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Guest danwang

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Guest danwang

If you wear them while clubbing, what kind(s), i.e. brand & model (if you know it), works best for you? How so?

[This message has been edited by danwang (edited 04-12-2001).]

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Guest danwang

Originally posted by princezt:

I know this might sound stupid or something, but when you go to the club, don't you want to HEAR the music? cwm6.gif


Yeah, but I don't want my ears to ring after leaving the club, and I want to be able to hear music or anything else for as long as possible. smile.gif

Also, sometimes plugs do help when something about the sound signal is a bit unbearable, like when the high frequencies are a little too strong. Or am I the only one who has experienced this?

I can still hear/feel the music pretty well when I wear plugs. Just a little more comfortable and little less of the bad stuff I guess.

However, I'd like to know if any of you have discovered anything that offers good comfort, protects your ears/hearing, doesn't filter too much sound, and allows you to have a conversation.

I personally have been using Hearos, which appear to be widely available in Duane Reade. There's all kinds of designs, materials, colors (hey, maybe the neon orange ones look cool in the club smile.gif ), but I use just the standard kind.


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I have been wearing them for a couple months.....out to clubs....let me tell you.....big improvement...I never get the early morning buzz....you know when you wake up......and yes you can hear the music...it is actually good.....it is muffed a little but has the sound reminscent of being in an isolation booth in the studio....if you have ever been. I wear the basic yellow disposable (get them from work)...another set that are good are the ones you can tune...they are about 30$ and if you trust yourself not to lose them...they they are a good investment....but disposable is my recommendation out of the club...toss em...new pair next time out....although I must say I didnt need them at Twilo....clear...crisp....god bless the phazon!

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personally, i've lost some of my hearing acuity from my past years as a dj, so i'm trying to retain most of what's left in an attempt to enjoy music to the fullest.

i've tried a number of various designs in plugs, and my personal preference for a club environment are the moldable silicone-putty type. they offer the least attenuation out of all designs, so you can still hear much high-frequency detail (approximately -12db, as compared to -20db to -30db for the expanding foam or plug type). they are moldable to the shape of your ear canal for comfort (you can actually change attenuation rate by molding it tighter). they are clear-colored, so no funny yellow things sticking out of your ear, and they are re-usable or disposable (it's cheap, so i just chuck 'em when i walk out of the club).

you can find them in packs at walgreen's... cwm11.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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Having been working in an industrial environment for 8 of the last 10 years, riding bikes and going out, earplugs are an indispensable part of my day.

I wear Howard Leight -30db foam plugs that I borrowed from work.

At the SPL (volume) that we have at Twilo, the bones of your skull will transmit all the sound you need. The earplugs are designed to attenuate the high frequency sounds that do the significant damage.

Industrial supply catalog, 500pr = $15.00

I would rather miss some volume of the high end, enjoy the bass and have hearing when I am 30 than not have any left.




AIM: JDoggNY2000


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I love music too much to be deaf later in life. Earplugs isn't a fix, but it's better with them in.

Even on a sound system as good as phazon, protection for your ears is necessary.

JDogg: do you have a Super Sport 900?

I'm thinking of getting a 750Sport. It's much cheaper. Is maintenance a bitch?



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you can get teh form ones from any drug stove (i get them at cvs) a brand called "quiet please" i get because they block out teh most dicelples (28 i think or some bullshit) but soon as i have a few bucks lying around i'ma go for teh real ones. they run about 175 bucks but they are molded to your ear and you cant even see them when u have them in ... plus they work better ... either ones will let you her teh musci no prob and even normal converstaion no prob ... def worth it in loud places ... my partner keeps tellin me i'm going def and i'm pretty sure i've done some permantent damage to one of my ears already ...


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i use sonic II hearing protectors, which are leftover from when i had a band. they are silicone with a metal insert which "tunes" the sound going in the ear, so it doesn't sound too "muffled" and i can hear low and highs just fine, just not loud. i can still hear regular conversion and quite sounds. after about 10 minutes my hearing would adjust so i wouldn't know there's a difference. sonic II hearing protectors by north safety products, purchsed for $10-15 at guitar center. they also come with a small container you can put on your keychain...




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Guest danwang

In Twilo, it seems that in most areas, you can hear the music clearly without it being painful. However, that doesn't seem to be the case, for me at least, in the middle of the dance floor, where you are in close range from speakers (particularly the ones delivering the high freqs). I found this to be the case when I was standing up on one of the subs. Also, as I've said in a previous post, ear plugs come in really handy when they run the siren or the (vertical) fog machines. They also help for people who happen to be near whistlers! smile.gif


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