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metro lounge was off the hook last night...had a great time...saw the performance which was cool...but did anyone noticed that she was a little on the hefty side cwm4.gif

anyways too bad i didn't get to see any of ya' all there...i got there a little bit after 1 am...i guess i missed the meet up...or did u guys meet up at all?

where were u guys hanging out? and what were ya' all wearing cause i might have bumped into one of u guys...then again ur bound to bump into someone in there just standing around cwm11.gif

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I AGREE!!!!! Metro was soooooo awsome last night. Honestly, i know i pump metro up a lot, but i really do not think there is a better place to go.....not even in the city. People were going crazy last night. It felt like TEMPTS in the summer, but with great music.When the light came on the place was still jammed!!!! no one wanted to go home (i know i didn't) Just imagine what new years eve is gonna be like........11AM BABY!!!!! Cant wait!!!! see ya. P.S...... the opera song was great, i have never heard a voice like that live.Great night.

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well i dunno about comparing metro to a city club...i would say it's up to par...but i agree with u that metro lounge crowd, music, peeps, and vibe is off-da-hook probably one of the best clubs in jersey...although i was at tempts too this summer and that place was bumpin' can't wait for the summer cwm11.gif

oh by the way another best part about metro were those fog machine...it's awesome especially if your rollin' cwm32.gifcwm12.gif

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It was packed last night!! I was by the table at 12 and again at 1. I met up with Jav and Emmitt. Their cool as hell... I knew so many people there last night, great vibe, the women looked unbelievable, and as for the "Liquid Blast", you probably watched me appear out of no where as the smoke cleared! Awesome night! Rydell spinned some hot shit. Hopefully we can all meet up next time!



AOL: Italiamale1977

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NO DOUBT!!!!!!METRO WAS HOOK THE HOOK.....BIG SHOUTS TO ITALIAMALE...KILL..KILL KILL.. 2 nd time there i loved it..Everybody and there mother is good looking there..if i was dancing. i was having a good time ..i will definitly go back...great night....and again BEAUTIFUL....PEOPLE...

cwm23.gif KILL KILL KILL

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It was a great time. Packed as always and the music was sick. Emma's voice was so powerfull, I was shocked. I dont think you can really compair the city to NJ. But Metro is definitly a hard core city vibe and the girls there are HOT as hell. cwm35.gif

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Last night at metro was one of the best nights i have ever been there.The music was intense and hard.I felt like i was at factory. And that ice fog machine is theeeeeeee coolest thing i have ever seen(yes i was rollin and it felt great!) And i have to say the crowd was so good looking. Everyone dressed good and very good looking people. The vibe also reminded me of down the shore in the summer at tempts.

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YO the girls there last night were all off the hook...everywhere u look u see a hot chick...evil ur right u needed a damn neckbrace after turning my head a little too much...and they were all cool to talk too...the vibe was awesome cwm11.gif

by the way i don't think anything can compare to sound factory...the only thing similar to it were the beautiful people and the vibe...factory is still the mother of all clubs cwm4.gifcwm32.gif

keep rollin' rollin' rollin'....bump cwm32.gif

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No doubt factory is the bomb in NYC. Check it out, I think this should be a mandatory clubbers rule for Friday.... Everyone should go to Metro then Factory at 4am. Thats a fucking hardcore night right there. Then the ladies can come to my house for some PANCAKES in the morning hours!

Heres for all you playa ladies on E... When your watching me!


"As I look into your eyes, theres a flame that I despise, and when you catch to realize that your living all alone.... Its the truth you need to show, hiding deep within your soul, and you have to be willing to let go, and give yourself to me."



AOL: Italiamale1977

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Fridays' at metro are great but I don't know about saturdays at 4am at factory. I know 4am sunday mornings, the best place to be is factory. But still the king of clubs for vibe,best crowd,great looking people,music,and closest thing to a real family is Tempts without a mother fucking dout. Only place I ever walk into and everybody from start to finish is kicking ass. I only missed 3 weekends last summer and I was in withdraw those weekends, almost got into my car like 12am on a saturday night to drive two hours to Tempts knowing I would get still two great hours in. Labor day weekend sunday night was a good way to finish. The countdown is on only 140 days to the regrand opening of the best party.

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Originally posted by A to Z:

>Metro was dope friday night. I had a good time. Rydel was sweet and John Traina's "Little Drummer Boy" show was kool as hell!!!


Andrew smile.gif

Andrew where ya been? Are you at Factory Fridays now?? Hows the crowd? How is the afterhours?? 4am-on...




AOL: Italiamale1977

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