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Eddie Flyez @ Tunnel

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Everyone here is right.... Tunnel is never going to be what it used to. It is going to be BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cwm16.gif

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i'd rather be around ravers than the hordes of clones that go to some other clubs (not all clubs by any means). at least there's room for originality and diversity and typically a much more mellow and friendly atmosphere. as for tunnel i just wish that more people would show up and realize that its not over and also for the management to fix the place up. cause essentially its all about the music and the vibe, and tunnel def has that, it's just a shame that people miss out on it.

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Originally posted by crazykid:

i'd rather be around ravers than the hordes of clones that go to some other clubs (not all clubs by any means). at least there's room for originality and diversity and typically a much more mellow and friendly atmosphere. as for tunnel i just wish that more people would show up and realize that its not over and also for the management to fix the place up. cause essentially its all about the music and the vibe, and tunnel def has that, it's just a shame that people miss out on it.

exactly bro and thats why i go there and started promoting for the place.

who cares what tunnel was back in the day, dont live in the past live for moment, and for the future


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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hey cotton candy ... ur supposed to get in touch with me .. joe@digitalnoise.com

did u listen to the in the mix show last nigth ( were u there? ) ?

i only caught it for a second ... tommy tunes was on .. i was like huh ..??

anyways get at me we'll talk bout tunnel ...


Your ad here !

contact joeydollaz@aol.com

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Joey I will call you tonight when I am with Tony and the Fellas. Rough being the only girl.

FOR ALL WHO NEED CLARIFICATION MR. JOEY DOLLARZ has offered his services to webcast TUNNEL. Let's give him a round of applause.

The Tunnel fever is spreading!!!!!!!!!!!! cwm4.gifcwm12.gifcwm4.gifcwm12.gif


Failure is not an Option!!

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You're right Ms Cottoncandydream..

Tunnel is fuckin siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick and that's that..

And if you for one second dont think your "Crowd" is a bunch of pacifier sucking, wide eyed, wanna be cracked out ravers, you should give yourself a reality check..

I didnt see one person that looked sober or looked above the age of 16..

I'd rather spend a saturday night with a bunch of "g'd up muscle head guido's and cheap whores" then spend another 4 hours in a half empty piece of shit..

Like I said, I had a good time, Eddie was good, Mindy was GREAT.. Why did you have to go and get all defensive??

Maybe you should stop looking to pick fights and hand out more flyers..


And fuck all of you.. I can live in the past if I want to..


..Something for your mind, your body, and your soul

It's the power, it's larouse curiosity..

The purpose, the goal which one act's on..

A journey of force, hot like the sun and wet like the rain..

Rhythmatic movements in unicen with others prolong and act's of sensations, with no limit's or boundaries..

Eternity is past..

Wrong is right..

It's the point of greatest intensity..

Pleasure's of the highest sence..

Feeling's of warmth and security..

Willing and unwilling sensation's of the mind..

A condition..

The ultimate seduction..

..."THE REALM"..

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Originally posted by tranza:


And fuck all of you.. I can live in the past if I want to..

I'm livin' right there with ya baby...hate to think those dayZ have gone by....




tigger10.gif ~~~~~yup yup~~~~~

"AllEged bOyfRiend sTEalEr" lol butflanim_e0.gif

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Yo Angry Chick get some valium or something for your factory head pals.

People are getting defensive because you are being rude and offensive. Ya Think? cwm13.gif

And as far as your preference about where to go that is your right. Funny thing is that you loving most of the parties I was apart of creating so enough.

And yeah we still do have some ravers and trannies and gays in our club unlike EXIT,SF & WORLD.

Because we are not facist,racist, musically iliterate pigs like they are.

This scene used to be about love, tolerance and exceptance. Something you seem incapable of, so if you don't like it fine. There is the door. If you do even better. You were the only person picking fights when you started getting all rude and shit. If you like hanging with the juiceheads and whores as you call them be content with that. Then hey Tunnel was never the place for you if have anything in common with that crowd. EVEN WHEN DANNY WAS THERE. cwm24.gif

So what is this Ex-clubkid turned against the crowd that she was formerly adament about?? cwm36.gif


Failure is not an Option!!

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Babies!!! Listen, I think you're all way skeptical about the potential of this place. I can't say enough good things about the music... the line-ups are always the best in the City. The crowd that goes these days is NOT predominantly teeny-bopper ravers. It's getting progressively better looking and classier. The vibe amongst the people is really excellent, the crowd just doesn't happen to be gigantic, and it's largely because of the ignorant negative comments that get made on places like here. Honestly go and look around you... disregard for one second the fact that the actual place doesn't look like EXIT and remember what you're there for, the party. Set foot on that main floor and give the beats and chance and then if you don't like it that's your business.

Stop comparing it to what "had been" that's an old memory and it's time to make new ones folks. Time to pop some bottles wink.gif

cwm38.gif - Ness - cwm38.gif

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OK OKOK LET me step in this conversation here........... Frist of all the tunnel is crazy .. You people suck ,Now maybe if you went on other days like i have and was GREAT , but when you go on big days like that it might suck or might not , see i go all the time and all the time where there is nothing going on that much its SLAMMin so go back to your SF exit or twat called twilo..peace





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You are never safe in your dreams im there , always look out because im your worst nightmare.

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