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Ladies...What's more important? Looks or Money?

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Originally posted by goldenman:

....with money you can BUY looks

I think you misunderstood the question...

If you were a lady would you go for looks or money in a guy? Meaning sure you can buy looks for yourself, but are you gonna tell him to buy himself looks also? Cause if you do, you ain't gonna have that money long enough to spend it on your own looks...

I go for personality... money comes and goes... looks comes and goes... personality... ah... that one doesn't come and go so easily. She's a bitch, she's a bitch period. Dude is an asshole, well, he ain't gonna change overnight either...


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Guest dabiatchka

Hell when I graduate I'll be making enough money to support myself and a hell of a lot more.. so I could care less if a guy has money just as long as hes not a bum.. but looks have got to be there

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If I was FORCED to choose between the two (minus personality factors), I'd have to go with looks. I've been asked out by *very* wealthy, *very* unattractive men in the past (to accompany them on exotic vacations visiting spas across Europe, Egypt, etc... trips/cruises to tropical islands... weeks in world-class hotels in Asia/Vegas... etc.), and... even though it was tempting, I just couldn't do it.

On the other hand, I've dated pretty boys who didn't have much money but were nice (reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally nice) to look at. Unfortunately, very few of them had any brains/personality/modesty, but it was fun while it lasted...

[This message has been edited by happykittn (edited 02-23-2001).]

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I say a girl can have her cake and eat it too so by all means the man has got to have personality (main ingredient) and he'll be a looker with some dough .. why settle ? of course its hard now a days to find such a delicacy but if i had to choose... to me the whole looks and money shit is just the icing i like the cake whats icing if not on the cake ? just MO.




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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

Guys w/ $$$ are usually ugly and beautiful men usually have no $$$$.

It's REALLY hard to find a beautiful men w/ $$.



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro


Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Originally posted by whodamanbb:

I don't want to hear about a guy who makes you laugh or listens to you or anything like that!

That's awesome!

I've been around the block a time or two and from what I've seen, most women talk about looks and then walk with the money. No offense, just my observations. Not trying to start a debate from hell here.

Tweaky is the answer.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Since everyone is saying looks, I'll say $$$. My plan of action:

- Marry a Billionaire

- Make him a Millionaire

- Divorce

- Find a good looking sweet boy and spend all that $ from the ugly rich guy LMAO..

tolka russkaya takoye skazhet...



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Originally posted by idisyda:

to get filthy rich, easy and fast...

I'm kidding. didn't mean to offend you in any way.

no mnogo zdes russkix devushek kotoriye ishyat bogatovo amerikantsa.

I was only joking.. Ti prav koneshno, no eto ne tolko rysskie.. Eto te kotorie sami ne xotat nichego delat i xotat na vsem gotovom jit.. That's the type I was making fun of in my post.. Esli kogda-to so mnoi poznakomishsa ti yvidish chto I'm soooo far from that smile.gif

[This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 02-23-2001).]

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