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Another bitch sues Twilo! (shocking photo!)

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"I was treated like an ANIMAL! I mean I understand there needs to be tight security but to humiliate me like that was wrong!"

Cried Mugwump's dog on Sunday morning when a police car was called in to Chelsea club Twilo in resonse to a 911 phone call regarding harasment. Officer Butwrinkle anwered the call;

"awe we see it all the time! Truth of the matter is these night clubs encourage these bitches to act the way they do!"

Mugwump's pooch "jenny" disagrees;

"all I did was squat a bit..that's all! I had to lick my ass..it was real itchy! And then the next thing I know I was being carried out by two Bouncers and put down on the curb! I KNOW I HAVE TO SHIT ON A CURB! I don't need a bouncer to tell me that or to man handle me like that!"

The Bouncer disagrees;

"Look you see these Bitches always squatting on the floor..next thing you know theres a puddle and later a couple turds! Where does it stop? If we don't make an example of all of them the mayor will shut us down! We are just doing our job!"

Jenny is sueing the Club for man handelling and unecessary Curbing.

she explains:

"Look I realize some other dogs do all kinds of shit in the club and dirty up the floor for everyone. But to asume that just because I was licking my ass I was about to let out a giant poop is discrimination and it's harassement!"

Mugz pooch is sueing for thirty million boxes of doggie buiscuits. The case is still pending.



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hes probably just as bored as we r .. .sittin in front of a comp at 215am... damn... ::sigh: oh well sleep is a luxury not a necessity



"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

PrncssVrnc---> AIM

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Originally posted by highmay:


Yo, this guy is a fucking animal.

Mug, where do you think of stuff like this??

Yea..Ha-ha..wait till it happens to YOUR bitch and then see how funny it is man!

It took me all Sunday just to get her to eat her kibble!

she was a mess (sniff sniff)

and the way the other dogs are looking at her at the dog run now with all the publicity!! It's a DAMN SHAME!

(Oh..hey majesticmellodi..yea..I'm a 100% imnsomniac!)


<IMG SRC="http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/uploads/mugwump/Sigcopy.jpg72.168.197.237

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I'm with Jenny - those night club floors can sure make your ass itch! Who can blame a pooch for scratching? Maybe these alleged bouncers would change their choon if they sat their naked rumps on the dance floor one friday night!



...overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air

and deep beneath the rolling waves in labyrinths of coral caves

the echo of a distant time comes willowing across the sand

and everthing is green and summery...


[This message has been edited by trancerjones (edited 04-23-2001).]

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Well I agree..It's a damn shame..I should be allowed to lick myself any where I want without harrasement!

By the way there WAS a picture of my cover story from the post but something went wrong with my upload!

I am not so clever as my master when it comes to uploading JPEGS. I'll repost it later!



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