .but besides all that I had a really good time, DJ Nero should spun all nite instead of Renegade, Renegade was spinnin this CD I have called "elements of ecstacy" an that is just straight up bull shit. . .


Sound Factory Fridays are BACK~!. . .Level 4 is open, New 300 speaker digital system on the main floor. . .STRENGTH GUEST LIST FOR REDUCED ADMISSON. . .for info call Mike at 201-883-4242 or 201-488-5305

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Anthony Nero is beyond a talented kid. He's also a hottie. So guys listen up: The Tunnel is with out a shadow of a doubt back. The only question left to ask now is: Just how good will it get? Anybody thats been there recently can tell you: Damn Good.

bye guys!!! cwm29.gifcwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm30.gif

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We have been hearing this for waaay too long, and I will believe it when I see it. Tunnel is the beat venue in NYC by far, and i don't know how it died as bad as it has. Guliani really fucked that place in the ass, and then POW! Exit opened up and that was it. Coincidence???? I think not!

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I really question if any of you have been to the Tunnel in the past 2 monthes. Anybody that supports it is dead right. Anybody that knocks it really hasn't said much about specific DJ's or sets or crowds or nothin'. I just hear the same old bullshit about how "Tunnel sucked like a year ago so it msut still suck". Thats just dumb. Go check it out. I'll be there Saturday.


"Got violence?"

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Originally posted by a691vcc:

that place iz az dead az dog shit. it friggen stinkz now. if u went there back in the dizay, then u would not go back there your right mind. trust me i've been 2 that place more than any other place by far. this bullshit that itz comin back haz been being heard for like a year straight or something like that. thatz a promoterz favorite line. if they could get some good lookin chix like they used 2 have it would be so much better than it iz now. itz no more than some shitty rave now. fuk u that place and yo momma

You make no sence dude, if you hate it that much why did you state that This then"trust me i've been 2 that place more than any other place by far. " you make no sence dude. if you hate it why did you go back .? dumb ass shut up....




e-mail martin_izzo@netzero.net page 1917-243-0215

AIM:GLowbali <---

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Man frist ThE tunnel has to fix there lighting effects sys its all fucked up right now .. Thats one thing so far that i have looked at yesterday while being there to test out the lights




e-mail martin_izzo@netzero.net page 1917-243-0215

AIM:GLowbali <---

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no offense glowball, but i know for a fact u haven't been goin there for 3 yearz like i have. i know the barbax there and that iz why i get in for free when i go there. but the last time i went there it wuz the worst it had ever been by far. if u only knew the potential that that club haz u'd understand. and then u would refrain from that shithole.

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