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Встречаются две подружки. Одна другой хвастается:

- Представляешь, познакомилась с та-аким мужчиной! rolleyes.gif

- Да ну! cwm19.gif

- У него пенис 40 сантиметров eek.gif - в голове не укладывается!



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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Originally posted by Unbound:

Встречаются две подружки. Одна другой хвастается:

- Представляешь, познакомилась с та-аким мужчиной! rolleyes.gif

- Да ну! cwm19.gif

- У него пенис 40 сантиметров eek.gif - в голове не укладывается!

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....I want one of those....NOT!!!!!!!! smile.gif

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Вы знаете, почему "новые русские" так коротко подстрижены?

Потому что, зайдя в парикмахерскую, они говорят :"Короче..."



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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Ahh. .. . where'd you get that font? ? ? Now if only i paid attention in my Russian classes id be able to translate more and perhaps understand it.


I am Karma's henchman. A prophet if you will. We all deserve some kind of Karma. Whether it be good or bad, it is my duty to bring it uppon you. No thanks needed, I actually enjoy my job.

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Originally posted by dmtgod:

Ahh. .. . where'd you get that font? ? ? Now if only i paid attention in my Russian classes id be able to translate more and perhaps understand it.

Exactly my thoughts...although I should be able to understand more after having had classes for 8 years...but hey, I'm already happy I can read it wink.gif



AIM: flying77high

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an orthodax jewish couple buys a parrot,

everythng is great, they're looking at a bird and a bird goes, "Zdravstvyite, menya zzzzovut masha, ya xochy trrrrahatsya!"

U bednih evreev chut yshe ne otvalilis, they can't have that kind of language in their family! They try different approaches to rid the bird of its potty mouth but nothing works. Then one day a family friend comes over and sees the bird, the bird goes "Zdravstvyite, menya zzzzovut masha, ya xochy trrrrahatsya!" Otchayannie evreichiki go "see, that's what we've been talking about, and there's nothing we can do to stop that!"

So then this friend goes, "Dont' worry, your problem is solved. I know just what to do. I have a friend who keeps two parrots, they're like a real orthodox bird hould be, s shapochkami molyatsi tseliy den, i klanyutsya! Nyshno vsyad vashego popugaya k nim, ona nauchitsya pravilnim maneram!"

So then the jewish coulple take the parrot to their friends to see what's gonna come out of it. They enter the house and instantly they see a pair of parrots dressed appropriately s evreiskami shapochkami kotorie molyatsya i klanayetsya.

They figure it might be worht a try to let their bird in the cage. Evreichiki open the cage and let their parrot in. The parrot goes "Zdravstvyite, menya zzzzovut masha, ya xochy trrrrahatsya!" Dva popugaya perestaut molitsya i klanyatsya, i odin govorit drugomy, "Yohan, ti posmotri, nas Gospod yslishal!"

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

sosultan - i heard this one a while ago and it's too funny smile.gif your Runglish is pretty good too smile.gif

Runglish - LOL

Posle Dolgovo no Nuzhnogo - Yes i'm back! - my damn slow ass company finally took down internet restrictions...but i still cant use aim for some dumb-ass reason...at least i can post again... biggrin.gifyippee! cwm37.gifDee-Doo-Dacwm4.gif



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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artur, nauchi menya pisat po ruski tak! ok vot eshe anekdot!

shtirlitz sidit v svoyem office y na stole stoyit lampa, no ona sveta ne daet. togda shtirlitz postavil lampu na pol, y sveta dala!



-u menya seychas odna problema, nauchit tebya dvigat telom-

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- Кто бы мог подумать? -спросил Черномырдин, но добровольцев так и не нашлось...



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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