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anxiety attacks - has anyone ever suffered from these besides tony soprano?

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i don't know what my problem is but when i was in bed last night my mind was racing about all this stuff that's going on....i have to go through a few visits to the dentist in the next couple of weeks and i'm terrified of what he's going to do b/c i've been through it before and it isn't pleasant.....and my car is behaving badly....and then i saw this thing on hbo that had me all worked up.....so i'm laying there and i can't sleep and every time i closed my eyes my stomach would drop like i was on a roller coaster, my heart was beating really fast, i was all sweaty and shaky........it lasted a few minutes and it wasn't very nice........has anyone ever experience anything like this before?


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


[This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 04-02-2001).]

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Yeah, I had my first one on a Suicide Tuesday after a particularly heavy roll at Gatecrasher (rockets)..... NOT fun. I was shaking, sweating, could barely concentrate or type at work -- and there weren't any clear-cut problems I could blame them on.

Needless to say, they suck.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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I get them every now and then. I tend to get a little anxious before I go clubbing, esp. if it's been a while. Like I feel like I'm doing something really really wrong and I'm going to get caught or that I'm going to get really fucked up and end up in the hospital. I also get them when I'm stressed out about something I fucked up work (usually b/c I'm not paying attn. b/c I'm on this website too damn much. cwm3.gif

There are meds you can take for them but I don't know how the interfere with any substances one might take when they go clubbing, so that's defintitely something to keep in mind.


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I had experienced them plenty of times! It is the worst thing in the world. Something that helped me sometimes was to write it all down in a journal. It can sort of make you look at things in a different perspective. At least your mind wont race so much.



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Originally posted by uknjx2:

i don't know what my problem is but when i was in bed last night my mind was racing about all this stuff that's going on....i have to go through a few visits to the dentist in the next couple of weeks and i'm terrified of what he's going to do b/c i've been through it before and it isn't pleasant.....and my car is behaving badly....and then i saw this thing on hbo that had me all worked up.....so i'm laying there and i can't sleep and every time i closed my eyes my stomach would drop like i was on a roller coaster, my heart was beating really fast, i was all sweaty and shaky........it lasted a few minutes and it wasn't very nice........has anyone ever experience anything like this before?

Nikki, did you party hard this past weekend? And if you did, then did you take your vitamins, anti-oxidants, 5HTP . . . you know the usual? I know that in the past if I party too hard for too long then I get this anxious feeling. I'll get nervous, random thoughts, too much thoughts, restless sleep, ect.

You should try relaxation this week. Don't party too much. Take vitamins every day, try taking some anti-oxidants too. Just relax and don't party.

Everything will be okay! cwm38.gif



"Be as you wish to seem." — Socrates


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no, casey, i didn't go out at all this weekend.....i just have all these things that have happened at one time and yesterday it felt as though the world was ending but today i feel better.....it just freaks me out when stuff like that happens!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Ive had that happen..first time in October of last year..and damn i was a mess..i kept getting anxiety and panic attacks..let me tell u those damn feelings r scary..i would be on a train..and start sweating like crazy..coudlnt breathe..etc..i didnt even want to go out clubbing..i got my first anxiety attack in SF..didnt wanna do anything that i love..just wanted to go home and shut myself out..but now i get them once in a while..havent had one in a while..thank God..but they r really scary..at that time i was stressed out too much and thats the reason i started getting them...


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

no, casey, i didn't go out at all this weekend.....i just have all these things that have happened at one time and yesterday it felt as though the world was ending but today i feel better.....it just freaks me out when stuff like that happens!

Maybe you have a lot on your mind . . . maybe you should go talk to someone. Sometimes it's soo much better to talk to someone other than your friends. You'll be okay! wink_2.gif



"Be as you wish to seem." — Socrates


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I have actualy panic attacks all the time. They started out as anxiety attacks and just escalated from there. I get them at really strange times, but most of the time at night when I am trying to sleep. Your mind works over time and it is hard to focus on one thing and you get to the point where you feel overwhelmed and it controls you.

If you have these attacks you should stay away from anything with caffiene in it. Also, go to your doctor and explain to them your situation and that it is impairing your sleep and he will most likely prescribe you valium or Xanax (that is what mine did for me)

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