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First, I was in front of the stage dancing (with) spacegirl, then chris lawrence came on, as soace girl was packing up, i waved and she pulled me onto the stage. Well she told me how to get there anyway. I got up there, and was on the stage for the chris lawrence set. Then we all went to this room and chatted it up. I was with two other people. They are mad cool. Just wanted to let everyone know that the rave was one of the best parties i have been to in a long ass time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




"ThRoUgH tHe NiGhT, I hEaR yOuR vOiCe.... As i RiSe tHrOuGh ThE AiR, YoUr EcHo GrOwS...I sEE tImE sTaNd StiLL, As I'm WaTcHiNg tHe WoRLd BeLoW.... I cAn HeAr yOu CrY..."


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NO shit dude? eek.gif

Fawking awsome!

I'm sorry that i missed this rave - well there's always a next time


I'm glad you had fun - you deserve it - when bad shit happens - good things inaviatably follow as well



cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND

K alwayscomesbac K



AIM: ZUinc2000

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how was Dave Ralph?!!?

i couldn't even dance when he was spinning because i was in such awe just standing there watching his hands!!

pleasurehead and venim same thing- these crackerjacks were miiixxing like the mofos they are.

Originally posted by petrol:


I knew I would be sorry I missed this.


So, how was Dave Ralph??? I've seen him several times and he's never failed me... How was he?????!!


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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Yo Scott!

I was so sick last night that I could barely talk, next time we'll go out to Twilo or maybe Tiesto March 3rd at Limelight. Who is up for that? Tiesto is the man when is comes to trance and spinning. Can't believe you met Spacegirl and Christopher Lawrence, bastard. But whats up with all the youngins at Palladium? kinda wish they checked ids. What's the deal with Palladium on a normal friday night? I think Fridays is all ages, but what about the music/ages/cover on Saturdays. cya l8r --Yarin

Aim: teklord310

from Westchester

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That's cool you got to meet Space Girl and Lawrence.

The best part of the night was Dave Ralph's set. Oddly enough, it seemed like the dancefloor cleared when he came on. We went nuts when he dropped Wackassmotherfucker. His style was completely different than any other DJ there -- and I enjoyed him the best. Would love to see him operate in a set that lasted more than one hour.

Otherwise Space Girl was good, but I was disppointed with Lawrence -- not very trancey if you ask me. And what was up with the DJ who followed Ralph. It was like a KTU mega mix or something. House to techno to Daft Punk "One More Time"

And what's the deal with shutting off the water in the bathrooms -- do they want people to pass out and get rushed to the hospital??

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Aside from Dave Ralph and Christopher Lawrence, there was not much to write home about. And even they got only 1 hour each, which is not enough time to develop a set.

Spacegirl was ok, but I'm suspicious as to whether or not here "producing" live was real. I've heard that she just plays a DAT tape and all the drumming and thumping of fingers is fake. DAT tape or not though, her music wasn't bad...

Aside from those three though, I thought the music was TERRIBLE. At least the DJing was. The guy who followed Ralph gives new meaning to the term TRAIN WRECK.

Crommy: KTU mix would be a COMPLIMENT to the set he played...

Eric and Arthur: Don't worry, you really didn't miss anything. Better off seeing Ralph at Twilo in March, when he has more than 1 hour to build a set...

Scotty: Glad you had a good time, too bad I didn't see you there. Were you there with ClubMouse?

Sharon: Good to see you. Sorry I lost ya, but I was with a big crew. You will be Sharon to me from now on, however... cwm1.gif

Back to clubbing for me...



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Big disappointment from the rave front I must say.

I got there at the beginning of Spacegirl's set, and was thoroughly disapointed. Whether she was creating it on the spot or not, it just sucked. She had ZERO mixing skills, and it plain old hurt my ears. The same was true for every dj there with the exception of Dave ralph.

Ralph put together a fairly well programmed set, givin the time table he had to work with, and dropped some decent tracks. Whack Ass Mutherfuckers was a pleasent suprise, and had me shaking my ass all over the place.

The DJ's after him wrecked about every song they dropped with garbage mixing. My question is have the rave DJ's really droped in terms of skills or have I become more educated and spoiled with international talent? Either way I will be staying away from the rave scene for a while.


*************************I got to thank god for the music.


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yo fuck that...C.Laws set was better than anyones....the buildups and the climaxes he had got the whole place jumpin.....Dave ralph was great too its just that that was the time i was in my "HOLE"!! Spacegirl awesome....but the fuck9ingbouncers at the palladium choked a girl at the end....beat the shit out of some young skinny kid....pm me if you want details....totally fucked up the night and the vibe!!! By the way did anyone catch the shoe me and clubhead put on with the glowsticks!!!



"Ravers dont stumble and fall....

...we TRIP and ROLL"


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I was actually a little disappointed with Christopher Lawrence's set. It was almost exactly straight out of his United States of Trance cd. Space Girl was definitely impressive. Her style was so different from anything else I've experienced before: it was like she was *producing* a track for us on stage. All in all, a fun night. Glad I journey up to New Rochelle.


Work like you don't need the money,

Love like you have never been hurt,

Dance like nobody is watching.

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