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anybody still takes acid

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I tried acid a month ago with my friend and I really did not like the trip I got from it...it blurs things and makes them more in your face and larger....kinda freaky...never doing it again...sticking to natural shit..



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omg i love acid.. i dont do it that often because its hard to find.. but hands down.. i would chose that first over any other drug..

i'm always sooooo f'n happy on it..


lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif

"take my heart or i'm gonna lose, if you walk away i'll never use it"





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hmm...i love my acid. i do it about once amonth but last year it was about every weekend...it is 'dirty' in the literal sense but theres a lot of positives...and damn, once you start..you never stop..hmmm...tripping becomes a life sometimes..i dont know, such a strange drug.....

and lipz..its out there on east bumfuck li.



AIM:Turbo SC300


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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

never again for me

from 92 to 94

every weekend at least about three hits were consumed.

dirty such a fucking dirty drug.

Now if mesculine was to come around again

fuck it just cut me up a nice line

yeah, where's the mescaline?




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B E E F Y MF's!!!!!

Bring on the meatsauce.

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Originally posted by majesticmelodi:

nope drugs r bad m'kay hehe... mesculine.. def curious bout that though.. what does it do

mesculine is all the good parts about acid times ten, sort of like cocaine and mushrooms. I have soo many crazy stories about mesc.

I've been clean too long I need to pollute my system soon.



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Originally posted by ~pep~:

acid is on the comeback , BIGTIME ... but my acid days are over there's a new generation heads on the rise ...

yeah i figured that b/c some 16 year old kid down the block asked if i knew where to get it?

I gave him this strange look, laughed a little then told him to fuck off.

now him and his little posse gives me the crooket eye every time i enter the store. cwm27.gif



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dont personnaly trip anymore( bad one is all it takes) but last night 2 of my friends took liquid hits....on sugar.....got to the club at 12:00 to see Dave Ralph......they both had to get taken home by 1:30......embarrasing......word of advice......be careful....the new shit around is no joke.....

be safe

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Originally posted by bubs215:

dont personnaly trip anymore( bad one is all it takes) but last night 2 of my friends took liquid hits....on sugar.....got to the club at 12:00 to see Dave Ralph......they both had to get taken home by 1:30......embarrasing......word of advice......be careful....the new shit around is no joke.....

be safe

Liquid is good. Sometimes it acts like E. Have candy flipped at Twilo a couple times and I got so much in tune with the music I felt I f%@$#% owned that night. Of course if people have issues, it'll come out on acid and will only prove how f^$# up an individual you really are... Never had a bad trip yet.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."

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Man, oh, man. I used to drop acid like a busted car battery. Of course...that was back in 93-97, raving hardcore. Still do 4-5 times a year. I try and save it for "special" events. I now realize how traumatic it is on my body. And clubs are not the best place for it. My next journey will probably be at the orb show. Also, I have never been able to find the elusive DMT. I am dying to try that stuff ever since I started reading Terrence McKenna.

My fave psychedelics in order from best to worst.

1. 'shrooms - nicest mellowest trip around

2. 'cid - a long, deep journey into innerspace

3. E - Do I need to explain?

4. K - Fun party drug to a point

5. Mesc - Too much shit going on, but never very deep.







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umm how about candy-flippin?! now that is the shit (acid + E).

i also enjoyed hippy-flippin (shrooms + E).. but i think that candy-flippin is much more fun!

i had some tight ass fresh shrooms in amsterdam-- i made my way over to the Van Gogh museum.. the entire time i was like: cwm24.gif

ps. gonzojournalist, i wanted to ask you what a "gonzo journalist" is. i was reading some of hunter thompson's books (the latest i think was screwjack? jackscrew?), and they mentioned gonzo journalism in the inside cover-- it made me think of you! what is it? thanks! wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

[This message has been edited by kitty19 (edited 04-09-2001).]

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Did acid once felt like I'd cross through Alices looking glass and could'nt get out. The WORST 12 hours of my life. I thought I was going crazzzzy all the emotions like a roller coaster UP and DOWN,UP and DOWN,UP and DOWN. The first 5 hours were ok and the visuals but the emotions never again. cwm3.gif


"Smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks."

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Originally posted by blondymu:

the stories of people on bad trips scares me, thats why i haven't tried that shit ... ahhh , ... how often do people have a bad trip, and is it cause of the drug itself (like a bad batch), or just a particular persons reaction to it ?

Alot of it has to do with set and setting. WHere you are and who you're with, as well as your mental/emotional state before hand. I've been smart and probably a bit lucky in that I've never had a bad trip on anything. I am very careful though. That's not to say that I haven't lost my mind and done some silly things in the past







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Originally posted by blondymu:

the stories of people on bad trips scares me, thats why i haven't tried that shit ... ahhh , ... how often do people have a bad trip, and is it cause of the drug itself (like a bad batch), or just a particular persons reaction to it ?

both...as a general rule, i wouldnt advise someone to mess around with drugs in general unless they're willing to deal with whats going to come out...subconscious mind becomes you main playing field and if you have some things locked up in your head that you havent dealt with or dont want to come out, psychadelics and dic(drugs in combination) may not be the best way to go...

just know what you're getting yourself into...


so...how's your evening so far?


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DMT??? r u people crazy???

that shit will make go insane

& besides that u ain't going to find that

anywhere in the tri-state area , unless u happen to come across an extremely distrubed individual who wants to introduce you to his little green friends & show you other worlds ... thats the kind of people that are associated with that stuff, WACKOS !!!



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