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Twilo will get shut down

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Read the other post first about the article in the Daily News. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/21/nyregion/21CLUB.html?searchpv=site01 There is also an article in the New York Times: http://www.nydailynews.com/today/News_and_Views/City_Beat/a-108265.asp

Personally I dont believe Twilo can fight this one. All good night clubs get shut down eventually because of similar events. In this case they will get canned by the city due to several poor decisions by the management relating to the treatment of their irresponsible guests. But in the long run the fools who made the poor decision to mess with the wrong substances should take the blame.

IF Twilo does get shut down I hope they will re-open down the road in a much larger venue and attempt to get a similar lineup. Hope for the best.


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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Originally posted by teklord310:

Read the other post first about the article in the Daily News. <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/21/nyregion/21CLUB.html?searchpv=site01" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/21/nyregion/21CLUB.html?searchpv=site01</A> There is also an article in the New York Times: <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.nydailynews.com/today/News_and_Views/City_Beat/a-108265.asp" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.nydailynews.com/today/News_and_Views/City_Beat/a-108265.asp</A>

Personally I dont believe Twilo can fight this one. All good night clubs get shut down eventually because of similar events. In this case they will get canned by the city due to several poor decisions by the management relating to the treatment of their irresponsible guests. But in the long run the fools who made the poor decision to mess with the wrong substances should take the blame.

IF Twilo does get shut down I hope they will re-open down the road in a much larger venue and attempt to get a similar lineup. Hope for the best.

No wonder all the gay crowd were at Sf last night!



aol IM- djfabioc

EXIT -G U E S T L I S T guestlis@optonline.net

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When fellow clubbers hear rumors about a club being shut down or bought out they could usually be put aside and end up being false. But when the entire city knows about this, its serious. Over the past year my grandmother has heard news of the drug problems at Twilo. Sometimes she even tells me things before I hear about them. This story is all over the news on TV and all over the papers. Hopefully they will not get shut down, but who knows. The city has been after them for a long long time.

BTW - feel free to criticize opinions.... after all this is a message forum.


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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Originally posted by sosultan:

all this needless technicality....


how is it "needless"?

i hate it when people don't address the comment on hand and makes some profound(yawn) comment that is totally irrelevant

i guess you advocate hypocracy more though..


my stand on the sig controversy:


[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 04-22-2001).]

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we've all heard this since the beginning of time. but think about, twilo has already had a number of drug related deaths, have hidden people in their closet, and has been known to the city and its people as a crackden. but isn't it strange that it has managed to stay open despite all the previous drama that surrounds the club?

don't you think there are reasons why it stays open despite all the negative light that twilo has been in? an average clubber like you and i may not know, but i could speculate that it all has to do with 2 things:

1) who you know

2) money

end of story. i mean, if any club was going to close down, wouldn't the club down the street from twilo be first (tunnel for those that don't know). and that place is still open, isn't it?

so let's save the drama and just sit back and see.

pfloyd, you gonna be at s&d this weekend? if so, see you there! wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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It might

or it might not..

But I'll keep dancing there till they start to move that Damn orgasmic Phazon soundsystem out..

I for one plan to go down with the ship..

There has never been a club in NYC with that kinda DJ line up ever..

Maybe people will apriciate what they had when it's gone and stop all the bitching..

But I'm sure some fuck ups will invade the next best place and continue to OD there so that the paranoia level in THAT club reaches top noch and the Mayor starts sniffing around there as well!

What can you do...?

Some people will always fuck it up when there's a little piece of Utopia any where!



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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

how is it "needless"?

i hate it when people don't address the comment on hand and makes some profound(yawn) comment that is totally irrelevant

i guess you advocate hypocracy more though..

since you hate it this much i'll go an extra step and respond to your wise ass response. If you think my previous choice not to get into this (in my mind insignificant) argument with you was a call for hypocrasy, open your eyes and think again.

The guy who put up this post seems to be merely anlyzing the situation by referring to the news and to other big clubs that faced similar issues. It appears that he views the possibility of closing down of twilo with regret. Some other dude, comes out and says "thanks for being soo positive".

What kind of a response is that to someone who "hopes for best" and merely restates what he read in news and what he knows from previous experiences with clubs?

That's why i questioned him regarding his criticism of the guy's opinion.

Next thing you know, mr. anal (in case u don't get it i'm referring to u) comes out and puts up your "i'm-smarter-than-you" response. I didn't want to start up any arguments regarding this, which is why i replied by stating that your technicality was unnesesary. Then you come back at me with more bs including calling me a hypocrate.

bottom line, i wasted 10 minutes of my time on you, and for what? just to have you come back at me with more wise-ass comments?

fuck off

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Originally posted by mugwump:

But I'm sure some fuck ups will invade the next best place and continue to OD there so that the paranoia level in THAT club reaches top noch and the Mayor starts sniffing around there as well!

i don't understand this type of attitude. out of curiosity, are the people that say these things completely free of drug use? if so, then i could understand why one would think this way.

however, if people are drug users, how can you blame people for ODing? drugs is drugs. you never know what is being put in that pill, jar, line, joint, L, whatever. an OD doesn't necessarily mean that the person was partying ridiculously. it could have been a bad pill. it could have been someone that always takes many pills and various combos each weekend, but one fateful mix up did them in. it could have been anything.

the next person could be you, or someone you care about. there is no need to blame these unfortunate people that ODed.

however, i did want to add one thing-- people should take responsibility for their actions and their drug use. if someone does OD, you don't go and blame your dealer, a club (Twilo), or your friend.



*turn it around baby*

[This message has been edited by kitty19 (edited 04-22-2001).]

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however, if people are drug users, how can you blame people for ODing? drugs is drugs. you never know what is being put in that pill, jar, line, joint, L, whatever. an OD doesn't necessarily mean that the person was partying ridiculously. it could have been a bad pill. it could have been someone that always takes many pills and various combos each weekend, but one fateful mix up did them in. it could have been anything.

the next person could be you, or someone you care about. there is no need to blame these unfortunate people that ODed.

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Originally posted by sosultan:

since you hate it this much i'll go an extra step and respond to your wise ass response. If you think my previous choice not to get into this (in my mind insignificant) argument with you was a call for hypocrasy, open your eyes and think again.

The guy who put up this post seems to be merely anlyzing the situation by referring to the news and to other big clubs that faced similar issues. It appears that he views the possibility of closing down of twilo with regret. Some other dude, comes out and says "thanks for being soo positive".

What kind of a response is that to someone who "hopes for best" and merely restates what he read in news and what he knows from previous experiences with clubs?

That's why i questioned him regarding his criticism of the guy's opinion.

Next thing you know, mr. anal (in case u don't get it i'm referring to u) comes out and puts up your "i'm-smarter-than-you" response. I didn't want to start up any arguments regarding this, which is why i replied by stating that your technicality was unnesesary. Then you come back at me with more bs including calling me a hypocrate.

bottom line, i wasted 10 minutes of my time on you, and for what? just to have you come back at me with more wise-ass comments?

fuck off

go back and follow through the chain of events and you'll see you initated the entire, as you put it, "i'm smarter than you" bullshit

i made a simple comment regarding your attack of someone, as you saw it, attacking the orinator of the post for his opinion...

i simply stated that i did not in fact see it that way and you, rather then defend your position, made a totally irrelevant comment that was indeed the first "wise ass comment"

they hypocracy lies in the fact that you attacked my opinion on the subject after you attacked someone else for his opinion, which you wrongly inferred about in the first place

oh, and theres no need to cry about it.. dont' wanna waste anymore of your time, dont' respond


my stand on the sig controversy:


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Originally posted by djfabioc:

Originally posted by teklord310:

Read the other post first about the article in the Daily News. <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/21/nyregion/21CLUB.html?searchpv=site01" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/21/nyregion/21CLUB.html?searchpv=site01</A> There is also an article in the New York Times: <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.nydailynews.com/today/News_and_Views/City_Beat/a-108265.asp" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.nydailynews.com/today/News_and_Views/City_Beat/a-108265.asp</A>

Personally I dont believe Twilo can fight this one. All good night clubs get shut down eventually because of similar events. In this case they will get canned by the city due to several poor decisions by the management relating to the treatment of their irresponsible guests. But in the long run the fools who made the poor decision to mess with the wrong substances should take the blame.

IF Twilo does get shut down I hope they will re-open down the road in a much larger venue and attempt to get a similar lineup. Hope for the best.

No wonder all the gay crowd were at Sf last night!

Actually it was because of the private party in the 4th floor, primarily gay crowd, mixed well though, David Morales was spinning...and that party was off da hook!!!

- Pete





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Tragically Hip @ Twirl, Friday May 4th with Russ Reign

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Kush Kush Kush Kush

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Perhaps I should have posted a topic with another subject, maybe "Twilo MAY get shut down." I just wasnt in the mood after reading those damn articles. I guess you guys are right. There will be another Twilo some day with a similar lineup of the best DJs around, and there will always be retards to mess up and get them shut down.

For some reason I believe that when Tunnel closed down last year a lot of those people started coming to Twilo. But after it reopened they decided to stick to Twilo instead of going back. Does anyone agree to that?

Since I started this post, I just wanted to make it clear that I have voiced my opinion and didnt expect this kind of chaos from such a simple post. Take it easy guys.


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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big deal, twilo shuts down, another takes it's place.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

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Who knows? But I disagreee with comparing Twilo's current situation with other clubs in the past........differents clubs, different circumstances, different allegations, different people making those allegations, different management, etc........

besides, the half-asses articles from the media are not even close to anything substantial to close a club like Twilo down.......it's just a good story to slant and maybe some kickback from our corrupt political world.......



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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Originally posted by mugwump:

It might

or it might not..

But I'll keep dancing there till they start to move that Damn orgasmic Phazon soundsystem out..

I for one plan to go down with the ship..

and i'll be right there with you, kid.....

should it happen tho..which its not...the whole thing is going to blow over like it did last yr....

TWILO IS HERE TO STAY (or hope it'll give birth to a close enough replica of the original)

tell you one thing tho, they need to get some fans pumpin in that peice pretty damn soon- or i'll be the one headed out in a body bag.....

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