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Dave Mathews CD - post reviews here!!!!

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OK, kiddies I am truely disapointed in Dave, and this is a first for me.

I like the first 3 songs, but the rest of it sucks. He is playing elecric guitar wich sounds bad cuz he's playing it like an acoustic. The music is choppy, the lyrics are horrible (sounds like a 5th grader wrote them) and the overall sound of the album is taking me back to the 80's - wich I'm not digging at all. cwm45.gif

I'm seriously upset here guys!


An eighth of KB's, $60 A glass bubbler, $85 A lighter, $ 1


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it takes u a while to really like it....when u listen to it dont compare it to other albums becasue its different....theres no album like the past ones and theres no better song that "seek up" ::hiding::


"Beware of PHAZON" world_hj50.jpg

"The Future is Now...

forget the past...presents gone until the gorgeous night.

.Outraged, mindblowing nightmares....end up..

in the never ending.. FIGHT"


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hey exodus and back2basics, check out my list below on my signature and I will burn a Dave show for you in honor of his new disc--no worries, the new one will grow on y'all...

PM me and we'll work it out...


"You work hard all week waiting for Friday. Now the time comes to be yourself, and get lost in the music." -unknown Twiloite at PVD 11.8.00


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I have to say that I'm not really pleased with cd either. The Space Between and Angel are decent. But as for the rest, I just don't know. I'm not digging the music in this CD AT ALL, the lyrics aren't so bad and the vocals aren't so great either. This does not sound like Dave Matthews Band that I know and love. I read the article in Rolling Stone before I got the cd, so I knew this cd would not be like the rest. Although it IS DMB, so it'll grow on me evetually, we should just give it time. Everyday just won't be one of my favorites. That's okay. It's important for bands to explore different avenues, I just hope DMB doesn't stray too long.


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