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Headliners last Saturday

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Being a native valid 23 y.o. NYer, I was a little peeved at the bouncers @ Headliners.

I went on line and presented my authentic (real) NY license and the bouncer had the nerve to say, "You have a backup ID? This is too close...You are '77, but '75 or better is understandable"

I could not beleive that. I came all the way down to the Jersey Shore - which is in West you know what, showed a valid ID to a bouncer at a club that is not all of that to be that selective. I mean it was a little flattering for him to think I was younger than 21 but come on...Is it THAT easy to make a fake NY license? I mean I am 23...How can that be "too close". That 2 f*ing years off my life that he is trying to deny of me. And BTW the guys I were with were 24..So lets do the math...If he is looking for b-day's of '75 or better, wouldn't my friends (mostly born in '76) have problems too? At first I thought he was racist but then I came to the conclusion that he must have had something stuck up his you know where the sun don't shine.

So to rectify this situation...I calmed down, went to another line and went right in w/o any problems and had a good time. Has anyone else experienced this type of tragedy @ clubs?


Sorridete!!! smile.gif


Tutto e possibile!

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Guest ally

Headliner's is the WORST when it comes to IDs. I have a "dup" from Jersey (it's real, I'm 24). I brought 6 forms of backup with me, including my original birth certificate, social security card, 2 picture school id's, mac card and credit card. That wasn't enough. They made me go back to the car and bring in my whole wallet. He passed it around to every bouncer that was at the door. Finally, the cop let me in. Unreal. So, if you're wondering, it's not just you. Only other place that's that bad down the shore is Tradewinds (which you wouldn't wanna go to anyway). So annoying!

smile.gif Ally

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They're ridiculous at the shore with the ID situation, you gotta remember that most of these bouncers are inbred hicks for who letting/not letting someone into a club is the closest they'll come in their pathetic lives to having some sense of importance.


In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing.

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Anywhere in Belmar is ridiculous. When I went to Headliners (the one and only time)they grilled me about my liscense - I was born in '76 and they asked me every question from "how old were you when you graduated High School" to "do you wear contact lenses" They even asked my boyfriend what my name was to assure that it matched up to my ID.

Get a life!

Like that place is worth the aggravation.

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They did the similar crap last weekend too at Club XS, they asked my friend which DMV he went to to get his license.


In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing.

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The bouncers at Headliners are infamous for being assholes.

Everytime my crew & I hit that place (which is like every other Sat.) someone in our group has a hard time getting in.

The last time, a girl had the same problem getting in because of her license. She's 25.

And get this. This is really f*cked up. If the bouncers don't like what u'r wearing, they make u buy a "Headliners" t-shirt to put on just to get in. Ridiculous.

Th bouncers there are just plain dicks.


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