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Petrol made sweet, sweet love to me

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well, well .. I appear to have struck a nerve with young Al. Sounds like we might have a little three-way going with SK13, Petrol and the big guy. Film at 11 .....


AIM name: noserotoninleft


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ok this is ridiculous... i come back on hours later to find that u guys still have not settled this crap... sk13 i luv ya hun but maybe posting all this stuff was not the best idea... and TT64... u r one of my best friends so im tellin u this with luv... CALM THE F*CK DOWN... u r definately adding to the tension with your lousy .02... and now i see u have been keepin stuff from me bout sk13... damnit i thought we were friends... guess not...



"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

PrncssVrnc---> AIM

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Yo, somebody dropped a big 'ol sheet of acid in the New Jersey plumbing system!


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

"Happiness is like a butterfly, which when pursued is just out of your grasp, but if you will sit down quietly, it will alight upon you." Walt Whitman

AIM: Jewel44317

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Originally posted by jewel44317:

Yo, somebody dropped a big 'ol sheet of acid in the New Jersey plumbing system!


Hey Jule, thanks for the lighter on Fri cwm1.gif

Hey SK & Petrol.... easy.... why don't you two get together again and talk about the first thing that "pops up"? It may help ease the tension... LOL


Can you feel that rhythm moving through your system?

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Originally posted by deanna11:

sk13, it's too bad petrol's not interested in more. too bad you got played. too bad you're so naive

if petrol makes guys look bad for being players, then sk13 makes girls look bad for being emotionally unstable and simpleminded

Thank you deanna, for saying what I wanted to. It's probably easier for sk13 to hear from a girl.







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I know posting anything is not gonna help...but why are you talking about this on the board? This is a personal subject and should be kept that way, instead of humiliating yourselves by airing your issues on a public message board. I don't want to offend anyone, really, I am sorry that people are hurt by what happened. But this is something that should be sorted out with each other. Bitchin' about clubs and music is one thing, but accusing someone of using you for sex is something else...Again, if I read this post wrong, then please disregard, but if this shit is for real, talk about it amongst yourselves.



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Not to make light of a shitty situation (although that is my nature..) you should have signed that booty call agreement that was posted a while ago!

I'm not trying to offend anyone...but c'mon now? Do you post this on a message board?!?

I understand your pain girl, but couldn't u have taken this up with petrol himself?!? It seems as if you wanted to call him out and make him look like less of a person. But that's my opinion, I hope I didn't offend you. And I hope ya feel better!




*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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Why is everyone so cold and uncaring? Aren't I part of your community? We see each other every week and take time to get to know each other. We rejoice together in dance and song. Well now, I'm going through a tough time so I ask for support from my clubbing community and this is the response I get?

You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Think about how you would feel if you were in my shoes?

It is a dark, dark day in the clubbing community.

For those of you who do care, I'll let you know that petrol and I spoke earlier this morning. He says that we 'can still be friends' but I don't know. I don't think it'll work out- my feelings are too strong for him.

What would you guys do?


p.s. TT64, sorry I didn't answer my phone when you called. I wake up later than most due to working so late and I was sleeping. What's so urgent?


get down on your knees...

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Originally posted by editor:

Now far be it from me to get involved with this kinda thing -- but as a seasoned journalist, I smell a troll thread here. (although a very well-acted one).

Speaking of random plugs (which we weren't) have you checked out <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://tickets.clubplanet.com" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://tickets.clubplanet.com</A> yet? It's a potentially exciting experiment in clubbing technology...

anyway... u dont know us... so please dont take such a serious subject lightly...



"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

PrncssVrnc---> AIM

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Sorry to hear about this situation. I hope the two of you resolve this in some adult manner. There should be no reason to *throw rocks at one another* wink.gif. If you guys were friends before this situation, then the friendship *should* prevail after this incidence. Of not, consider youselves two horny toads that hosed out the fire (j/k...really) cwm27.gif . But anyway, I did have *similar* issues to deal with, but I definitely handled it like the total adult (or so I think) and its totally smoothed over IMO. Anyhoo, I totally agree with the person that stated, if you are interested in someone in a *relationship atmosphere* let 'em know before you try to *make sweet love to them* or before they get snatched up by someone else wink.gif.

Dr. Jammy Jam

-Jamms "thedoctorisinnowbendoverancough"


jamms on hiatus...that is all face50.gif

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Originally posted by editor:

Now far be it from me to get involved with this kinda thing -- but as a seasoned journalist, I smell a troll thread here. (although a very well-acted one).

Speaking of random plugs (which we weren't) have you checked out <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://tickets.clubplanet.com" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://tickets.clubplanet.com</A> yet? It's a potentially exciting experiment in clubbing technology...

I couldn't agree more.





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Sorry to blow your cover Mama, but there is NO WAY THIS THREAD IS REAL!

SK13, I think it's really sweet of you to help yer buddy Petrol get laid like this... He's gonna be fightin' off the hunnies now! You are a really good friend... Now about me and your brother... come on girl, hook a sister up! You did it for Petrol...




Music... is alllll about the groove. Can you feel the groove? Listen...


aolim blueskygirl2001

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Originally posted by sarahkim13:

Why is everyone so cold and uncaring? Aren't I part of your community? We see each other every week and take time to get to know each other. We rejoice together in dance and song. Well now, I'm going through a tough time so I ask for support from my clubbing community and this is the response I get?

You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Think about how you would feel if you were in my shoes?

It is a dark, dark day in the clubbing community.

For those of you who do care, I'll let you know that petrol and I spoke earlier this morning. He says that we 'can still be friends' but I don't know. I don't think it'll work out- my feelings are too strong for him.

What would you guys do?


p.s. TT64, sorry I didn't answer my phone when you called. I wake up later than most due to working so late and I was sleeping. What's so urgent?

Sorry, its not that we don't care. We do, but what you are discussing here is about you and another board member. There are some things that need to be kept off the board and this is one of them. Its something that needs to be addressed with the guy one on one...none of us need to get involved. Sure, we all post for advice, but you didn't want our advice, you just wanted to tell us all how he wronged you. I understand your frustration and your hurt, but you are going about it the wrong way. Just try and chalk this up to a learning experience and move on.



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Nice!- I'm glad that you (ezdreamer and blueskygirl) find this ammusing. I guess that the drama that is my life, makes you laugh. Honestly, why would I post this if it wasn't real?

So in continuation, after finally getting Petrol to answer his phone, he told me that he changed his mind and now wants to persue our relationship further.

I guess someone here hit a note with him- thanks everyone!!!

I'm off now to find me some loving....


to be continued...


get down on your knees...

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Hey, is this whole thread a take off on part of the plot from 'american pie?' a character named 'finch' pays off a lot of his female classmates to spread good rumors about him.

sk13, your story would be more believable if the subject wasn't '____ made sweet sweet love to me.' it's been a pretty popular subject for a while.

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hmmm...and the award for best actress in an online BB thread goes to....

<<enter sk>> "they love me...they really do love me!!"

Kudos to standout performances from Roby, Petrol, Flying_high, and others. Truly the can't miss movie ofthe Spring.

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Originally posted by mrdick:

hmmm...and the award for best actress in an online BB thread goes to....

<<enter sk>> "they love me...they really do love me!!"

Kudos to standout performances from Roby, Petrol, Flying_high, and others. Truly the can't miss movie ofthe Spring.

You forgot majesticmelodi...she's in it too...clear as day.





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