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clubbers vs. non-clubbers

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i think it all depends...how often do u go clubbing?? r u both the independent type or r u clingy and need to spend all ur time together??? will he try clubbing with u and u try his stuff with him???? give it a shot....u never know where and with whom u can find love, but when u do u just cant stop smiling...


i was alone thinking i was just fine,

i wasnt looking for anyone to be mine,

i thought love was just a fabrication,

a train that wouldnt stop at my station,

home, alone, that was my consignment,

solitary confinement,

So when we met i was getting around u,

i didnt know i was looking for love till i found u...

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as long as they trust each etc ...

it migth even be good cuz then you'd have time away from each other too ...

btu if your both jealious or cant trust the other one, then you're fucked ... and u shouldnt be together anyway prob ..


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contact joeydollaz@aol.com

[This message has been edited by joeydollaz (edited 04-19-2001).]

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I'll chill with anyone who I think got it goin. Doesn't matter if she goes to clubs or not. If they hate going out and hustlin, bouncin around town at night and shit, then it might not work, cause that's what I do. But if they give a little and you do too, you never know. Always keep an open mind to new ideas. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by cuteboobie:

i think it all depends...how often do u go clubbing?? r u both the independent type or r u clingy and need to spend all ur time together??? will he try clubbing with u and u try his stuff with him???? give it a shot....u never know where and with whom u can find love, but when u do u just cant stop smiling...

Nice.. I don't even have to type smile.gif Agree a 100%..

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Nice.. I don't even have to type smile.gif Agree a 100%..

nu what can i tell u...im just really really wise...haha...no silly nicknames????


i was alone thinking i was just fine,

i wasnt looking for anyone to be mine,

i thought love was just a fabrication,

a train that wouldnt stop at my station,

home, alone, that was my consignment,

solitary confinement,

So when we met i was getting around u,

i didnt know i was looking for love till i found u...

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Awww! Those colleges are good for something right smile.gif Hmm silly nicknames, lemme think of something.. Simpotichniy sosok? LMAOOOOO..

wait...i dont know what that means


i was alone thinking i was just fine,

i wasnt looking for anyone to be mine,

i thought love was just a fabrication,

a train that wouldnt stop at my station,

home, alone, that was my consignment,

solitary confinement,

So when we met i was getting around u,

i didnt know i was looking for love till i found u...

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It's hard, but it depends on your passion for it. I've come to realize that I love it so much that it might be a permenant part of my life (I might get involved in the industry), so it's going to have to be there. It's too bad when there are so many people out there who just aren't into it. Again, it all comes back to you and how much clubbing is a part of you...



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Ahhh a timeless problem..

well you can either treat this as a Fair lady "pigmalion" scenerio and try and "teach" her the club life..

( will require intense CD burning and a club do over as well as lots of hours of intense lab research)


You can love the fact that sometimes the best relationships are ones where opposites atract..

However she might look at you funny if she ever runs into you some early morning as you crawl out of a club with a paciffier in your mouth and baggy pants smelling like club funk ass! cwm35.gif



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It's hard. I dated a guy who was a TOTAL NON CLUBBER, don't get me wrong, I'm not staying out til the wee hours of Sunday morning every week but I'd take a night out at SF over sitting in a bar getting drunk or sitting at home getting stoned every weekend, any day.

But as much as I like clubbing,listening to house and trance, he liked getting stoned and seeing live jazz bands. We just didn't have enough in common socially, to make it work.

It's good to have seperate interests, but very necessary to have some sort of social scene that you can both deal with.


You're only young once

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Originally posted by dale77:

It's hard. I dated a guy who was a TOTAL NON CLUBBER, don't get me wrong, I'm not staying out til the wee hours of Sunday morning every week but I'd take a night out at SF over sitting in a bar getting drunk or sitting at home getting stoned every weekend, any day.

But as much as I like clubbing,listening to house and trance, he liked getting stoned and seeing live jazz bands. We just didn't have enough in common socially, to make it work.

It's good to have seperate interests, but very necessary to have some sort of social scene that you can both deal with.

Two words: ACID JAZZ

Start buying him CDs like Filla Brazilla or Mushroom Jazz...

Smoke him up and then slowly introduce some LTJ Bukem into the mix..(Jazz heads dig that intelligent Drum and Bass for some reason)

Keep playing it everytime you make love with him and then as he's about to climax throw on some Deep Dish or Oakie..

It might throw him off a bit but you might also suceed in "Conditioning" (yes like with a dog) him to asossiate the transission from "mellower" electronica to the gooood deeep dancy stuff.

It might take some work but I guarantee you no man can refuse anything a girl has to offer right before he blows his load..

The only trick will be just to make sure it dosen't happen on the dance floor when you finally drag him out to a club.


Didn't you ever watch Clock Work Orange!?

use this weapon wisely..



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I'm in this dilemma right now!! I actually met my b/f through mutual friends at Exit. I love clubbing and he is not quite as enthralled.

I really miss going to clubs with him but when the opportunity presents itself (and the $$!) I will go without him. He doesn't have a problem with that so I should be thankful!

I guess what it comes down to is what means more. If I had to choose, it would be him, but thankfully he doesn't put me in that position.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by mugwump:

Two words: ACID JAZZ

Start buying him CDs like Filla Brazilla or Mushroom Jazz...

Smoke him up and then slowly introduce some LTJ Bukem into the mix..(Jazz heads dig that intelligent Drum and Bass for some reason)

Keep playing it everytime you make love with him and then as he's about to climax throw on some Deep Dish or Oakie..

It might throw him off a bit but you might also suceed in "Conditioning" (yes like with a dog) him to asossiate the transission from "mellower" electronica to the gooood deeep dancy stuff.

It might take some work but I guarantee you no man can refuse anything a girl has to offer right before he blows his load..

The only trick will be just to make sure it dosen't happen on the dance floor when you finally drag him out to a club.


Didn't you ever watch Clock Work Orange!?

use this weapon wisely..

Too late.

I gave up on him 2 months ago. Although your plans sounds very convincing.

I never saw Clock Work Orange, so I don't get the reference...I'll have to rent it.


You're only young once

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