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Atkins diet? does this shit really work? whats the dillie?

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a friend of mine sez it works, but a huge catch, no potatoes, rice, noodles, bread, none of that shit, since i am a carnivore, i can have all the steak i want, but i love my macaroni n cheese, and potatoes with buttah, mmmm and sweet potatoes from Rockin Rooster in bklyn. so is this diet thing worth the torture? whos been to hell n back?



.....its dark in here, you can feel it all around....the UNDERGROUND...

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At least two girls @ work are on it -- I personally think it's a load of shyt, since you can't give those things up forever or anything. But whatever floats yer boat....



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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Actually, the diet is on to something but i think it is a bit extreme. All those foods you mentioned are carbohydrates. They are all high in calories and it is tough to burn all of that energy so the unused calories turn to fat. If you want to lose weight, it does you no good to cut out all the fat out of your diet and munch on high carb foods like pasta. People don't get fat because they simply eat too may high fat foods, its all about calories.

My solution....if you want to be thin and eat all the carbs you desire, all you have to do is hit a club and dance for no less than 7 hours every week. Notice how there aren't as many fat people in clubs as there are in bars.



I'm a slut...I make love to music every night


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it werks but it is Hard and Dangerous

you need carbs and sugar in your body, you can easily go into cardiac arrest from that diet.

you can't cheat either one day of eating carbs and drinking kool aid will fuck up the whole thing.(some fruit and vegtables are carbs and sugars also)

other than that you can eat 5 pounds of greasy bacon with a dozen eggs daily with water and just shit it out. go check with your doctor he'll talk you out of it also

take xenidrine thats bad for you too but it werks and i'm fine or diet COKE werks also.


smalldrunk.jpg once at a rave while tripping on acid someone slowly and akwardly said to me

I'm not retarded, I'm just deaf I can't hear to well
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It definately works. You need to follow it strictly otherwise you end up getting fatter.

Buy the paperback (about $7).

For the 1st 2 weeks its only 20g of carbs per day, which is tough. It takes 2 days of that just to get the carbs already in your body, out, then the fat burning kicks in.

Your body burns sugars first then carbs then fats. Sugars you burn by basically doing nothing. By eliminating carbs, your body goes right to the fat burning. I've done it several times before and just started again last week. The pounds come off fast!

Just because the diet says you can eat a pound of bacon doesn't mean you should.

You shouldn't stay on it for very long either. Start bringing back carbs in moderation. If you go off it comepletely and start shoveling down the pastas and breads, you're gonna put it all back, and then some!!

A high protien diet has been known to cause kidney stones. As far as the heart attacks that it was said to cause from somebody above, that I never heard.

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I heard a lot about this on TV and as always, 1/2 of the people say that it's WONDERFUL, the other 1/2 say it's not healthy and all that..

Personally, I think that eliminating ANYTHING is a bad move.. IMO, do it the old fashioned way.. Work out and CUT the intake of everything, not just 1 or 2 things..

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i take a health course at college, and the professor talked to us about this diet and said u will lose weight, but the most you should stay on it is 2 weeks cause after that your body begins to get severely damaged from that horrible diet.

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Don't do it!!

If you completely cut out Carbs at the Atkins diet suggest, once you start eating carbs again, you'll completely regain back the weight ...

You need carbs, without you get VERY MOODY, I don't know many people that have been able to last more than a few days on that diet...

WHat I suggest is that you do cut down your carbs, no carbs after 6pm, and the carbs you eat should be fiborous ones... such as Yams (sweet potatoes) , oatmeal , and such.. that way you don't knock you body out of balance.. but you will loose wieght ...

Essentiall you should try to follow a body builders philospohy, high on protein , low on carbs.. eat 5-6 times a day, smaller meals, and no late night eating....

If you need a boast, take Hydroxycuts, or Xenadrine....


AIM: blondymu

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dude my boss was on CNN for that, he lost like 50 lbs from it... he is Atkin's number one sucker... dont try it, its gonna screw up your liver and mess your cholestrol levels soooo bad... plus you have to be on some hard core vitamins to supplement the shit u cant eat, at least thats what my boss says... personally, he still looks fat lol...




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Blondymu..I agree completely..

Better than cutting out carbs...just reduce them...

I use to live on bread...but now I eat more fruits and vegetables...yogurt, chicken/turkey/fish and along with working out has done me very well..

hardest thing..trying to find lowcarb snacks...you can't exactly walk around with chicked breasts in your pocket..I eat protein bars as snacks..and the trick is..if you freeze them..they taste great!


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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This is what I do - If I eat carbs, I try to eat them earlier in the day and make sure you eat whole grains, etc. None of that processed junk. I tend to eat more protein and stay away from high-fat foods. Make sure you eat some protein right after you work out too, your body needs it to repair itself.

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carbohydrates are critical for the production and release of serotonin

that's why when you're taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) and increase your receptors' exposure to serotonin and other related neurotransmitters, you have less desire to consume carbs



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omg..it really tastes just like a candy bar when you freeze them...no gritty taste..

I get these chocolate chip cookie dough ones..by nature's best...and I swear..I have converted everyone in my office..


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Originally posted by deanna11:

carbohydrates are critical for the production and release of serotonin

that's why when you're taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) and increase your receptors' exposure to serotonin and other related neurotransmitters, you have less desire to consume carbs

talk about taking the air out of a topic. cwm25.gif




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