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What's your Pet Peeve...

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I'd have to agree with piro8, My boy's ex-girl used to call up and would talk to my roomate and then he would hang up on her because she always has bad timing and would call at a not so appropriate time. She kept calling and calling and calling and he would tell me to not give him the phone!! We wouldn't anwer and then as time went on someone else would call for me and then I'd get a beep click over and she would ask for my roomate!! I told her to call back and the bitch would not hang up!! She would not take no for an answer so I would hang up on her and then she would bitch about me to my roomate!! He wouldn't do anything to me!! This girl had no common sense whatsoever and thought she was the hottest girl on the planet and she was so far from it!! Adios means adios and call back later get it!!

I also can't stand when drivers do not anticipate there signs and then all of a sudden make a sharp turn out of the blue!! Actions like that cause accidents and piss other drivers off!! People who drive like this should be given tickets up the ass!!

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Originally posted by deanna11:

anything that is not obvious and straight forward. i tend to take things at their face value. maybe i'm stupid, but i don't comprehend implicit messages. and i don't care to try



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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People who breathe loudly through their noses....I hate that shit, I wanna take two corks and jam them up there.


The only difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.....Oscar Wilde

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1. People who stare, point, etc.

2. Paint chippers. (aka snobs. They walk with their nose so high, they chip the paint off the ceiling.)

Like Tyco said:

3. Those who mistake politeness for weakness

4. Unappreciative/ungrateful people

5. People that don't pay attention to their surroundings. (whether it be driving, walking, in stores...you get my point.)

6. Having no compassion

Wow, I never realized how many pet peeves I had! And to think there's more where that came from. Uh oh!!!



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Bad Grammar (I'm an English major)

People that don't go to class or don't pay attention while in class and then ask to borrow your notes...only to delay giving them back until right before an exam.

People who ask you for advice but don't listen...it's like they ask you just so they can argue their point of view with you. Do what you want to do already!!!

There's more, but that's enough for now wink.gif




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- People who bum everything off of others.. Ppl ALWAYS ask me for cigarettes.. I always give them cigs but goddamn, they sell them everywhere!!!!!! Stop asking for water, cigarettes, anything! Get your own goddamn it LOL...

- Marcella, agree with you on that one.. EAT QUIETLY.. No need for everyone to hear you eat or drink.. Totally disgusting when ppl can't keep their mouths closed while chewing smile.gif

- People who like to repeat themselves a 10000 times saying something negative. We got it the first time, just brings too much negativity when it's not necessary..

- Bad drivers! Hate it when ppl can't drive like freakin human beings.. They need to be abnoxious and get UPSET when someone god forbid cuts them off.. Acting like it's worse than a slap in the face..

- People who are full of themselves and think they are better than everyone else.. You're not.. You just think that LOL.. Nothing more annoying than arrogance..

Blah I can go on and on smile.gif But I'll stop LOL..

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Originally posted by ReginaP:

People who ask you for advice but don't listen...it's like they ask you just so they can argue their point of view with you. Do what you want to do already!!!

I HATE THAT. I know someone just like that and their is no way she can be wrong, even when its proven wrong.

Another one is people who constantly get in other peoples business and cause problems. Get your own life and stay out of mine.


In the end its not the years in our life that count but the life in our years.

Always remember you are unique just like everyone else.

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i can't stand it when you post something and you may have accidentally spelled something wrong or repeated what someone else said or just simply did something unintentionally and people RIP you apart for it! i never did this much proof reading even in college!!

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Originally posted by emiliep:

i can't stand it when you post something and you may have accidentally spelled something wrong or repeated what someone else said or just simply did something unintentionally and people RIP you apart for it! i never did this much proof reading even in college!!

"I don't know why I'm good for this job, but my friend, Emilie, says I'm a good proofreader." Tuhu.



You're only young once

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I can't believe someone started this topic...i have soooo many of these...

1. People who talk with their mouths full. Chew, swallow, then speak...

2. people that can't drive for shit...

3. People that tuck their napkins into the neck of their shirt...if the food falls, its falling in your lap so why the hell do u have the napkin on your throat??????

4. People that blow their nose in public...no one wants to hear your snots...

5. People that are unmotivated...

6. People that makes problems for themselves and want others to feel bad for them...ie People who stay out all weekend and do drugs and then complain the ydon't feel good...(we all know people like that!)

7. People that don't flush the toilet, leave the seat up, or pee all over the seat...

8. People that have no consideration for others nice possessions and open their car doors into my car, creating dings after I had $3000 worth of body work done...

9. Tuna Fish, Pickles, Mustard, Relish, Sauerkraut and anything that really smells that people injest...

10. People that speak as if they are educated, when they don't know their ass from their elbow..

Ok i'm done now...



[This message has been edited by blackhaus1 (edited 03-30-2001).]

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and fake people

god i hate fake people


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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1. when people dont call you back

2. when people dont replace the toilet paper and also never buy any when u do

3. when people are really late for plans and dont call u to say whats goin on..

i think that's it....either way i'll stop bitching


If you're always up, you must be on something!!!

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I hate when people whisper in my ear...if you can't say it out loud, write it down, but PLEASE don't blow your hot, stinky breath in my ear. thanks.

And putting silverware in the dish rack face down! All handles must face UP!! We don't want any accidents, now do we?


You're only young once

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Originally posted by loch:

people telling me THEIR pet peeves

yea i hate that too


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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