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Club O.D. - Front page of Daily News

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Originally posted by crobra:

I think the one thing the article isn't clear about is how is Twilo mgt. supposed to know wtf these kids took -

uhm, what in the world of RELEVANCE does that have or matter? if someone's unconscious, you seek medical attention, NOT hide them. period.

It is also a matter of the bouncers' word against the club on how long these kids were held!!

i think most people would take the bouncer's word over the mgmt. it is more likely & believeable to buy into the bouncer's story. the bouncer has little, if anything at stake, so he calls it like it is; whereas the mgmt, who has the whole business at stake, might embellish

Plus that "I was following orders" crap doesn't work for soldiers who get shot if they don't follow orders, why should it work for him.

please don't do that. there's nothing more annoying than someone being melodramatic by illegitimately drawing references from history to make a minutia of a comparison that doesn't even remotely hold water. certain things are sacred. don't diminish it.

Everyone should write a response to the Daily News venting their own opinions about the subject!!

yes, i will agree that the article isn't as objective as it should. but that doesn't take away the fact that twilo was in the wrong. and the fact that those stupid kids don't know how to party responsibly is IRRELEVANT. that can be another thread and a separate argument.




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Any "HUMAN" being that sees a young girl passed out with blood coming out her nose....would call an ambulance, not put her in a fucking "safe room". THATS PATHETIC!!!

-Refering to the daily news report.

To be honest...I had an ambulance ride myself. I had a bad pill and my body was going into seizures. I was unconscious and they told my guy friend to get his car and to get me out this club "BEFORE SHE FUCKING DIES IN HERE" He pulled up his car in the front of the club..the bouncers carried me out and threw me in the back. The cops happened to be a block away and witnessed the whole incident. They came over to see what was up....

I was barely breathing. They pulled me out of the car and began to pound on my chest and did cpr. The ambulance arrived and shipped me off to the hospital. I was in critical condition for 2 days. My body temp. reached 106 degrees.

This incident did not occur at twilo...it was at the Sound factory..last month. The cops came to visit me at the hospital and had told me about the massive overdosing that has been going on. In the past year at S F alone there has been over 11 severe overdoses, including one death and a guy that is a vegetable.Not only did i hear it from the cops, the ambulance crew visted and told me there stories too. I heard it from the doctors and nurses. Due to the fact that ambulances were not called...lives could have been saved. The doctor said if i was to get back into that car...i would have been DEAD..because of the loss of air supply and my body temp. was so high.

Ive been clubbing in the city for over 3 years now. And ive seen alot of people "GO DOWN". But when it happens to be you...its a different story. I love NYC clubs...but i just think the bouncers should re think there motives. If i was a bouncer and knew someone had died because i chose not to call an ambulance....i would not be able to live with myself.

Just my thoughts....BE SAFE!!!!!!!!


P>S> Get your pills tested!! cwm38.gifcwm38.gifcwm38.gif

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Originally posted by xxallottaxx:

This incident did not occur at twilo...it was at the Sound factory..last month. The cops came to visit me at the hospital and had told me about the massive overdosing that has been going on. In the past year at S F alone there has been over 11 severe overdoses, including one death and a guy that is a vegetable.Not only did i hear it from the cops, the ambulance crew visted and told me there stories too. I heard it from the doctors and nurses. Due to the fact that ambulances were not called...lives could have been saved. The doctor said if i was to get back into that car...i would have been DEAD..because of the loss of air supply and my body temp. was so high.

Why do you think the cops, nurses, emts/paramedics, and doctors told you these things?

Do you really think it's b/c they feel that the bouncers are irresponsible


could it possibly be b/c they're concerned for you and were trying some scare tactics (based on facts) to get you to stop taking pills?!? It comes down to you!

Originally posted by xxallottaxx:

I love NYC clubs...but i just think the bouncers should re think there motives. If i was a bouncer and knew someone had died because i chose not to call an ambulance....i would not be able to live with myself.

Maybe you should rethink your motives, such as taking "illegal" pills. Why should someone else be responsible for your actions? Do you really want to put your life in someone else's hands?

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Originally posted by playboychick:

Maybe you should rethink your motives, such as taking "illegal" pills. Why should someone else be responsible for your actions? Do you really want to put your life in someone else's hands?

Ya thanks for the advice...you seem very smart.


Please don't quote me!


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Originally posted by xxallottaxx:

Ya thanks for the advice...you seem very smart.


Please don't quote me!


The only reason why I quoted you is because I get to hear about your story from the otherside. And I'm not talking about the bouncers. I'm referring to the doctors, paramedics, and cops.

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Loch, I am not saying mgt of twilo isn't responsible for what happened, but they are not the only people responsible!

The fact is that these kids took illegal drugs!!

The club should have called 911!!

But the bouncer does have an option, is his job that important that he is willing risk that life of two people!!

He made a decision and got busted for doing it and now wants to blame everyone else for his actions!!

He had a choice and now has to live with it!!

What the fuck?

He could have done things a lot differently that night, he could have told the cops the truth, he could have called 911!!

The fact is he lost his job anyway!!

You are responsible for your own actions and if you value losing some shitty bouncer job more than two people lives - well then fuck you!!

I am glad he got busted!!

Now he wants to blame Twilo - they some responsibility, but please - he is a grown man and he should take responsibility for his actions!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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Loch - I am not trying to be a dick or anything - but take a ethics class - I took a engineering ethics class in undergrad and a lot people go through the same shit!! Should we recall a car that cost the co. a lot of money, even though people might get killed!! Well of course the co. doesn't want the recall - but you must make the decision!!

Lose your job (which you will anyway when the shit hits the fan and the co. needs a scape goat) or recall the car!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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(mugz holds back the incredible urge to start chanting like a little brat to the board "I told you so,,I told you so..na na ny boo boo"..)

But Mugwumps have more dignity than that..




[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-22-2001).]

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Hope you guys never slip up and make the mistake of dropping an unknown tab, because you seem not to mind the reckless and contempible manner in which club management handled the situation.

You are ingesting illegal substances, with arguably unforseeable circumstances, and talking about personal responsibility? Consider chance, and don't proclaim supposed infallible judgement as personal responsibility.

I'd like to be treated considerately should misfortune ever befall me. The last thoughts I would like to have running through my head before I lose conciousness are that I will be left to die.



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Check the front page of the daily news - there two articles about twilo - one is about the O.D. kids who are suing twilo for the incident that happened last October. The other article is about this past Friday - It's funny the way they describe everything, considering people were bitching about how security has been recently!!

We should start a dead pool - the press and the city has a hard-on for Twilo - how long before they shut it down!!

It was mentioned on the all major tv news and has been in the ny times and now this article - all in a span of three days!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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yeah, but i bet they still won't shut it down...just to be on the safe side i should go real soon



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

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i dont get the daily news here...if anyone has a link to a site or something or can describe the article, i would greatly appreciate it...thank u


i was alone thinking i was just fine,

i wasnt looking for anyone to be mine,

i thought love was just a fabrication,

a train that wouldnt stop at my station,

home, alone, that was my consignment,

solitary confinement,

So when we met i was getting around u,

i didnt know i was looking for love till i found u...

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The bouncer is was doing his job, the kids didn't know what they were doing!!

First, they didn't take a pill, they did ghb which is extremely dose senstive and dangerous!!

Second, I think twilo mgt should have brought ems in right away - they fucked up but twilo mgt shouldn't get all the blame!!

The bouncer and the kids are both adults who made their own mistakes and must try to take on some responsibility for their own actions!!

No one is saying that twilo didn't do anything wrong, but the story in the paper is propaganda!! I sounds like two boy scouts who mistakenly walked into the big bad twilo on their way to grandma's house!!

The bouncer comes off as an idoit who can't make decisions for himself and must be told what to do in every aspect of his life - what is he slow!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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...And the moral of the story is...


Just say no.

You know, all this drug talk bullshit would be avoided if people would learn to use the word "no."

But, then again, that's why illegal substances are called "drugs."


Coming soon...

The signature that will end all signatures...

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

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Originally posted by loch:

[bHOWEVER, and this is the however that sticks, BECAUSE it occurred in a public venue, one *expects* that proper med treatment is carried out; common sense and good samaritan laws dictate that

Ummm.....if I am not mistaking, Twilo is a private establishment.......don't quote me on that but what is so public about it.......I'm not gonna pick at your whole argument because I agree with some of it but I think that fact alone makes a HUGE difference in your whole argument.......

you mention "good samaritan" laws but unfortunately I don't think they have much bearing when it comes to the legal issues in closing the club down.......these two kids violated the rules of the club by carrying drugs in and taking them.......maybe what occurred after that was wrong from a humanitarian standpoint but that's, I'm afraid, a very small part of the issue......

Regardless of opinions or what people THINK happened, none of that will hold enough weight to close down the club in the end......the bouncer who was originally indicted is the one making the allegations and it is possible that he is putting the club under to save his own ass......not to say that is what is going on, but who knows? Not us for sure.......so how can we all concoct these arguments?


"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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aren't the bouncers suppose to keep the drugs out? colleges are private establishments, i sure hope if someone OD's in school, they won't be sent to the dean's office to sleep it off. and to hire a private ambulance waiting outside the club? doesnt that tell you something itself. you can o.d. in your own home but does your parents have an ambulance waiting outside 'just in case'?

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Twilo is a club and clubs are dirty business …..sure they should’ve handled shit more responsibly last year and not behaved in the heinous manner in which they did/were in the habit of doing…..they messed w/ peoples lives just to avoid bad press….since then they have taken several cautionary measures to avoid such episodes- like the private ambulances…..we can go on about ethics and humanity here, but we’ll be (and are) wasting our time…simple fact- what went down then was atrocious…no one can deny that… but contrary to what many of us believe- twilo aint our home, it is (alas) but a club..that owes us nothing but provide the space and the facilities for which we pay good money for…. that’s it….so if yr going to disrespect its rules then take responsibility for it…if yr going to disrespect yr body- take responsibility for that too ….

Should twilo be sued for the manner in which they treated those kids last yr and pay for damages (mental trauma and all that) etc: maybe….

Should Twilo be closed down for what went down then and/or for the continual drug use of its patrons : HELL NO…..

And these articles… “ her voice is soft, but somehow rises above the trance-like melodies and hard techno beats pulsating through Twilo, a cavernous club on W. 27th St. Her question is the same as eight people who asked before: "Do you know where I can get any Ecstasy?"

oooooooooooooo- scared yet?

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I thought that was France with the "good samaritan" laws - Those laws came up when Princess Di was being chased and crashed and died. It shouldn't make a difference if it's a law or not!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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