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Just thought I'd drop in to say hi and give an update per Al's pre-NYC departure request...

Still looking for a job, but I got some good potentials. I even applied for a position in NYC, although I haven't heard back from them.

Been riding the motorcycle a lot...

Just got my DSL going after five weeks of Pac Bell Hell. What the telco's screw something up??? Never!!!! ha ha

Went to a CD Release party a couple of weekends ago that just absolutely sucked donkey doo.

This week should be fun. This Friday I get to pilot a Boston Whaler from Sausalito to San Francisco. There's a big sailing race coming up and they use the Whaler's for camera boats. The really fun part will be getting to Sausalito. We get to ride in a Donzi power boat. To say these things are fast is an understatement. The ride to Sausalito which would take a normal boat 30 minutes plus only takes 8 minutes in the Donzi (80+mph). WooHoo!!!!

Well, if anyone gves a rats ass drop a line to say hi back either email or here.... Now that I have a reliable connection I will actually be able to check email and the board (imagine that...)

Have a great week kids!!!

I miss you all. cwm6.gif





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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I miss you too Hugh!!! *mwah*

The weather over here is beautiful but the concrete jungle is nowhere as pretty as the Bay (what I've seen in pictures)...And what this regarding a boat? I love boats (speedboats especially). I hope I get to go to some boat parties during the summertime in the Hamptons or something. cwm35.gif

Glad to hear all is well. Something should come through soon for you though...Hopefully in NYC!

-Jamms "vrrrrooooooooommm"


I love p00hs arse *alwaysandforever* face50.gif

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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

...We get to ride in a Donzi power boat. To say these things are fast is an understatement. The ride to Sausalito which would take a normal boat 30 minutes plus only takes 8 minutes in the Donzi (80+mph). WooHoo!!!!




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Jammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have to install AIM on my desktop, but I'll be looking for you on-line soon. Boats boats boats!! I have good connections here. My friends the property manager at Pier 39's marins and he's got yacht club membership, so we always get boats. Especially during fleet week. It's so fun being in a boat with an F-18 flying only 50-100 ft over your head... Mostly sail boats actually, but it's great sailing in the Bay...

Translucent: Oh Yeah!!! Donzi!!!!!!!!!! The one I'm riding on Friday is a 45 (one of the two fastest models I think). My buddy knows the Donzi rep for the Bay Area, so gets all kinds of hook ups for rides in the Donzi's.... Drrrrrooooooooooooooolllllllll!!!





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Dee: Yeah, I've been lurking some, so I've been hearing about the shows some. But as always NYC has got it going on!

Shine: The jobless thing is very new. Last Friday was my last day with only a week's notice...


Next time I'm out, I'll do another Factory outing w/ you biggrin.gif

Orchid: Thanks sweetie. I will def be out to at least visit.... soon I hope!




email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Hey Hugh...

I've been riding too. I got out yesterday and today for about 250 miles. Got to go to work today on the bike. Makes for much fun. Parsippany to Lodi cruise at 100mph in mid afternoon. Wide open lanes and beautiful weather.

Sorry to hear that you are searching right now. I wish that it was much better than that for you.

j. and j-pup



AIM: JDoggNY2000


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