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Ballet - Not club related, but dance and music related

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I'm no promoter by any means, but in case you STILL haven't found the oh-so-right Valentine's Day gift...

There is a Gala at Lincoln Center on Feb. 19th (Yes, the night after CC/DT) that a very good friend of mine is producing. I wanted to get the word out for him to people I know. This has always been an extremely successful and beautiful event. I attended last years and will be attending the Dinner and Gala this year. It

is, without a doubt, the most extraordinary Ballet performance you can attend. The Gala is host to celebrity principals from the top companies all around the world. If you have interest in purchasing tickets you can go to www.starsofthe21stcentury.com. There are also ticket discounts for groups of 10 or more, with some very good seats still available. If you even have the least interest in dance, you won't be disappointed. Great romantic Valentine's Day gift, too! Hopefully I will see some of you there. cwm9.gif


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ichi, i love ballet (used to study). thanks for posting this. i would go, but i can't afford tix after CC/DT. i can't really afford CC/DT either but hey, who needs food? will you go with me to another production in the future, when i can?


"real fucking high"

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Originally posted by deanna11:

ichi, i love ballet (used to study). thanks for posting this. i would go, but i can't afford tix after CC/DT. i can't really afford CC/DT either but hey, who needs food? will you go with me to another production in the future, when i can?

deanna, I will fly you to Paris for the next one, if you want to go! Please, let anyone you know who might be interested know about this...

ichi - you'll never get my password wink.gif


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Symphony orchestra is another great one. I have to admit crying the first time i ever went to see a performance.. It takes your breath away.. without the drugs.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Symphony orchestra is another great one. I have to admit crying the first time i ever went to see a performance.. It takes your breath away.. without the drugs.

i second that...it can be overwhelming!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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aaawwww...i went to The Gala last year...it was spectacular....i love ballet....now i am sad i am not home for that weekend...



never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

the most you can do for a friend is simply be a friend...

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Considering the venue (Lincoln Center, not P.S. 167's auditorium) and the caliber of performers (the world's premiere dancers - no Arthur Murray kids, these) it is not so pricey in perspective. I know what the event is costing to produce, and there is not much room to cut prices at all...if anything, the show is losing a vast sum right now. cwm31.gif

However, Orchid, there are group rates available for parties of 10 or more, when purchasing a single block of tickets.

Can some folks working in the bigger companies around the city perhaps let your HR dept's know about this? I know sometimes HR will buy a block of tixx and then resell them or hold drawings within the company... cwm1.gif


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