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Why are girls so fucking stupid????


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Although the topic is over and done with--- I just need to say to Myst--You have to look out for yourself, obviously more so if you are a FEMALE! This is the thing-if someone (for example, a boyfriend) treats you great and everything is good then, there is no reason to cheat. I guess that would explain why they are my EX boyfriends cwm17.gif

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I know so many girls who do the same shit... there always seems to be that ONE guy that makes us turn stupid - but for real, that guy's a creep and she needs to get rid of him. She should eventually realize this on her own!! Just be supportive and a shoulder to cry on... the best relationships start off as friendships.

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steph, I'm not judging you.. it's your life.. it's just that in my personal opinion, it's as disrespectful to yourself as it is to your bf to cheat. i cheated on a bf too. 3 years ago. more than that actually. i never felt WORSE in my life. i never felt lower or dirtier either. i promised myself that i will never do that again. and haven't done it since. never will either. but it's only me.

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Myst--I can (surprisingly) relate to what you said--the first time I did, I felt like shit also--but you know what, everything happens for a reason. I ended up telling him (by the way the only thing I did was kiss but whatever) and we actually worked things out for a while. But because he was a fucked up dick we broke up. And since I knew then that things could be better, I am not the one that is still sitting here (3yrs later----I swear that is a coincidence, I am not trying to be funny----thinking I made an awful mistake cwm30.gifcwm30.gif

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Once a CHEAT . . . Always a CHEAT.

I was that same girl 4 years ago, and all I have to tell you is, when she is ready, she will give him the boot. No matter what friends say or do, she has to make the ultimate decision for herself. I am almost sure she has NO idea that you have an interest in her (unless of course you have told her) mainly because she is too preoccupied with what her BF is doing.

In the meantime, girls in these relationships, for some reason feel they need to make excuses for their man's actions. Girls, we LOVE Drama @ one point in our lives.

But then. . . .

BOOM - it strikes. . . It's called self-confidence & maturity!

We begin to realize all of the other great opportunities wasted on a cheating jerk who will one day be played the same way they play the girls who tried to make that relationship work. As they say: "What goes around COMES around!"

Keep the faith babe! She may just come around & see who's better 4 her!

PeAcE & LoVe cwm38.gifcwm38.gifcwm38.gif


CoSmic Karma Productions



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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

I'm going through something similar right now and I know exactly how you feel but there's nothing you can do about it. If you get involved, soon you'll become the bad guy. The only thing you can do is wait and see what happens and be there for your friend. She'll eventually realize that she's missing out on life because of this guy and hopefully will have enough strength to leave him.

true true. been in this boat before, its your decision if u want to be a shoulder to cry on...if u choose it then you'll make yourself miserable on a daily basis. sucks big time if u ask me. my solution, if she dates a loser, then drop her and get on with your life, she'll learn her lesson eventually, but in the meantime dont let her bring u down with it.

question...do u really want to go out with someone who is so NOT put together?!?!? my answer, i dont tolerate stupidity like that.


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Originally posted by petp:

true true. been in this boat before, its your decision if u want to be a shoulder to cry on...if u choose it then you'll make yourself miserable on a daily basis. sucks big time if u ask me. my solution, if she dates a loser, then drop her and get on with your life, she'll learn her lesson eventually, but in the meantime dont let her bring u down with it.

question...do u really want to go out with someone who is so NOT put together?!?!? my answer, i dont tolerate stupidity like that.


you actually gotta very good point here ...that's why I decided to walk away from the situation and let her figure things out for herself ...I know she'll be back when she eventually does.



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  • 3 years later...

love is a powerful thing! and the things I'm sure he's said to her really make her want to stay. I know how that goes. Me and my bf have almost broken up several times, but its amazing how a few sincere words from him can change your mind!!!

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Originally posted by xxxxdrewxxxx

No offense ladies, but seriously, I really don't understand how a girls brain works. There's this girl that I'm friends with, and I have serious feelings for, that just found out a few weeks ago that her boyfriend cheated on her. They have been going out for a year and a half. When she confronted him, he lied to her face about it, and kept denying it. When she told me the details and told me what he said, I pretty much said she was being stupid for believing him. Well, it turns out I was right. He did fully cheat on her and finally admitted it. Now here she is seriously thinking about giving this kid another chance after all of this nonsense. I mean I understand love and second chances are needed in a relationship, but come on. Not only cheated on her, but in the same bed that she sleeps in when she goes to his house, but then LIED about it to her face, and acted like what was the big deal? Why would any girl want to take someone back that did that to them? Especially now because it's like telling him it's ok, and giving him an invitation to do it again somewhere down the line. I don't know. Sorry, just had to vent a little...


You know everything will flow...

we like the bad boys

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Sadly enough, this is how it usually works:

A woman handle her man cheating on her physically as long as he doesn't develop an emotional relationship with another girl.

And men can accept a woman cheating on him as long as she doesn't do anything physical with them.

It's crazy how BOTH sexes work but it's pretty much true most of the time......

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