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Loosing the one!

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listen, yea wait a while, but don't give toooo much space, that can mess up whatever chance you had with her as well, because some girls may overanalyze and be thinking that you messed up, and now you really don't care, because you haven't even attempted to call, write, email, etc. whatever the case may be. why do guys do that? they don't realize the grass was already green on the side they were on, until they look elsewhere? sigh* well good luck, just this time, i hope it sticks in your head that what you have or had was special and you should take better care of it!



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Originally posted by missile:

I had the one girl who loved me and I knew I could've been happy with, but I was an ass and messed it all up. She basically saved and changed my life. I have to show her how sorry I am in the future any suggestions.

If ur reading this baby girl I Love you and am very sorry, I will wait forever for you to forgive me and I hope someday you will give me a call and I will show you how sorry I am.

Yo bro I know how ya feel I lost my first love due to some Shiznit I dont want to get in too but the 1 thing I can tell you is to never give up...keep on trying brother its hard but who knows in time you guys might get back together..

cwm32.gif Good Luck.



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oh, sweetie....

girls never forget when they're dicked over...but if she is understanding and if she really loved you, (i mean unconditionally,) you better try your best to let her know how sorry you are. But if it was recently, give it some time, but let her know that you're thinking about her. It takes a long time to build trust, but a second to lose it.

Good luck, let us know what happens!




"A witty saying proves nothing."-Voltaire

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I think it all hinges on what you actually did to screw it up. Me personally, if it was cheating or something like that, it would be over. Not to sound too unforgiving, but I just know myself and I would never be able to trust the person again. But like I said, that's just me.

Really, no one here can tell you what to do. Just follow your heart, and it will work out. If anyone would have told me when my heart was breaking that it was for the best, I'd never believe them...but...many times it was.

I know the feelings of desperation you are having right now and my heart goes out to you.



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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I had the one girl who loved me and I knew I could've been happy with, but I was an ass and messed it all up. She basically saved and changed my life. I have to show her how sorry I am in the future any suggestions.

If ur reading this baby girl I Love you and am very sorry, I will wait forever for you to forgive me and I hope someday you will give me a call and I will show you how sorry I am.

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listen Bro you done fawked up.

ladies dont forget that shit.

Give her some time and leave her be if she really loves ytou and wants you she'll be back she probably needs some time to figure shit out and deal with you ass.



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Space.... It also depends on how many times you screwed up... Sometimes, we hit our breaking point and when that happens, it is truely over and you can do nothing to get back in our good graces.

I hope that she forgives and forgets and that you never forget..... Time heals all wounds....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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aaaawww, that's so sad!! that happened to me once. i was treated like shit by someone, he lied and cheated on me. then he realized what he had and wanted it back but i wouldn't go.........hopefully whatever it is you did isn't really bad and she'll forgive you eventually. i don't have any suggestions b/c i don't know all the details but i wish you luck. people make mistakes, we're not perfect. just in my situation the peckerhead did it one too many times.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by missile:

I had the one girl who loved me and I knew I could've been happy with, but I was an ass and messed it all up.

What you do? Kill her? If she's alive, there's always hope...


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Originally posted by sungoddess:

If you two are meant to be together, then you will be! Don't worry - things always work out one way or another.


not true. things don't always work out one way or another. some things you have to pursue relentlessly, and even then you may not get them. as a rule of happiness, you're always more likely to be miserable, unless your criteria for happiness is to be alone, broke, and with nothing to speak for

duckets, i like the pic in your sig. there's no such thing as unconditional love. the closest thing to it is the love your parents have for you


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deanna11..thanx..but the pic is tooo friggin big.

i believe there is a such thing as unconditional love...i say this bcuz I was with someone that I loved more than anything in the world, and I trusted with every ounce of me, and I never, never, never thought he'd cheat on me. I was secure in the relationship, and I would have donated major organs to him if he needed them...but then he cheated.(WTF?!?) But at least I knew that I loved him the best way that I could...

if this guy loved this girl, It may work out, it may not, but the best thing to do is try, you never know what she's feeling unless you ask.



"A witty saying proves nothing."-Voltaire

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Hey bro I think we've all been there including myself. Right now I'm trying hard to hold on to someone I think I want to be with forever but dont blame yourself saying you messed up. sometimes shit just doesnt work out and its no ones fault. cwm36.gif


wwwa.gif "Playa bust a Uee then, Fire up that duby then."

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