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To all the sound factory dancers

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So you are the dancing God huh?? The almighty right?? Puhhhlease

There is no one way to dance...dancing is an art form...everyone expresses themselves differently...how could u possibly knock someone's moves??? That's just WRONG!

Lemme ask you...your name is glowsticks...I guess that means u like to dance with glowsticks right?? Well some people consider that the corniest thing going. So to each their own!

Next time keep your ignorant comments to yourself.


BTW - have u ever checked out the dancers in the basement of Fatory?? Un fuckin reallllll!!!

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

I have a question for all of you....do you all have to take classes to learn how to dance like that?...To all that dont know what im talkin about it looks like a combination of the dance the guys do from night at the roxbury and a really fucked up vogue with a little bit of the funky chicken thrown in there...Ive said this a couple of times and im sayin it again, they all look like ballerinas on crack, and they kind of remind me off leroy from fame...They make these big ass circles and one by one or sometimes they battle and they do these wack ass moves, touching their bodies and these wacked out facial expressions they look like they are in severe pain...actually it frightens me...At Nick Warren a few weeks back these three kind came over where we were and they started doin it...it was funny at first but then we started gettin mad, scotty jumped in and started doin his impersination then deanna11 layed the smack down on them and threw them out of out area...Do me a favor fellas look at yourselves in the mirror while you are doin this and think twice before you break out you "sound factory dancing" next time your in public...

I'm very dissapointed in you glowsticks, now true there is a lotta dicks who need some kinda serious attitude and dancing skill adjustments at factory...but what makes them worse than you...now factory may be a bunch of meatheads...but there fuckin bangin there heads off the wall partyin..screamin, throwing their fists, doin whatever the fuck they wanna do...and their's people like you who sit back and pass judgement on them making assumptions that your above them, because possibly you can move a glowstick better than them. The number one thing wrong with alot of twilo heads is they got there heads so far up there ass with concern of what the best club is, and what the best track is and where danny tenaglia is and who tried to bite digweeds track but fucked it up and blah blah blah....where is that good vibe, enjoy the music, have fun attitude that twilo is supposed to represent. And true as mentioned before the dancers in the basement put anyone to shame, those guys are like old school rock steady crew, that pull more weight in this city than any damn twilo glowsticker or photon or whatever...and I personally was actually blatantly walking around twilo last night looking for some kids to dance with...just get loose, do a little yelling...whatever...just party...I like twilo, that's why I go and either I have fun or I don't but never do I concern myself with what other people are doing and how they look doin it...get over that shit bro...

just being objective and debatable about your comments, not tryin to start beef. I had this same conversation last night with a girlfriend of mine and laughed the whole conversation...it's all good.

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Originally posted by smokee:

Lemme ask you...your name is glowsticks...I guess that means u like to dance with glowsticks right

I wouldn't call what he does with stick dancing...y dont u check him out at Twilo when u get a chance.


" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

" Directions DIrections.." - GrOOve



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Originally posted by clubhead32:

I wouldn't call what he does with stick dancing...y dont u check him out at Twilo when u get a chance.

Can u elaborate some?? What does he do then??

BTW - I hope u didn't interpret what I said as knocking him for using glowsticks!! That wasn't the case!


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Originally posted by devine78:


Who are you Calvin Klein? What's up with the Contradiction?

There's nothing wrong with holding up the walls, if that's what you choose to do and are having fun doing it, right?

Let us wall holder-uppers lean and kneel in peace! And I like to dance and lean, so please, no wellyoujustcontradictedyourselfbecauseinyourotherpostyoumadefunof...YADDA YADDA YADDA!


You're only young once

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Originally posted by dale77:

Who are you Calvin Klein? What's up with the Contradiction?

Let us wall holder-uppers lean and kneel in peace! And I like to dance and lean, so please, no wellyoujustcontradictedyourselfbecauseinyourotherpostyoumadefunof...YADDA YADDA YADDA!

tuhuhuh, that's funny cuz calvin klein actually has a cologne out called contradiction. tuhuhuhuh.

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Ugggh.. I agree, the guys in the basement are unbelievable but 95% of the other clubbers can't dance like that! So everyone dances the way they like and they way they can.. Of course some ppl are funny, or look dumb but to someone else YOUR dancing might look ridiculous.. So do your own thing and let everyone else do what makes them happy.. Even if it's not impressive to you..

PS: i HATE glowsticks, nothing more annoying to me than that.. yeah i get annoyed but i wouldn't post that all the ravers with glowsticks are idiots who can't dance.. if they like it, whatever, they are not there to please me..

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I agree with you man..

It's like a combination karate class/climbing up a ladder dance..

I enjoy watching them tho..

Cazz said it.. The dancers down stairs are really good..


..Something for your mind, your body, and your soul

It's the power, it's larouse curiosity..

The purpose, the goal which one act's on..

A journey of force, hot like the sun and wet like the rain..

Rhythmatic movements in unicen with others prolong and act's of sensations, with no limit's or boundaries..

Eternity is past..

Wrong is right..

It's the point of greatest intensity..

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Willing and unwilling sensation's of the mind..

A condition..

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..."THE REALM"..

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Originally posted by tranza:


I agree with you man..

It's like a combination karate class/climbing up a ladder dance..

I enjoy watching them tho..

Cazz said it.. The dancers down stairs are really good..

yup.. dancers downstairs are really sick..

tunnel used to get sick breakers in that area off the bar back in the day too..


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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One of the coolest thing was when they had the guys from downstairs ( I think 4 or 5 of them) on the main stage breakdancing for about 1/2 hour or an hour.. THAT was incredible! Of course you can just see them on the dancefloor but I thought the fact that they gave them recognition and invited them on the stage was great! The tall black guy is my favorite.. He must be a gymnast coz he's very flexible and strong.. But all of them are awesome..

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Originally posted by visions:

and their's people like you who sit back and pass judgement on them making assumptions that your above them, because possibly you can move a glowstick better than them.

Im really not passing judgement on anyone...im voicing my opinion on something..

ive gotten fed up with goin out and having people grapple hands and swing each other around like maniacs to open up a dance area in a packed club, to do what dance like that, to shake and strut and strike a pose...i would much rather watch a liquid team do there thing or a team of breakers rip shit up...myself personally i dont need a huge dance area, you can ask around me and my boys find a corner and do our thing, we dont need much room, not to sound cocky or arrogant a crowd usually forms....we are usually surrounded by onlookers, we dont ask for it but it happens, then its pinned on us...damn ravers takin up all the dance are

And true as mentioned before the dancers in the basement put anyone to shame, those guys are like old school rock steady crew, that pull more weight in this city than any damn twilo glowsticker or photon or whatever...

Dude to tell you the truth ive never been in the basement in the factory. cause ive been there about 5 or 6 times and i was totally turned off by what i saw,its not for me at all, other than the hot chicks, thats one thing that place got goin for it...but what i hear from a good number of you id probably like the basement, sounds like my kind of atmosphere, ill check it out sometime...

just being objective and debatable about your comments, not tryin to start beef. I had this same conversation last night with a girlfriend of mine and laughed the whole conversation...it's all good.

bro from the comments ive read that you made in posts, i value your opinion and i take everything into consideration cause you sound like a pretty stand up straight forward guy...and not to mention you miss yellow label as much as i do...those were the days...later

P.S. this post was started due to anger and being fed up with the way things have gotten, sorry if i offended anyone, but i had to do...and truthfully didnt u all think it was pretty funny...



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nickantivachis@netzero.net

[This message has been edited by glowsticks (edited 04-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

bro from the comments ive read that you made in posts, i value your opinion and i take everything into consideration cause you sound like a pretty stand up straight forward guy...and not to mention you miss yellow label as much as i do...those were the days...later

P.S. this post was started due to anger and being fed up with the way things have gotten, sorry if i offended anyone, but i had to do...and truthfully didnt u all think it was pretty funny...

Mad Cool...I appreciate that kid! I hear ya about gettin fed up..sometimes I walk through factory and think to myself "what the fuck is this place coming too and what the fuck is that guy doing" but I would never be an advocate of knocking other people..you also seem mad cool, and have had objective arguments on dancin, and glowstickin or whatever...that's why I was dissapointed...and oh god don't even talk about yellows...those days are long gone..and I'm still making serious strides to distance myself from the white caps...and true that shit is funny...no matter where ya go there's gonna be some amusin shit...I almost lost my shit last night when I seen jesus bustin out with some crazy ass dance moves..HA..aight kid pressures on to, you betta bust out some crazy shit when I get a chance to see you do yo thang....

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hiya, glowsticks. thanks

the worst thing about those guys dancing at Nick/Sander/Pascal was that they just thought they were so great, shoving up in everyone's face and forcing us to stop from having fun and chilling in our group of friends, to watch their asinine antics

i danced with some sf/exit/juicehead friends last night (one in particular, in raver clothes. you know him, glowsticks ;-) ). i think it's kinda funny because they're always dressed nice and look severe, and i'm always wearing baggy pants and have a goofy grin on my face


better to reign in hell than serve in heaven

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If you really want to see dancers at SF, I suggest the basement...some of the nastiest dancers I have ever seen. No shit.


I can't dream for us all I hope I'm in a better state when

Here & Now crumbles & falls...

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Ugggh.. I agree, the guys in the basement are unbelievable but 95% of the other clubbers can't dance like that! So everyone dances the way they like and they way they can.. Of course some ppl are funny, or look dumb but to someone else YOUR dancing might look ridiculous.. So do your own thing and let everyone else do what makes them happy.. Even if it's not impressive to you..

PS: i HATE glowsticks, nothing more annoying to me than that.. yeah i get annoyed but i wouldn't post that all the ravers with glowsticks are idiots who can't dance.. if they like it, whatever, they are not there to please me..

Z, remember your b-day?..i was going all out on the SF stage..and i was doing exactly what g-sticks'describin...lol....funny shit

btw...Glowsticks...are you gonna battle-it out next week for PVD?...dont worry we'll make room...i wanna see how you swing'em sticks



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

simple way to end the drama...

twilo dancers vs. sf dancers....

it can be settled at PVD next friday...since they all go to see him...we'll lay the smack down on the SF dancer's candyasses. . .

i'll be at vinyl that night. . . cwm27.gif

Yeah I would like to see that.. Since the only kind of dancing I ever saw at Twilo was people jumping up and down all night..


..Something for your mind, your body, and your soul

It's the power, it's larouse curiosity..

The purpose, the goal which one act's on..

A journey of force, hot like the sun and wet like the rain..

Rhythmatic movements in unicen with others prolong and act's of sensations, with no limit's or boundaries..

Eternity is past..

Wrong is right..

It's the point of greatest intensity..

Pleasure's of the highest sence..

Feeling's of warmth and security..

Willing and unwilling sensation's of the mind..

A condition..

The ultimate seduction..

..."THE REALM"..

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Originally posted by tranza:

Yeah I would like to see that.. Since the only kind of dancing I ever saw at Twilo was people jumping up and down all night..

You missed a lot then kid.........I can think of a bunch of heads @ Twilo that can really throw down....... wink.gif

As for the SF guys in the basement, never seen 'em but they seem to get a lot of attention so I suspect they're really good.......are they all breakers though? I've seen a lot of good breakers at a lot of clubs but not too many people that can straight-up dance real well........anywhere for that matter........

And glowsticks, you're cracking my ass up today........I agree with you 100%.......it's not about how people dance, it's about being rude and obnoxious to other peeps so they could have some room they don't even know what to do with.......no suprise.......visions made some good points also......

fuck this, it's time to get really nasty....... wink.gif



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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I have a question for all of you....do you all have to take classes to learn how to dance like that?...To all that dont know what im talkin about it looks like a combination of the dance the guys do from night at the roxbury and a really fucked up vogue with a little bit of the funky chicken thrown in there...Ive said this a couple of times and im sayin it again, they all look like ballerinas on crack, and they kind of remind me off leroy from fame...They make these big ass circles and one by one or sometimes they battle and they do these wack ass moves, touching their bodies and these wacked out facial expressions they look like they are in severe pain...actually it frightens me...At Nick Warren a few weeks back these three kind came over where we were and they started doin it...it was funny at first but then we started gettin mad, scotty jumped in and started doin his impersination then deanna11 layed the smack down on them and threw them out of out area...Do me a favor fellas look at yourselves in the mirror while you are doin this and think twice before you break out you "sound factory dancing" next time your in public...



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nickantivachis@netzero.net

[This message has been edited by glowsticks (edited 04-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

they kind of remind me off leroy from fame...




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