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Party drug alternatives, read and what do ya think?

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This probably belongs in the drug forum, but it can't hurt to post it here......

I recieved this email in reference to designer drugs info, etc. Here it is:

Dear friend and fellow athlete,

It has recently come to my attention that athletes, bodybuilders, and

models are starting to party with three relatively new research


In this issue of Elite Fitness News, I would like to share with you


is known about these new research chemicals that are becoming


common at parties, raves, and discos. I would also like to tell you


a safe, legal, party stack of my own that I and many others find very


The first research chemical that bodybuilders, models, and athletes are

beginning to use at clubs is a substance that goes by the street name


Foxy, or Foxy Methoxy. The pharmaceutical name is 5-methoxy-N,N-

diisopropyltryptamine or 5-MeO-DIPT for short. The second research

chemical that we have heard quite a lot about recently goes by Mystic


the streets. The pharmaceutical name for Mystic is 4-propylthio-2,5-

dimethoxyphenethylamine or 2C-T-7. The third substance, which is no


a research chemical and has now been scheduled as a Schedule 1 drug is

2-(4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-ethylamine or 2C-B for short. On the

street, 2C-B goes by the names Venus, Bromo, Eros, and Nexus.

All three of these substances were first synthesized by Dr. Alexander

Shulgin. Dr. Shulgin was the first to synthesize MDMA better known as

Ecstasy. These drugs could be called designer drugs, as they were

developed once Ecstasy became illegal in 1985.

Before we discuss these new drugs, it might be helpful to look at what

exactly are research chemicals. Research chemicals literally refer to

chemicals that are still being researched. When used to describe

psychoactive drugs, it refers to new drugs that have not been



Some research chemicals are newly discovered substances, others

may be ten or even twenty years old, but have not been studied. What is

common to both types of drugs is that there is little research if any


the pharmacology or toxicology of these substances. Most likely, there


no human or animal studies on these substances. In direct contrast with

drugs like ecstasy, which has been taken by millions of people for the

last three decades, and marijuana that has been used by billions of


for thousands of years, research chemicals are new and may only have


used by several hundred people for several months.

Obviously, the risks with the use of research chemicals are enormous.


perhaps because of many bodybuilders' daredevil spirit, we are


to see more and more experimentation with these substances in our


Here is what we know so far.

Foxy Methoxy


Foxy Methoxy or 5-MeO-DIPT has proven to be quite interesting as a

recreational substance. We believe that 5-MeO-DIPT has been given the


"Foxy Methoxy" as it pleasantly enhances tactile sensation in most


At this time, as a research chemical, 5-MeO-DIPT is not illegal in the

United States. Foxy should be white or tan in appearance. Since it is


indole alkaloid derivative, it has a strong indole smell and taste


most people find very unpleasant. Like other related substances, foxy

combines with nerve receptors and liberates serotonin. As many people

know by now, serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine, is a neurotransmitter

involved with sleep, pleasure, depression, and memory.

Foxy's onset, duration, and effects vary according to your metabolism


neurochemistry. Other factors that may affect the trip: whether or not


have a full stomach (fasting for at least 12 hours prior is


psychological/emotional state you are experiencing when you dose; the

environment it is taken in, etc. These variables are true of all

psychedelics. Generally, the effects build for roughly 2 hours, at


point the peak is reached, and then there is a gradual wearing off that

lasts for about five hours.

Foxy appears to be a drug that is fairly safe and may have potential


therapeutic applications. It definitely deserves more research.


5-MeO-DIPT is an extremely potent material making careful measurement


absolute must. Without a scale, it can be very easy to overdose. It is


a good idea to "eyeball" a dose of this substance, as the


curve is extremely steep.

When taken orally at low doses (5-10mg), 5-MeO-DIPT induces a warm,

pleasant state in which tactile and aural sensations may be enhanced.


people have commented that at this dosage range, Foxy possesses amazing

aphrodisiac qualities - enhancing the libido significantly. Increasing


dosage beyond the 10mg mark, athletes report the effects become

increasingly psychedelic, producing vivid visuals and mental phenomenon

similar to LSD or Psilocybe mushrooms. Taking over 25mg at once could

prove to be highly dangerous.

Booster Doses

Bodybuilders have reported taking booster doses to prolong the effects.

Since tolerance does not develop significantly until after the peak of


trip, athletes report that the optimal time for a booster dose is just

prior to the onset of the peak.

Side Effects:

Fortunately, bodybuilders have not reported many side effects from


Some have reported insomnia following the trip while others reported

nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting. This can be avoided by


for twelve hours prior to ingestion and possibly using Loperamide --


active ingredient in anti-diarrhea medications like Immodium.

As with all mind-altering substances, certain common-sense precautions

exist with this drug. Do not drive a car; operate heavy machinery, etc.

while under its influence. It should not be used if you are pregnant,

nursing, or not of a mature emotional level. Those with a pre-existing

medical or psychological conditions should also avoid this drug.

Users have reported developing a tolerance to Foxy after taking it. If


does not wait about a week before using this substance again, the


will be barely felt, or more will be required to produce the same


At present, 5-MeO-DIPT has caused no human deaths.


Store in an airtight container, kept in a cool, dark location.



4-propylthio-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine, C12H21O2NS (mol. wt. 243.37)

Another research chemical that is gaining popularity in the bodybuilder

community is 2C-T-7, known on the street as Mystic. Anecdotal evidence

suggests that Mystic produces a more pronounced hallucinogenic effect


does Foxy - hence its name Mystic. Like Foxy, Mystic tends to produce


of the same feelings of euphoria. A trip reportedly lasts about seven

hours, with a peak at the end of the second hour. When administered

nasally, like Foxy, the onset tends to come much quicker. As of this

writing, we believe that Mystic is legal.

Overall, athletes, bodybuilders, and models have reported positive

experiences from this substance. Even the people who have expressed no

interest in taking it again often state that they are glad they had the



Taken orally, a number of people report strong effects from dosages as


as 10 mg; however, most believe that 15-25 mg is considered a mild


A moderate dosage would be in the neighborhood of 25 to 35 mg. More


35 mg would be considered a strong dose.

Side effects

While side effects such as nausea are common, people do not seem


by this fact. Some people have used the drug recklessly, in high doses


reported that they "freaked-out" like from a bad LSD trip. They also

reported severe nausea. Negative side effects tend to be more severe


the drug is administered nasally.

There is one death associated with 2C-T-7. A young man with no

known health problems and who was taking no other drugs insufflated

(snorted) a 35mg dose. The most common nasal dose is 3-6 mg. This

young man began bleeding profusely from the nose, vomiting, and

convulsing. He then went into cardiac arrest and died. Although the


could be caused by any number of things such as an unknown heart


pushed over the edge by a severe panic reaction, toxic impurities in


drug, other drugs taken, allergic reaction to the drug, we cannot rule


the possibility that it was an overdose. Autopsy results are not


Venus, Bromo, Eros, and Nexus



The substance 2C-B, also known as "Venus", "Bromo", "Eros", or "Nexus",


currently a Schedule-I substance. After a company marketed 2C-B for


consumption, this former research chemical was scheduled, meaning that


is illegal to posses, manufacture, or distribute any amount of 2C-B for

any purpose. Any persons caught breaking this law can be subject to


2C-B is related structurally to mescaline, DOB, and distantly to MDMA.


was first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin in 1974 while exploring

homologues of DOB. Its psychoactivity was first discovered on June 25,

1975 by Dr. Shulgin who described it as "beautifully active". 2C-B was

marketed in the late 1980s as an MDMA replacement after Ecstasy was

scheduled in 1985. It was added to Schedule I in the U.S. in 1994 and


1999, it was illegal in most of the world.

2C-B has become popular in Germany and Switzerland and is believed to


manufactured in South Africa and the Netherlands. It is becoming


with bodybuilders and models and has begun to appear on the Rave scene.

The drug promotes an enhancement of visual and auditory perception, in-

creased sexual desire, and heightened senses of taste and touch.

The effects of 2C-B have been described as a cross between the effects


LSD and MDMA. Athletes report that it is mildly psychedelic, much less

mind-expanding or disassociative than mushrooms or LSD, but much less

directed than MDMA. The drug peaks about 90 minutes after ingestion.

Most people experience 2C-B as being much 'lighter' on their body than

MDMA with far less 'crash' and much less physically draining. It is


not as 'easy' as MDMA, in that it is more of a 'true' psychedelic --

allowing the users mind to become manifest and create the experience

instead of being 'pushed' into a positive mood space as MDMA usually



Nexus is generally available in pill, capsule, or powder form. It is


times more powerful than MDMA with a typical dosage unit ranging from 5


10 milligrams

Side Effects

2C-B includes Open Eye Visual (OEV) effects that are usually described


crawling, shifting, or undulating, or cartooning. Closed Eye Visuals

(CEVs) are present and increase with dosage. Many report a 'color


where objects seem to have red or green halos around them

The drug does have some serious side effects, including confusion,

cardiovascular disturbances, and dehydration. No price data are


at this time.

Many, but not all, people experience stomach discomfort sometimes

including mild diarrhea, gas, nausea and (rarely) vomiting.

Some people find 2C-B increases their ability to communicate verbally,

while others find themselves unable to elucidate their ideas clearly.


people describe a type of confusion that can be part of the experience,


type of 'stoned' feeling of mental and physical relaxation

which can translate into the inability or lack of desire to go into


intellectual processes.

As I mentioned before, the long-term risks of these substances are


and therefore much greater than with older better-studied drugs. Using

these substances make athletes into human guinea pigs. Bodybuilders

tend to be

particularly susceptible to the use of these substances for


purposes as they hare used to experimentation with anabolic and


steroids. These drugs may be harmless and the may be beneficial, or

they could

turn out to be like MPTP, the drug that caused the DEA to be given

emergency scheduling powers.

MPTP was the byproduct of a faulty designer opiate. A chemist was


to develop a synthetic heroin. What was created instead was a compound

that metabolizes in the body selectively killing dopamine neurons in


striatum -- producing a syndrome nearly identical to Parkinson's


Using MPTP just once was sufficient to produce this result.

So again, the moral is when you take a research chemicals, you are


out into the unknown, and you could be the unfortunate person to


a new drug's lethal dose. You could find yourself addicted. Or you

overdose and end up at the hospital, the doctors will only be able to

guess at how to treat you. If you aren't prepared to accept these


you should avoid research chemicals.

At this point of course, I have to make my compulsory plug for Mass

Quantities. I would like to tell you about a secret combination of


nutriceuticals that I stack when I have a hot date or when I plan to go

dancing and want a boost.

My secret party stack is one or two Tribulus Gold, one or two Andro

Infusion, and one or two Phenyltropic. More than this is not required,


in the case of Phenyltropic, too much of a good thing can have the

opposite of the desired effect if you know what I mean.

I take the Tribulus Gold because of the profound effect it has on the

libido and on potency. Actually, I take Tribulus Gold all year round


If it can work this well in an older man like myself, just think what


can do in younger men.

I take the Andro Infusion for two reasons. First, I like the


boost and the buzz that comes from that. Secondly, I like the tingly


warm sensation that comes from the Niacin.

And lastly, I take the Phenyltropic, because I like the focused, time-

released energy that it gives me. I also like how it raises the libido



Pop one or two of each of these three nutriceuticals and you are ready


party! For a testosterone rush, increased libido, and a raging


go to: http://www.massquantities.com

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Guest crystalmethodny

I've heard of Nexus awhile back through my friend who lived in Britain...

Heard it was some craaaazy shit!

Keep on the lookout for it, gotta surface here sometime if it hasnt already.


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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Some of this shit is starting to sound a little to fucked up - I don't know if would I try any of that shit!!




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I constantly question everyone around me for this very problem:

With all the drugs in the world, all the chemists, all the research, all the cures and science....I can't believe no one can invent a safe party drug!!!! Do you know the money-making potential???? What's up with this???!!!!

Something that gives you the feeling of E but without the toxicity, side-effects, and potential brain damage.

Something where you're in full control at all times but have feelings of euphoria and joy. Something non-addictive, wears off, and completely safe on the body.

Look at alcohol..sure you can get a nice buzz...however it can be addictive, can make you sick as a dog, kills brain cells as well, wreaks havoc on your liver while metabolizing it...and it's completely legal!!!

Where is this miracle party drug?

(Please don't throw anti-drug.."bring your own happiness" bombs at me---if you know me, you know I'm one of the happiest, well-adjusted, most content people you'll ever meet)




Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede



EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

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Originally posted by suedenyc:

....I can't believe no one can invent a safe party drug!!!!

...Something that gives you the feeling of E but without the toxicity, side-effects, and potential brain damage.

i defer you to the wisdom of murphy: anything good in life is either illegal, immoral, or fattening.




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Suede I would hope to believe that those are the intentions of these scientists. But the human body is a very complicated and ever changing combination of organisms. If one part of your body reacts well to a chemical....another will most likely not. Even eating for christs sake is dangerous if not done in the "proper dosage". So I wouldn't say that these people aren't looking for a safe party drug but that they can't create it. My .02


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


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Originally posted by suedenyc:

With all the drugs in the world, all the chemists, all the research, all the cures and science....I can't believe no one can invent a safe party drug!!!! Do you know the money-making potential???? What's up with this???!!!!




Honey, that's the point if it's just a recreational drug it'll be outlawed quicker than you can say boo. Explain to me the detriments of pot that are more than any cigarette, and we can't even smoke up legally. It's kinda depressing. All I know from the research that I've done is stacking a drinking is mad fun, but also mad dangerous, so I cut that out real quick. I'd love for it to really happen, but let's be realistic. The government is so against the club scene in general, and now we have right-ists in charge which makes our cause that much more impossible. But if in anyone knows something that really is legal and can get you the same effects of some illegal substance... bring that shit on wink.gif


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Originally posted by nessalove:

Explain to me the detriments of pot that are more than any cigarette, and we can't even smoke up legally.

ness I'm no pro at this stuff but I would say it's the fact that THC fucks with your brain cells in a way to make you percieve things differently then they really are........Nicotine doesn't do anything of the sort.......I would guess that any substance that can pose immediate danger to the user or others around is going to be illegal........for that reason, I think smoking cigarettes will be banned more and more in the years to come (I don't mean illegal but "No Smoking")....just look at the early 70's where you could smoke practically anywhere compared to now.......

as for the THC messing with brain receptors or whatever, alcohol does the same so I don't know what the fuck they are thinking..... smile.gif

spark it.... wink.gif


"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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