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the owner and the employees of surfclub are really ugly and goofy

Guest surfsucks

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Guest surfsucks

I was just wondering do these people think that they are cool. All the owner does is sweat about tempts and how it is so much better then the surfclub. Oh yeah and the bartenders really need to get made over. Most of them are old and tired looking. Why? If it was not for the music that place would be the pits. Finally have any of of u people ever seen the owners of that place can you all say nerdssssssssssss>

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Originally posted by crave2rave:

hahahah!!! never seen it, but your discription was pretty funny...

how old are the bar tenders??? Old like in thier 40's or old like in thier 60's?

actually there are a few cute bartenders there ...and they're in their 20's



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 07-07-2000).]

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Guest surfsucks

I mean like the bartenders look fortyish going on sixtyish from all the hairspray they have sprayed on themselves. Not all of the bartenders are like this but come on it is a club not a bingo parlor!!!!!oh yeah and the owners are still nerdsssssssss

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Guest surfsucks

Listen i did not say the people that go to that place. I mean the people or should i say the oldies that work their. Oh yeah by the way i do not pay to get in.

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  • 3 years later...
Listen i did not say the people that go to that place. I mean the people or should i say the oldies that work their. Oh yeah by the way i do not pay to get in.

Your a fucking LOSER, who cares who works there. Is that why you go out?

Get a fuckin life, with your fake ass screen name :gang:

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I was just wondering do these people think that they are cool. All the owner does is sweat about tempts and how it is so much better then the surfclub. Oh yeah and the bartenders really need to get made over. Most of them are old and tired looking. Why? If it was not for the music that place would be the pits. Finally have any of of u people ever seen the owners of that place can you all say nerdssssssssssss>

Nice name, "surfsucks". Your a bonehead, why bother signing up if you're just gonna post a crappy message like this? Surf is a cool place, no it may not be the top club in NJ, but at least we have it as an option for Sundays when we feel like having a drink on the beach.

:gang: ->surfsucks

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I was just wondering do these people think that they are cool. All the owner does is sweat about tempts and how it is so much better then the surfclub. Oh yeah and the bartenders really need to get made over. Most of them are old and tired looking. Why? If it was not for the music that place would be the pits. Finally have any of of u people ever seen the owners of that place can you all say nerdssssssssssss>

you're an idiot

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I think if you are going to go out to a club and critic the workers and the owners you are going out for all of the wrong reasons... Granted the bartenders, if they are hot, add to the vibe...BUT, the vibe is normally created by the people who go... AND, Surf Club has been an successful establishment for over 20 years...

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Why are you judging a club by the looks of the owners and bartenders? I am sure you must have had a conflict with someone at Surf Club or are a jealous Ex-Employee...Who would waste their time posting something like this...???

Surf Club is my favorite place to be on a Sunday...there is nothing else really like it...

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Why are you judging a club by the looks of the owners and bartenders? I am sure you must have had a conflict with someone at Surf Club or are a jealous Ex-Employee...Who would waste their time posting something like this...???

Surf Club is my favorite place to be on a Sunday...there is nothing else really like it...


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I was just wondering do these people think that they are cool. All the owner does is sweat about tempts and how it is so much better then the surfclub. Oh yeah and the bartenders really need to get made over. Most of them are old and tired looking. Why? If it was not for the music that place would be the pits. Finally have any of of u people ever seen the owners of that place can you all say nerdssssssssssss>

you are an ass hole Dude

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