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Need advice about a girl????


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I need some advice about a girl here. I was with someone for about 5 years and I broke up with her 2 months ago basically because I thought I needed to step out of the relationship for a while because we were taking each other for granted and fighting lot. The feelings were, and still are there but I was starting to treat her worse and worse(she didn't deserve it either) because I found myself always wanting to go out with my friends instead of hanging with her. Now I want to start building up a relationship with her slowly as the feelings are still stong but I want to assure that we don't end up back in the same situation....Anyways, my question is, how do I do this without looking like I made a bad decision and now want to crawl back to her(because that is not how it is). I know I made the right decision in doing what I did because I learned a lot in just the last 2 months about myself and about our relationship. We email each other a bit but don't talk much at all. I know she still has feelings for me but I know she is scared of me hurting her again. Should I just come out and tell her or just keep it how it is now and let nature take it's course? I don't want to just jump at her with this because then she will know she has the upper hand and that will allow her to manipulate what happens...I feel like by not telling her this makes her still want to be with me even more but if I do she might know she has me and just fuck with me for spite....It's kinda like that saying about wanting something when you can't have it and then when you get it you don't want it anymore....On the other hand, I don't want to sit around not letting her know this and risk her finding another man.....If anyone understands my situation, hook me up here....Thanks...Peace...



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Mikey I guess your just going to have to bite the bullet.Try and reestablish the relationship and hang a little less with your friends. Also try taking her some flower or something be a little extra nice and if in the end she just fuck with your head then that the price you gotta pay Good Luck. cwm30.gif


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Tell her what you just told us! Be honest she will respect you more for your honesty than anything else.......Good Luck


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long. Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

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