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Just checked out the clubplanet site and you will be pleased to know it has a very low level of wank.



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Ha i love this site, there is some pretty cool stuff....


Natural selection is a pretty basic idea. The genetic variations that come with each generation is used to make the species stronger /faster /smarter, ect.

Those who are not fit are weeded out, and those that do survive better the species as a whole.

Now, when it comes to lions, they must rely on their stealth, their claws & teeth, and their strength. The Gazelle must rely on it's clairvoyance and their speed. The human, we must rely on our opposable digits and our brains.

But some jackass got it into his head that people dying is a bad thing...

Some of the stupidest shit has been made into law to keep idiots alive.

First, fucking warning labels.

On a batman costume cape "Caution: Cape does not enable wearer to fly"

Since when could batman fly, even if he could, its not because of some fucking piece of cheap ass cotton-poly blend tied to his fucking shoulders.

On a stick of roll on deodorant: "Do not apply to eyes"

What kind of genetic deviant put deodorant in his eye? How fucking smelly do you have to be to need BO juice for your eyes?

On a hair dryer: "Do not use in the shower."

Well, I don't know how fucking busy or strapped for time you may be, but if you can't separate the idea of getting your hair wet, then drying it out, you should reconsider entering society

On a Curling Iron: "Do not stick in any orifice"

There's kinky, then their just plain sick, sticking a hot rod into an orifice is crossing the line, and why should anyone care if you fuse your "lips" together? Fuck no...

Those warning labels for little parts on toy's bother me, too. Hey, in the words of George Carlin, "The kid who swallows too many marbles doesn't live to have kids of his own." Deal with it...

Well, that's not the end of it, either. The fucking laws that are inplace to keep dumasses alive and polluting the gene-pool.

Speed limits: Hey, if you can't handle going 90 miies an hour on a highway, don't get on one. If you can't handle it on the streets, then use a fucking bus, or gasp walk somewhere!

Seatbelt laws: If i decide to go down the fucking freeway at 110, and don't want to wear a seat belt, then I deserve to die! If you don't get the basic concept of inertia launching you from your Corolla like a dumb-ass cannonball, then

Why are you still alive ?

Why do you have a licence to drive?

Helmet laws: Along the same line as seat belt lines. If you are dumb enough to to crash your bicycle / motorcycle, and you don't want to protect your dome, then at least your giving a paramedic a job, scrapping you skull off the pavement...

Drug laws: Getting stoned fucks your brains. So what? If you're mindless enough to smoke crack, then you don't have much to deteriorate, and you don't deserve to have money.

Public health campaigns ads. Shit, not only do I know that smoking, drugs, alcohol, etc. are bad for me, but now you're paying celebrities to tell idiots that little bit of obviousness.

Stupid people do stupid things, when they do stupid things and die, they can't have kids. This would act as a sort of chlorine for the gene pool. Sure, some lower order creatures may die, but the water is better for it...


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Let me introduce myself, I'm female, 20-something, and independent. But I don't share the typical views of most feminists my age. I'm here to explain why.

Men and women aren't the same. Neither are better than the other, but they aren't the same. I don't know how many feminazis I've pissed off, who insist that I'm against women because I don't think they're are the same as men. They find it so insulting that I think men are better at some things than women. But they have no problem thinking that women are better at everything.

I'm so fucking tired of bitter women who insist on taking male-dominated jobs (MDJs), because they feel it's owed to them, whether or not they actually want those jobs. Affirmative action is a worn out excuse for women's lib, "Men are always firefighters, women should be firefighters too! You'd better hire a woman firefighter, or we'll sue for sexual discrimination!"

Get real feminazis, most women can't handle MDJs. Our bodies just aren't made for them. If my home caught on fire, I wouldn't want to see a bunch of women trying to lift 500lb fire hoses and large axes to chop into my home. Men are simply more capable. Men are better at lifting heavy objects, exerting brute force and defending. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. There are fully capable female firefighters who trained very hard, but why did they want to be a firefighter in the first place? Did they want to prove that they're just as good as men?

"A woman can do anything a man can!" Can a man do anything a woman can? Hell no. A man can't become pregnant, they can't menstruate or lactate. You don't see men whining about that, do you? Where's the government funding to impregnate men so they can enjoy the miracle of life?

I do believe that there are gender neutral jobs that both men and women can equally accomplish. I think men and women are equally capable as scientists, professors, mathematicians, doctors, etc... but these tend to deal more with brain power than physical capabilities.

The real problem is that most female-dominated jobs (FDJs) pay considerably less than MDJs. This is where affirmative action really screws things up. Women insist on getting MDJs, mainly because they pay more. Thanks to affirmative action, it's very easy for women to get a MDJ. So what happens to FDJs? They suffer even more because women don't want them. What has happened to our teachers, nurses, dental hygienists and secretaries? Their jobs have become even more undervalued, while MDJs are valued more as an increasing number of women want them.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think women should stay home, barefoot and pregnant, but they shouldn't abandon what it means to be female.

There's nothing wrong with women being feminine. It's amazing how many feminists are against what it means to be a female. They insist that women should take on male qualities and characteristics to achieve freedom and equality. They should be more aggressive, take on MDJs, join the military, play aggressive sports, and completely abandon all female virtues. Except for fighting for the right to raise children on their own, and breast feed in public. Those seem to be the only female traits they're fighting for.

In other words, they're admitting that the way men are, is the right way to be. Do they not realize this is just another way of succumbing to men? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Rather than empowering themselves with what it means to be a female, they take on whatever male traits they can. This will never create equality, only power struggles and 'battles of the sexes'.

My solution? Stop preaching that we're all the same. Accept that men and women are better at different things, and compensate for them. Raise the wages of teachers and nurses. Give daycare providers federal funding to keep their daycares running and up to standards. Start paying FDJs more money, so they become just as valued by society and just as desirable to women. That is how we'll achieve equality.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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oh yeah, i agree with everything that 20 something chick said.....eek, mo is gonna smack me for that but that woman very eloquently stated how i feel. i am so not a feminist......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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