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What drug is your least favorite???

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Herion, Herion and heroin..

I smoked it once, but i have seen it wreck people lifes time and time again. If you want a good reason not to try Heroin PM me and i will tell you a few stories about amazing people who are either dead now or getting there.

And the adiction lasts SO long, unlike Crack which is a short term intense addiction. Getting of H is HARD.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by resident:

If I'm not mistaken, the title of this thread is "What drug is your least favorite???" Maybe I'm missing something, let me read it again: "What drug is your least favorite???" To which you wrote something to the effect "I've never tried it but XYZ is bad". That sounds a lot like the federal government which bans drugs by saying "We have really flaky evidence that it might cause harm. We won't let you do any research on it, we'll just ban it."

Way to go.

This was not a personal attack. I'm just pointing out the flawed logic.

i think you need to just ignore what was written if it is really making you that angry!!!

and in regards to your statement .... i DISAGREE 110%..... I have NEVER tried either of those 3 either...BUT i can say that IN MY OPINION i hate them .... i watched my boyfriend almost lose his life (LITERALLY) on ghb.... he wasn't the type that didn't know his limit and just got fucked up... it was one cap and it just effected him differently than it usually did... seeing this was the SCARIEST thing for me.... there was no telling what the out come could have been...lets just say he go lucky...and made it

so i think thats it fair for me to judge whether or not i like the drug.....

and as for herion and crack i have reasons for disliking them also....(theres no need to explain..... you should get the point!)

But if you read Blueangels original post you would maybe realize that she may have reasons for being scared of(or disliking) the drug......as i believe its fair that i have reason......to say the same......

like you said this is not a personal attack... but i took it upon myself to point out the little thought you put into what you read...... cwm26.gif



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Originally posted by resident:

Oh is that what that was? It's the original thread author's fault - they weren't specific enough. Well excuuuuuse moi, I took it upon myself to make the interpretation of it that made most sense.

It just irritates me when people say "I hate something just because" and give no rationale whatsoever. It reeks of something a drug czar would say.

I was only pointing out that you assumed what whodamanbb was saying based on the interpretation that made the most sense to you (which is fine) but...you criticized others for interpreting the way they saw it.

Actually, the only thing that made me respond was the way that you addressed blueangel and j303j. Go back and read it objectively and you have to admit that you projected a bit of an attitude. Mainly when you said things like:

"the title of this thread is "What drug is your least favorite???" Maybe I'm missing something, let me read it again: "What drug is your least favorite???"


"Let's reread the title of this thread again. Come on, we can do it. I know it's a long phrase. Let's do it together. "What drug is your least favorite??"

That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Now, you can't honestly say that those comments weren't meant in a condesceding manner. And...that's not mentioning the fact that whodamanbb did not actually say "drugs that you have tried". He just said least favorite. I think shugabooga has a VERY valid reason for coke being her least favorite.

I guess my point is that you could have been a little more polite in your observation of their comments. Maybe a "I think you misunderstood what he meant" would have been in order. You just seemed to jump all over them without reason.

no drama, just explaining myself smile.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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My friends and i were in chillin in the Brazilian rainforest amongst one of the ancient Myan tribes. We tried something called Halitoads. They are actual toads from the region that secrete a halucinagenic substance from their asses. We each had one and a half licks, and tripped our faces off! I bugged the fuck out for 16 hours! I don't recommend the to anyone!



If ignorance is bliss, then you must be rolling!

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Originally posted by resident:

I didn't say it was a trick question.

It appears that some individuals thought that it's fair to say "I hate drug A" even though they've never tried it. I pointed out that at the very least, it's a silly way to make an argument. You saw the results that ensued.

Yes I Did!! What a mess!

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I hate alcohol and dust (tried once) !!

I accidentally tried dust once.. I was bugging out.. My eyes lit up like headlights. It was terrible.. I felt like I was floating.....I kept feeling really really really high then come really really really down..

Don't like drugs that affect my perception or that make me look funny either.. I like to be in full control at all times !

I hate "looking" fucked up..


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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Originally posted by powerpuff:

hummmm...i would definately have to say speed...i felt like shit after i'd been up for 3 days!!! cwm23.gif

cwm13.gif yea but how did you feel during those 3 days ah? (btw, 3 days?? think you might have done a little too much ah?)

Coke=expensive, last for an hour max, isnt even that potent on me. Fuck that shit.




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