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How is Culture Club???

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my friend once dragged me there and it was, in my oppinion, the cheesiest night ever. Well actually, it was the cheesiest hour and half ever because we left REAL fast.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you're into hanging out with people who like budweiser (a lot of budweiser) and grind on your ass all night to 80's music, then you'll be happy as a clam. If not, then I'd suggest passing.



get down on your knees...

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It's pretty damn cheezy! I only went once on my 22nd bday. I had a good time b/c we were all drunk off our asses and it was my bday and it was fun to listen to old music from when you were a kid.

It's not a place for hardcore partying. If you want to just be silly one night, that's the place to go.


You're only young once

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I would rather light myself on fire than go there again...

They play all the old 80's tunes that everybody knows all the words to (but is embarrassed to admit it). I'll admit its funny to hear all those songs again, BUT...

The place is packed with the stupidiest crowd. There are about a dozen bachelorette parties going on, sloppy drunk people spilling beer all over the place....

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I went there on a Saturday night during 1999. They played some phat freestyle: Noel, Cynthia, Expose, Coro, and then some. I like hearing that shit just as much as house, if not more. Some of the shit does get a little unbearable; not all of the old shit they play is good, or dancable.

Sometimes they will play some really good shit though. If you like 80's music, you will like this club. They usually have Grandmaster Flash spinning there as well, I dont know if he still does. They didn't have him there the night I went.

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Culture Club? I think I reached my breaking point when started playing Wham and New Kids on the Block. I'd rather have a spike driven through my eye than listen to that. To make things worst is that the sound system there sucks royally. The only saving grace there is that there's lots of drunk girls in a flirtatious mood. I guess playing lots of songs by the Go-Go's will do that to a crowd.

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