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Who just doesn't understand boys?!


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Originally posted by sarahb:

I am ready to say screw it and switch teams...

Can I be the coach?


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee was and always will be my bitch ...and he'll never forget that...Everyone else, please be real to yourselves before you try to tell others what is right and wrong...and please, please chill the fuck out with the hypocrisy...that kind of behavior makes us "racists" look like Ghandi (no Hindu-bashing implied)...unless you are my bitch nycedee and believe that free thinking=racism...because that makes the most sense of all.

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Originally posted by sarahb:

I am ready to say screw it and switch teams...

hehe!! thats what i recommend!!



" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

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Originally posted by gravity:

Can I be the coach?

And what will you be coaching her on? cwm3.gif

Seriously though, I haven't been in any major relationships in my life yet. I do get bummed out about boyz :P once in awhile but you can't let that run your life. I'm telling ya, when you are not looking you are going to get knocked over by the man of your dreams. I just haven't step off of the curb yet to allow that to happen to me yet cwm27.gif .



GLI ABBRACCI face50.gif

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I hear ya.......a bit one sided though.......are we assuming females are any better?? If you've never been with a female and haven't seen our side of it, how can you assume they're any different?? I speak for myself and my experiences.......to me this is stereotyping at its worst......



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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Originally posted by tyco:

I hear ya.......a bit one sided though.......are we assuming females are any better?? If you've never been with a female and haven't seen our side of it, how can you assume they're any different?? I speak for myself and my experiences.......to me this is stereotyping at its worst......


it goes both ways for sure.....i don't think either sex will ever have a complete understanding of the other.....you learn more as you get older, though, and what you want from a relationship begins to change. i don't think it's fair to make the statement "i hate men" or "i hate women".....but it may be fair to say that "some men are jerks" or "some women are jerks"....or whatever. life would be boring if we could totally understand each other - we just all need to learn from the assholes that come into our lives and avoid those types like the plague!

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Well Sungoddess and I will be holding seminar soon regarding this topic. What makes us expert is that we both have been through long relationships. So we could tell you how to avoid the pitfalls. The 1st is trying to understand each other. Don't even try. Hasn't been done in a billion years and it's not going to be done now. Are you trying to understand men or change them?


Hey sugar mama come and dance with me, the smartest thing you ever did was take a chance on me!!!

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The best way to understand boys/men is to go simplicity. When they say "nothing" 9 out of 10 times it really is nothing. Us, women/girls tend to think too complex sometimes and try to look deeper than we need to. Go simple and you'll realize it takes so little to understand them.



“Once in a while, in the middle of this thing called life, love throws us a fairy tale.” - Unkown


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Originally posted by resident:

What's there not to understand? At least we guys have this advantage: ONE mood, ALL the time! cwm26.gif

That is soooo untrue. I used to think that a ways back, but me having a large amount of male friends...Men go through mood swings too!



GLI ABBRACCI face50.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

The best way to understand boys/men is to go simplicity. When they say "nothing" 9 out of 10 times it really is nothing. Us, women/girls tend to think too complex sometimes and try to look deeper than we need to. Go simple and you'll realize it takes so little to understand them.


Some true words of wisdom!



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girls...i know exactly what ur talking about...after the last few weeks i had, me and my roommate decided this weekend that its just way too bothersome...so we r learning to masturbate.....hahaha


never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

the most you can do for a friend is simply be a friend...

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Everyone here has such good advice, but there is one thing I just can't deal with--Guys play games. It may not be intentional, and for the most part, the game is what lures us (women) in. And we play our own games too, don't get me wrong. But to continue playing the game after we've folded our poker hand is where I lose understanding.

Like when a guy sporadically calls you, once in a blue moon, but shows interest in you when he does make the effort. (Can you tell this is a personal experience yet?!) I mean, if you're interested, SHOW SOME FUCKING INTEREST THAT IS NOT SPORADIC! And if you're not interested, TELL ME! I am an adult and I can deal with that, but I can't deal with thinking about the situation all the time, then getting over you (from not ever hearing from you) and then just when I get over it, you call me!!! It's crap, right?

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Originally posted by sarahb:

I am an adult and I can deal with that, but I can't deal with thinking about the situation all the time, then getting over you (from not ever hearing from you) and then just when I get over it, you call me!!! It's crap, right?

That's when you need to be adult enough to call it quits. And after you've forgotten about him and then all of a sudden he calls again . . .just tell him not to bother that it's not worth your time. That's all.

People are only important when you "MAKE" them important.



“Once in a while, in the middle of this thing called life, love throws us a fairy tale.” - Unkown


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I don't expect to ever understand men. I don't even WANT to understand men. I just want some sort of mutual respect. The game is getting so old and boring.

Guys, if you like a girl, pay attention to her. I'm not talking roses and dinner kind of thing, but mental interest. When you call her, sound interested--ask her questions, like how's work? Or, how did that project go you were working on? Or, how was your girls birthday the other night? Things to show her you listen, even if you don't give two shits. And if you're other line clicks in, don't leave her on hold for 5 minutes. And if you don't like her, tell her, or at least make the hints OBVIOUS that you are calling her strictly as friends.

I like a mysterious boy, I like a bad boy. I don't like an immature boy who doesn't yet know how to express feelings without having to come straight out and say "I like you" or "I'm not diggin you"

Girls, do you know what I mean?

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I do try to keep relationships with guys simple, really I do tongue.gif...I agree with sarah about being an adult and everything. I mean why not keep it simple stupid (sorry regression to high school days), but thats me...It either you are interested or not. I don't like playing games, nor like games being played on me. I guess I am way too mature for my age to deal with guys that can't get their emotions straight. But alas I still deal with 'em unfortunately...

-Jamms "someonepassmeapacifier"


GLI ABBRACCI face50.gif

[This message has been edited by jammy (edited 02-20-2001).]

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