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Jay-Z arrested outside of EXIT

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This thread really blew up. It's a shame it went from an intellectual debate to some racist name calling and immaturity. I don't even read blackcentipedes posts anymore (you shouldn't either), but I'm sure it was great. But some of you others should really check yourselves.

I have nothing to say to anyone who can't argue facts and principles. So much for PLUR. Let this thread die. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Alright, time to drop some knowledge:

Big boi is right, but you don't gotta criticize these peeps. Just make your point but keep that shit positive.

As far as packin, this rap game is fo real, and shit shouldn't be taken lightly. Look at Pac, look at Biggie. Not to mention all the other cats that live and die in tha struggle. Pac had bodyguards in the car behind him. It ain't even enough to have bodyguards sometimes.

As long as he's usin it for protection (I'm not sayin it's right/wrong in the eyes of the Law), I have no problem with it. People wanna see him dead, hes made a lot of enemies in the game (look at the Roc/QB beef of late:Memph Bleek, Nas, if you don't know).

Even Meth says "guys will stick you up like, I like your music, but times are hard". Let me say I ain't got sympathy for them, as in "you've got it sooo hard", cause they are bringin in serious bank and livin large. But that isn't keepin them alive when they in the streets.

As far as the stabbin charges: He was conducting an interview at the time Un was stabbed. Jigga wouldn't go around with a knife at a album release party, ready to stab someone. Thats such bull shit. If you don't believe me, wait till the trial. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by bigboi:

You don't understand Thug Life b/c you're probably a spoiled little rich kid from Jersey.

You don't understand it b/c you haven't lived it. You have no idea what it's like to live in a neighborhood so riddled with drugs and violence that you can't even walk by the window for fear of being killed.

People like Jay-Z and other members of the hip-hop community carry guns b/c they have to. They carry guns b/c there are alot of people out there that would gladly love to shoot Jay-Z and be known on the streets as the one that did it. I applaud members of the hip-hop community that carry weapons as long as they are used responsibly. It's about protection, it's about life and death.

Just b/c Jay-Z and Puffy (sorry, P.Diddy) have more money than you'll ever see in 10 lifetimes doesn't mean that they're untouchable. It doesn't mean that people aren't going to try and take what they've worked hard to earn. And it doesn't mean that they should walk around unprotected.

So before you go and say "I don't understand thug life" or "ghetto ass mother fuckers never grow up", stop and think of the ramifications your statement. And, this ghetto mother fucker has grown up, and is grown up enough to whip your ass...without the use of a gun.

We all can't be as priviliged and sheltered as your stupid ass.

Okay, you talk about useing a gun responsibly, well wouldn't that include having it REGISTERED?

Also I'm not quite sure exactly where Jay-Z lives right now (nor do I care) but I'm pretty sure it's not "so riddled with drugs and violence that you can't even walk by the window for fear of being killed."

AND if he's so "grown up" now, why the fuck is he driving around with three of his boys with a gun at 3AM? That is not the behaviour of a responsible, grown up person.

I'm sorry, but I thought Jay was intelligent enough to avoid these situations. I do not commend anyone who carries a gun. If he's scared of getting robbed he should hire a professional bodyguard with a LICENSED firearm. It's not brain surgery- he should know he's a rapper and under intense scrutiny.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Do i need to bring a guy when I come to NY?

It seems to be the cool thing to do.. all the stars are doing it, or it it getting passe now?

I read somewhere that Eminem first started touring with 2 or 3 people. As his bank account and his head swelled (wording used in the article), so did his entourage, and he eventually had upwards of 50 people with him!

Regardless, there's no reason to be like Eminem; we've got enough white suburban teenagers imitating him as it is. I hear the girlies like a man who can stand on his own two feet. smile.gif



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Post Script:

It's just frustrating, that these guys have so much money and so little common sense. I mean I like going out looking for trouble as much as the next guy, but I'm not:

A) a millionaire

B) a rapper

C) under intense media scrutiny

D) awaiting a trial FOR STABBING SOMEONE!

It's like, jeez, just stay home a little... grow up, get married, have some kids, get out of the spotlight, or if yuo're going to stay in it, go legit, make some shitty movies and eveeryone will forget about you, and you'll still have millions. I think the fame gets to their heads, like maybe he's just trying to act thuggish so people will keep talking about him...

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I see the bigboy's point about violent neighborhoods, but if everyone has a gun, will it solve any problems? I understand that by walking around unarmed, you have absolutely no chance of protecting yourself if something happens. But it's a vicious circle.. People carry guns to protect themselves, and it ends up being that every person has a gun. And when provoked, everyone uses it.. And then we have these violent neighborhoods.. This is definitely a serious problem in our society that has no easy solution...

My whole point was that any celebrity with $ will not go to jail unless it's very serious..

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Guest danwang

I wonder why this never happens to any techno-heads or house-heads.

Just for fun... Which DJ (heck, all producers are also DJ's these days) do you think is most likely to be arrested?

I read something on About.com that David Morales was shot when he was young, so he now has a bodyguard. Has anyone seen?


We're alive, take a breath

We're alive, take a deep breath

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Fact: Jay-Z wasn't even holding the gun that he was arrested for and it wasn't his.

Fact: Last I heard Jay-Z was from the ghetto where bullets and violence are commonplace.

Once again, naivity rules RR. It doesn't matter where he lives now, it matters where he came from. If anything, Jay-Z is in more danger now then when he was growing up in the hood. People had no reason to try and jack him or kill him back then...he was just Shawn Carter. Now, he's a multi-millionaire rapper and world famous...he's got more of a reason to be worried than ever before.

And as far as the bodyguard situation, it didn't do to well for Biggie outside the Peterson Museum in LA, and it didn't do to well for Pac in the Benz in Vegas.

I've seen Jay-Z out on many occasions in the city (Eugene's, Exit, Float) and he does have a bodyguard with him at all times. But, what good is that bodyguard if some moron comes up with a gun? You're going to have a dead bodyguard. ANd a dead Jigga. I've also never heard of Jay-Z getting into any trouble for anything that he's done...the stabbing incident (like Andre said) was done by someone else why Jay-Z was giving an on-camera interview. And this latest incident happened while he was sitting in the back seat of a car.

Let's just say that Jigga needs to stay home..

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Originally posted by roadrunner:

It's like, jeez, just stay home a little... grow up, get married, have some kids, get out of the spotlight, or if yuo're going to stay in it, go legit, make some shitty movies and eveeryone will forget about you, and you'll still have millions. I think the fame gets to their heads, like maybe he's just trying to act thuggish so people will keep talking about him...

That's not what being a rap star is all about.. Their image is to be these bad-ass thugs with lots of money and ho's around, not family men with children who sit at home watching Disney movies.. It's all about the image.....

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Originally posted by roadrunner:

Okay, you talk about useing a gun responsibly, well wouldn't that include having it REGISTERED?

Also I'm not quite sure exactly where Jay-Z lives right now (nor do I care) but I'm pretty sure it's not "so riddled with drugs and violence that you can't even walk by the window for fear of being killed."

AND if he's so "grown up" now, why the fuck is he driving around with three of his boys with a gun at 3AM? That is not the behaviour of a responsible, grown up person.

I'm sorry, but I thought Jay was intelligent enough to avoid these situations. I do not commend anyone who carries a gun. If he's scared of getting robbed he should hire a professional bodyguard with a LICENSED firearm. It's not brain surgery- he should know he's a rapper and under intense scrutiny.

First off, yeah, he should get a registered firearm. I agree with you on that. He probably can't get one cause of his previous charges, though.

He don't live in the hood anymore, but he drives around, and crimes don't always have to happen in Marcy Projects. I'm sure where he likes to party, shit can happen. Look at Ray Lewis down in Buckhead. I was there in Nov, and they closed down Club Cobalt where the stabbing was.

As far as your comment being "grown up" and driving around at 3am, I gotta disagree. So no one who is out at 3am with their friends is "grown up"? That dosen't make much sense. They weren't driving around like teenagers with their first gun, waving it around. That's probably standard protection they take when they go out.

Like I said in an earlier post, I know Jay has got bodyguards. But they aren't around 24-7. And just cause you have a bodyguard dosen't mean you won't get shot. And we don't even know all the facts of this thing yet. A lot of speculation so far, not many facts.

I agree with you, rappers can't just be around town flashing guns and shit. But I think that's more of an instinct thing from where they are from (Marcy Projects, in Jay-Z's case). Thats what they grew up around, and are doing it to protect themselves, not jack someone. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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First of all.. I understand that some if not msot of these artists have had some pretty hard times...but look at how these people are making their money.. and just a thought here people NO DRAMA... they write negative lyrics about on sex, drugs and violence..... about their experiences in "the hood" instead of turning that negative into something positive they are promoting it...(I'm not speaking for all, but the majority)

How do you expect people to NOT want to do anything to them when they are poisening people's head's with this garbage.. They created this type of lifestyle for themselves..

And I don't mean to generalize and I am just throwing this out there just as my opinion that's all.....

bigboi haow can you applaud someone who carries guns? WTF? and you say they use them responsibly? where have you been? have you picked up a anewspaper or even watched the news in the last 5-10 years?

If our own Police officers, who are trained and here to "protect and serve our communities" can't even use them properly what makes you think that these guys can?




AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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Originally posted by andre9000:

As far as packin, this rap game is fo real, and shit shouldn't be taken lightly

The people who are making it 'real' are feeding it by carrying guns and keeping the hate going. Somebody has to break the cycle, greed keeps it 'real'. People who carn't get on.

Pac and Biggie wern't struggeling for shit, they had big houses in the hills and didn't want for anything.

Most of these shootings are Black men, shooting black men... I don't get this Rap is real and we are living the life stuff. But hey some people find it glamerous. Rap to me used to be a type of folk music exploring real issues, not talking about how big a gangsta you are. Fuck that shit.

As Snoop said 'one day i woke up.'


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

First of all.. I understand that some if not msot of these artists have had some pretty hard times...but look at how these people are making their money.. and just a thought here people NO DRAMA... they write negative lyrics about on sex, drugs and violence..... about their experiences in "the hood" instead of turning that negative into something positive they are promoting it...(I'm not speaking for all, but the majority)

How do you expect people to NOT want to do anything to them when they are poisening people's head's with this garbage.. They created this type of lifestyle for themselves..

And I don't mean to generalize and I am just throwing this out there just as my opinion that's all.....

bigboi haow can you applaud someone who carries guns? WTF? and you say they use them responsibly? where have you been? have you picked up a anewspaper or even watched the news in the last 5-10 years?

If our own Police officers, who are trained and here to "protect and serve our communities" can't even use them properly what makes you think that these guys can?


Just read this after i posted mine.. but EXACTLY! smile.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

As Snoop said 'one day i woke up.'

So true. Snoop is a perfect example. He made one of the best rap records ever, starred in some crummy movies and continues to make amazing records, street cred intact, with minimal beef. I think it's his attitude. He just smokes bud and let's all the drama slide by.

Jay has an obnoxious attitude. It's part of his persona, that he's richer and fucks more bitches than you, so why shouldn't someone call him on it? If you go around saying you're immortal, people are gonna test you.

Just because I'm god, don't mean I ain't humble...

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Originally posted by navid73:

i think dre is the next to get shot or be arrested..its his turn!cwm9.gifcwm9.gifcwm9.gifcwm9.gif

Nah he is strait as well. Besides i hope not, i think he is one of the most tallented producers arround at the moment.

What he is doing with Emeinem.. the whole thing the packaging the producing etc etc is nothing short of genius. Not saying it's my kind of music, but it's selling and it's tight.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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if anyone believes NYT then those are the facts: Jay went with two other into Exit

for a appro 20 min. then left to return to

their trucks waiting for them right outside.

One of his friends had a gun in his hand while he was entering his truck. All that has been observed by the NY Street Crime Unit

It is very unlikely that someone in the club gave them a handgun, but very likely that they entered the club with the gun. So where is the security. I thought they are checking everybody, maybe for pills not for guns.

Jerks. Also after that observation that someone left the club holding a gun in his

hand, the club should have been raided searching for more possible guns.Especially

after collapse of security. Again probably

after a drug bust right outside they would have raided this place. NYPD also no competence here, big mistake. That tells you

how save NY clubs are. You have to look out for yourself and can;t not completely feel save.

Again all being said if this report being

true,for which NYT stands for.

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Originally posted by aphelion:


Regardless, there's no reason to be like Eminem; we've got enough white suburban teenagers imitating him as it is.

Hey pal, I'm not a teenage and I'm imitating him just fine as-is. wink.gif Got my skizzul shaved today (again).... the Supersaiyajin look will be back once my dead fibrous strands sufficiently replenish themselves. And the only two peeps that I was likened to last time was Billy Idol (of all fucking people) and Slim Shady...... I'd take Slim any day, given that choix. cwm4.gif

Btw, if you have an ID, you should come to "Down The Hatch" tomorrow..... evil things await, with nasty pointy teeth. Check the PMs (cc'ing ya'z).....



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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Not even trying to get all into this post, but isn't it a little hypocritical for people involved in a scene so riddled with drug abuse to be acting like they're so much better then anyone else? isn't it better to address your own problems before being concerned with someone elses?

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rappers are assholes...eminem's lyrics-anti-gay, anti-women, and generally neg., all these fuckin wars between rappers biggie and 2 pac. i think everyone should just grow up. and don't give me this "thug life bs" the only reason you have a "thug life" is cuz everyone on the street is ignorant and wants to kick the shit out of each other. maybe if they had enough brains there would be no thug life. its all a bunch of immature assholes with guns who think their bad. well they have a one-way ticket to no where. thug life is just some lame excuse. your responsible for your own actions, cut the bullshit and keep it real.



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this is one of the reasons why i stopped listening to hip hop, all they do is talk about who they killed and how many drugs they sell. this is gangsta bullshit and they need to take it down a level, i found out that my 6 year old cousin listens to eminem and i screamed at him......


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Originally posted by mcdougals:

Not even trying to get all into this post, but isn't it a little hypocritical for people involved in a scene so riddled with drug abuse to be acting like they're so much better then anyone else? isn't it better to address your own problems before being concerned with someone elses?

I do agree that when doing something illegal, such as drugs, it is hypocritical to comment on others shortcomings as far as the law is concerned but...I also think that people in the limelight should have enough sense to portray a better image to the kids today. All this is doing is adding to the "image" that surrounds the hip hop scene already.

If the violence is to stop then the people that the next generation is looking up to need to set a better example. It's just going to keep spinning out of control. It's "cool" to carry a gun. If you bring one to school, even better. You're not someone to be fucked with. You're a bad ass. It reminds me of litte boys on a playground, just on a much grander scale. Get over the tough guy act and grow up.

If you want to change the ghetto, than you need to stop portraying the image. People complain about how hard it was to grow up there but then don't do anything to turn it around. Growing up in a bad area is now seen as something to be proud of, a badge of courage. And therefore they keep the image up by glorifying violent acts in music and lifestyle.

If you made it out of the ghetto, great! That is something to be proud of. But use your music and talents to change that place for the kids who are still there.

Don't do things to make people want to kill you and you won't have to carry a gun. I understand that being famous and rich makes you more of a target but, there are plenty of famous and rich people who walk the streets everyday that don't carry. These guys are targets because of what their lifestyle portrays, not their money.

Oh, and the court system is also setting a horrible example by showing that celebrities actually are above the law.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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oh not to start another arguement n all...i am in no way racist first of all. but why do black people call each other N*'s and its ok, but whenever anyone else does of a different race they blow up. think about it. i have never used that word, but i was just curious. that word was created by slaveowners way back when for a derrogatory use against blacks. why is it still used 2day...and esp. by black people. its a insult to their race. its just that i never understood why.



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