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Erections at Clubs

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There is nothing more exciting than dancing with a random guy in a club with a "hardon". I love the feel of the hard "meatsauce" digging into my thighs...."have you ever had the feeling of needles stuck in your thighs" (whoever can name where that vocal is from wins the GRAND prize TBA)



Balkini's ride....now you know why I B L O W G O A T S!!!!


[This message has been edited by keshiki (edited 04-15-2001).]

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i'll keep that in mind next time it happens. Attention ladies: When this occurs please give feedback as to whether or not it turns you on. No input means some guys will back down. Not a good thing. Thanks


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AIM: teklord310

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i only have two strangers-rubbing-their-nasty-hardons-all-over-me-at-parties stories, but those are more than enough.

the first was at a rave, some guy freaking me on the dancefloor. what the fuck?!? besides that being gnarly as hell, why would anyone be FREAKING anyone else at a rave?

the next was also at a rave, some teenager rolling face, coming up to me from the front, grabbing me and dry humping me with his underage erection. for a little kid, he certainly had a strong grip.

dude. i did nothing to tease these guys; they were just looking for sex in all the wrong places. i think the girls you ran into were assholes, but i gotta say that the guys i ran into were worse.

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Ok, seriously? No f'in way do I want some strangers hard-on rubbin' up against me...




The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

[This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 04-15-2001).]

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Originally posted by weyes:

some teenager rolling face, coming up to me from the front, grabbing me and dry humping me with his underage erection. for a little kid, he certainly had a strong grip.

Haha... I'm sure 90% of girls hate this. At least the ones I hang out with do. They'd much rather dance by themselves than with guys humping them with hard ons. They even have little "escape moves", like wrestling tactics to get out of situations like that.

The best way to pick up girls is not to get hard and start touching them with it. That's probably when you're one step away from killing yourself, cause you have no hope. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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I wanna make one thing prefectly clear. I did not rub my erection on anyone. I hate those guys that do that. I feel bad for those girls that can't just go and have a good time with out those idiots rubbing up against them. I get to dance with alot of girls cause I just dance and respect their personal space. Many times I've been dancing with girls and theses idiots just came up and started rubbing against them. I just dont get it , as far as I'm concerned they have no right to rub against a girl that they dont know. I was dancing in a circle with them, and as I was dancing there were a couple of really hot girls and I got hard. The girls noticed that and teased me in an obvious attempt to keep me that way. They just watched dancing with thier heads down. With all the times I've seen these girls get rubbed against I've said to myself many times ... "If I was a girl I would never go out in NYC".

So no they dont like it whe you rub against them, But most seem to enjoy viewing a bulge or two smile.gif

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girls like knowing they have sex appeal, but they also need to know they're in a safe situation. a guy rubbing his erection on a random girl in a club shows that he is going to impose his sexuality on hers at his will. behavior along these lines is fucked up

not saying that's anything like what you were doing, darkstroker. the fact that you were being chill and the girls were encouraging your arousal shows that you probably are a decent guy and those girls felt safe to be with you



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Thanx deanna11 sweetie smile.gif

Your right thats excately why I dance with so many groups of girls cause i'm always chilled. You just treat them like friends and if something happens then it does! If it doesn't then I've had a great time anyway.

There has been many times I've had to help the girls out and block those guys out, and even act like I was there with them. I just get aroused

sometimes when I see a sexy woman, but I'm never take liberties .. It's just not right.

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i'm not a guy but I know that a guy cannot control the fact that a beautiful woman is going to give him a hard-on..especially when dancing and his "tool" is at such a close proximity to her "area". It is perfectly acceptable to rub your "meat" on the girl's leg...if she does not like it, she can move on.

personally the fact that there is a nice BEEFY sausage rubbing against me is a real turn ON!



B L O W G O A T S!!!

(the damn ducati pic was too big)

AIM: keshikis

E-mail: keshikis@aol.com

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Originally posted by darkstroker:

You just treat them like friends and if something happens then it does! If it doesn't then I've had a great time anyway.

There has been many times I've had to help the girls out and block those guys out, and even act like I was there with them. I just get aroused

sometimes when I see a sexy woman, but I'm never take liberties .. It's just not right.

This is just a wussy comment in my opinion. If you just wanna go out, hang out with girls, pretend they are your "friends", and dance 4' away from them, then that's your thing.

But if you're trying to meet any of them and do anything with them, you have to be a little more agressive then just stand there and protect them from other guys. You say you see a "sexy woman, but I'm never take liberties". That's lame.

If I see a girl I like, I'm gonna go up and spit some game and start chillin with her. I'm not just gonna go over and dance 4' away from her the whole night and then go home empty handed. But maybe your goal is just to get hard and look at women, I'm not sure, but I sure as hell am trying to get more than that. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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I ain't sayin you gotta pump a nut in her after the club, but everyone's got their needs. I'd rather get some numbers, hit em up, and see what's going on then just say "hi" and leave it at that. You don't gotta go hit the sluttiest girl you see and contract some shitty diseases, but there's nothin wrong with gettin some brains in the ride.

Also I don't rub up on girls like a dog in heat, so don't classify me in that category. But damn sure don't classify me in tha category of guys who get hard and have groups of girls laugh and point at his little nub. All I'm sayin is there ain't nutin wrong with a little bump n grind, a.k.a. you'd best get yours, cause you can be damn sure ima get mine. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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You have ur ways I have my ways. If you dance near or with them and they are interested they will let you know. If a girl likes you or is interested they will let you know. So I just don't waste my time and theirs. And I have plenty of ex g/fs and girls if I wanna get my needs fulfilled. And who said It's a lil nub anyway..lol every one has there lil fetish's. peace

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well most guys really cant control the fact that they find a woman attractive... if the guy is attractive and ive been getting along with him for a while on the dance floor sure ill do a little teasing.. girls like having the power



"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

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ew la la teasing my specialty(sp?)...if a guy gets a hard on from dancing with me, that's crazy and i like craziness... cwm4.gif



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

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I think this post got wayoff the mark. Darkstroker, dude, there is nothing wrong with errections. They are not the issue here. The issue is getting a woman's consent, verbal or otherwise, before you start grinding with her.

But once you are grinding with a woman who wants you to then she wants you to be hard. She's gonna love feelin' your chubb against her. So its not really about sausages, beefy or otherwise, its about courtesy and respect. Butthat don't mean you have to bepassive - Andre is right - you have to go out and show a littlegame in orderto get invited into the grinding zone. But always make sure that you have your invitation.

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andre9000, before you go calling darkstroker a wussy, i have to say if i saw you two in a club doing your respective thing, i'd be much more attracted to darkstroker. i don't like guys approaching me, regardless of how cool, good looking, or whatever. if i want to talk to a guy, i'll go up to him myself and initiate conversation



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